by Mari Takenouchi, a Japanese anti-nuclear & anti-war citizen journalist covered by Reporters without Borders in 2014, Twitter: @mariscontact, E-mail: (My English/Chinese/Japanese book can be ordered by mail)
コロナとワクチン報道も怪しい!原発・被ばく大嘘のマスコミ信用ならず!X) マスコミの大罪:NHKと読売新聞 Sins of Japanese Media
In June 2013, Mr. Hideyuki Ban, the co-director of Citizens Nuclear Information Center said, "if there is residents' consent, I think restart of nuclear power plant should be accepted." Mr. Hayashi interviewed Mr. Ban on another occasion on his video interview.
the world war II, Japanese imperial headquarter released false news stating
that Japanese Army was winning the war until immediately before the war. This
falsified news was released by NHK radio, the sole state-owned media in those
days. Now in Japan, NHK public TV station is the main source of domestic news. Particularly
this is the case in Fukushima where the internet-use population is quite
a lot of citizens in Japan are saying that NHK is repeating the Imperial Army’s falsified announcement
after Fukushima nuclear accident. For example, NHK is keeping the all-out
silence on emerging health abnormality, including Fukushima children’s 42 % thyroid abnormality rate (more than 50% for elementary and
junior high school girls) and the first thyroid cancer incident, either. This
is extraordinary.
そして2013年2月13日、福島県は三人の甲状腺がんの発生を報じましたが、これもNHKは一切無視しています。信じられない現象です。3万8千人調査した18歳以下の人口のうちの3人であり、事故前に国立がんセンターによれば18歳以下では18万人に1人の割合であった事を考えれえば、約10倍の発生率となっているのにもかかわらずです!しかもあと7人、がんの疑いがあると言います。 On February 13, 2013, Fukushima prefecture announced that total of three children under 18 developed thyroid cancer and went through operation. However, NHK is totally ignoring this most important news. According to National Cancer Institute, thyroid cancer under 18 was one out of 180000. The rate is already 10 times high! Moreover, 7 more children are strongly suspected to have thyroid cancer! この悲しいニュースの2日後の2月15日、視聴者の一人がNHKに電話050-3786-5000 をかけ、「なぜこの重大ニュースがTVで流れないのですか?」とたずねました。するとNHKコールセンターの人は、「そのニュースは確かに放送されました。ただどの時間に度の番組かというのは、記録を全て見ないとわかりません。」と答えたと言います。 On February 15, 2 days after this sad news, one of the viewers called NHK to ask why this important news has never been shown on TV. Then, the NHK call center 050-3786-5000 person answered, "IT WAS ACTUALLY AIRED. BUT WE DON'T KNOW WHAT TIME AND WHICH PROGRAM UNLESS WE GO BACK TO OUR ENTIRE RECORDS OF OUR PROGRAM." 実際は、甲状腺がんのニュースは、全国放送ではなく、NHK福島でのみ、放送されました。明らかにトップニュースであるにもかかわらず、ローカルニュースでしかやらないとはどういうことでしょうか!?(これは日本のすべての大新聞についても言えます。まったくトップニュースになっていません!)また、多くの視聴者がこの件についてNHKに電話をかけていますが、このコールセンターの人は、全国ニュースで流れていないという事実を言わずに、どこかで放送されましたよと誤魔化しているのです!何と言う姑息なやり方でしょうか! As a matter of fact, this thyroid cancer news was shown only in NHK Fukushima, not in the nationwide network. Why is this obvious top news cannot be aired nationwide and was aired only in fukushima!? (The same can be said to the major Japanese newspaper, which have never reported this news on their front page!) Lots of viewers have called NHK on this issue, but the NHK call center person deluded the viewer by saying that the news was shown somewhere without saying that it has never been reported nationwide! This is such an escapist attitude!
On the
contrary, NHK has been broadcasting programs in which residents in Fukushima
are encouraged to stay living or returees to Fukushima are promoted. Moreover,
mushroom dishes, which are said to be highly cesium concentrated foods, are
often promoted using famous chefs, and fish dishes, of which strontium 90 has
never been measured, are often broadcasted. The other day, there was a cooking
special program titled, “How to make kids like to eat mushrooms.” I
am not exassuring when I say NHK is committing a deadly sin.
In the autumn of 2011, I myself
was telephone-interviewed by a NHK director who was going to make a program
focusing on mothers tackling with radiation contaminated food issues. That
female director knew that Japanese food standard of 500Bq/kg (100Bq since April
2012, but still too high.) at that time was way too high compared to that of
Germany with 8Bq/kg for adults and 4Bq/kg for children. I sent her materials on
risks of radiation including Bandazhevsky’s paper and compiled document on Sr 90. On the phone, she agreed
with what I was saying on the extraordinary loose Japanese food standard. She
was even asking me whether it would be OK to put my photo on TV.
viewer’s fee is more
than 24000 yen for a household per year, but it does not function at all to
protect lives of the people from radiation exposure. On the contrary, NHK
produces various programs to encourage Fukushima’s
industry and people’s continued efforts to keep living
there under the name of people’s bond (Kizuna).NHK
Fukushima bureau even broadcasted ETHOS program.
it showed a program to encourage evacuees to go back to their hometown, in
which a student going back to almost an empty classroom. In an extreme case, in
Minami-soma City, children’s marathon race was held on a road with as high as 0.6 micro SV/h
(this is equivalent to radiation controlled area, and the dose before the
accident was 0.038 in Fukushima) and most media companies were listed as
sponsors! It is a sad truth that media companies often appeals false safety in
Fukushima, making children exposed to dangerous level of radiation!
In an extreme case, there was a conscious
news fabrication by a local TV broadcast chief. In 2011, two high school
students from Fukushima Prefectural High School died. One died from long-time
illness and another died from a sudden death. There were a lots of rumors
regarding these young students death in relation with radiation. Then, Mr.
Omori, the news broadcast chief at TV You Fukushima (TUF:,
tweeted that one died from long time illness and the other one died from
traffic accident! I double checked this fact with the vice principal of this
high school and also with the TV station personnel in general affair’s division. He admitted Mr.
Omori’s false statement, but said there would be no
need to correct Mr. Omori’s statement since it was only
tweeted and not broadcasted in their TV program! It is simply extraordinary
that a TV journalist spread a false news on his tweet!
Looking back, my disilussion against media
especially on nuclear issue is long standing. I became anti-nuclear power when
I first heard about station black-out scenario by a US scientist. Since then
on, I became afraid of earthquake and nuclear issue and disseminated
information through telephone and FAX to major media companies, which had been
totally ignored.
In 2002, I finally received an offer from NHK
Nagoya branch director who said that he wanted to make a program on earthquake
and nuclear power plant issue based on the information I provided. I was very
pleased and kept sending him information. But one day, he suddenly visited my
house using a bullet train and apologized, saying, "I cannot make the
program any longer" without telling me why. My dissapointment was big
since I wanted to prevent a nuclear accident before a major earthquake hit.
In 2008, I was able to be able to plan one
TBS (Tokyo Broadcast Station) documentary program on Kashiwazaki nuclear power plant
and active faults with cooperation of Mr. Sunao Ogose, the sole Japanese
geologist who has been agaist the nuclear power since early 1970s. The program
was well made and Tokyo Electric gave us a phone call saying that there was not
a single scientific mistake.
In 2009, a NHK producer Mr. Katsuhiko Hayashi
saw my program and offered that he would like to make programs on nuclear
issues based on my program plan. I was overjoyed by his offer and came up with
several plans and submitted them to Mr. Hayashi. Then, he was earnestly
listening to each of my plan, but some weeks after, he bruntally told me that
he would not make any program after all in a frivolous manner. I realized that
he gave me such empty offer for obtaining information from me for some reason.
In particular, the last plan I gave to the
NHK producer, Mr. Hayashi is on a homicide strongly suspected incident of an
employee at Donen, with the involvement of the nuclear company, politicians,
and even police.
When I showed the Monju Nishimura Incident
plan, Mr. Hayashi, the NHK producer showed a tremendous interest in it, so I
brought transcript of the interview I had with Mrs. Nishimura when I had the
appointment with Mr. Hayashi next time.Mr. Hayashi seemed to have been very impressed by what I have shown
him.Then unbelievably, he came up the
following statement.
“Do you think I could ever make a program of an incident which could
shake the very foundation of this country?No way.”
I was speechless.This NHK journalist, admitting the high
probability of incident being homicide, clearly stated that he would never
report it because the incident is too scary for him owing to the deep
involvement of the Japanese government itself. There was a person who was
actually killed!And he admitted that
revealing this incident could collapse the very foundation of this country,
which he dared not to do it.
Let me introduce the summary of the
incident.In December of 1995, the fast
breeder reactor Monju had a sodium leak accident and the in-house investigation
team was set up. The investigation team leader Mr. Shigeo Nishimura was
reported to have committed a suicide by jumping off from the eighth floor of
the hotel.
However, his X-ray showed that he died not
because of jumping-off suicide but of battering, since there was no bone
fracture either on his skull or neck.Mrs. Nishimura who became a widow consulted three forensic doctors and
all of them told her that his body showed he did not committ such suicide.
It is
strongly suspected that this incident is involved with Japanese nuclear lobby,
Liberal Democratic Party (then and the current regime), police and media.
Though the medical record tells the high probability of homicide, the truth has
not been revealed even after 17 years, due to the cover-up of the government of
Japan and nuclear lobby. I hope the fact
finding mission to be carried out by any relevant international organization
and overseas media.
Monju FBR can produce weapon level pure
plutonium and Japanese pro nuclear weapon politicians are seeking for its
technology. Even after the Fukushima accident, Democratic Party of Japan and
the current regime, Liberal Democratic Party has been promoting the restart of
Monju, though this is the most dangerous type of nuclear power plant which is
susceptible to earthquakes and Shiraki fault is in vicinity.
Looking back, the major media’s control over nuclear
issue has been started since the onset of peaceful use of atom in Japan.When the Bikini Atoll H-bomb test victimized
Japanese fishermen, Mr. Yasuhiro Nakasone, who became a Prime Minister later
on, passed the nuclear budget at the Diet.Though anti-nuclear movement spread nationwide, the CIA adopted the
policy, “A poison neutralize another poison,” and in cooperation with, media giant Mr. Matsutaro Shoriki (the
former president of Yomiuri Shinbum and the founder of Nippon TV, also known as
CIA agent called Podam), strongly promoted nuclear energy.
Even today, Yomiuri Newspaper has never
apologized of its nuclear promotion policy and even after the Fukushima
accident, it has still been promoting nuclear energy.According to Yomiuri’s editorial dated on January 24,
2013, it concludes, “The
restart of nuclear power plant should be dependent on the government decision
and the proposal for the residents referendum on this issue is out of
question.Tokyo Electric
Kashiwazaki-Kariwa nuclear power plant should be restarted smoothly once the
safety is ensured.”
In 2007, Kashiwazaki-Kariwa nuclear power
plant was hit by M 6.8 earthquake directly below the premise and there have
been more than 3000 parts failures, releasing radioactive material of
900million Bq.Some seismologists predict
even M8 class quake would hit in this area in the future.
Japanese media has been controlled since the
introduction of nuclear energy and even after the accident, the situation has
been so.Unless this situation is
changed, there may be another catastrophic nuclear accident which might affect
the entire world.It is my strong hope
that the nuclear and Japanese media issue to be shared by conscious world citizens
and world media as early as possible.