
NY Symposium on FukushimaーNY国際会議出席ー海外の人は福島の子供たちの疎開をまだ訴えていません。日本人が動かねば!

Nobody called for the need on evacuation of Fukushima children at March 2013 NY Symposium hosted by Dr. Caldicott!  
  Two year after Fukushima accident on March 11&12 2013, I attended "The Medical and Ecological Consequences of the Fukushima Nuclear Accident" in NYC by Dr. Helen Caldicott Foundation.  You can see the archive videos for this in the following.  http://www.totalwebcasting.com/view/?id=hcf# If you click on the speaker's name, you can see that person's speech immediately on the video.  However, closing remark of Dr. Helen Caldicott was omitted for some unknown reason and here it is. http://vimeo.com/70450126  (I was a bit dissapointed that she did not mention about Fukushima children's thyroid abnormalities even though I sent her my document to her weeks prior to this symposium and she told me that she has read my letter, even citing the contaminated canned fish exporting story to developing country for school lunch...http://savekidsjapan.blogspot.jp/2013/01/open-letter-to-un-on-health-hazards.html)
  On Day 2, thanks to Ms. Kazko K, along with some others, I was able to talk about the health hazards that has already been emerged in Japan using lunch time of the symposium.  As for this session, as soon as I get the video and audio data, I will upload it on this page.


Mari Takenouchi speaking at NY Academy of Medicine on March 12
The speech script is in the latter half of this page.

福島事故2年目にあたる、3月11日、12日に、NYで開かれた、ヘレンカルディコット財団による、「福島原発事故の医学的生態学的影響」(The Medical and Ecological Consequences of the Fukushima Nuclear Accident)と題された国際会議に参加してきました。

動画のアーカイブはこちらです。1日目と2日目に分かれており、 ”Program”から各講演者の名前をクリックすると、その講演者の部分が出ます。
ただしなぜかこちらの動画記録からカルディコット博士の演説が抜けていましたので、こちらです。http://vimeo.com/70450126 (私はこのシンポジウムの数週間前に日本で起きている健康被害について国連宛てに書いた手紙を博士に送ってあり、博士も内容の一部を歯科医をしながら引用していた部分もあり、読んだとおっしゃっていたので、福島の子どもの甲状腺異常について博士が一言も言及されなかったことに、正直失望しました。。。)

I had been sending Japan's health hazards report after Fukushima accident to the United Nations and also almost all the speakers at the conference..  http://savekidsjapan.blogspot.jp/2013/01/open-letter-to-un-on-health-hazards.html
さて、実は私はSave Kids Japanにあります、特に健康被害に焦点をあてた国連への手紙をhttp://savekidsjapan.blogspot.jp/2013/01/open-letter-to-un-on-health-hazards.html、調べられる限りのシンポジウムの講演者および福島問題で活躍されている国際的な学者や活動家に、この国際会議の前に送付してありました。

Among these international speakers, there were some people who showed concerned toward me and my son's health conditions and sent me some kind letter.

It was a surprise for me that even those who have been active anti-nuke/anti-radiation exposure experts did not know the ongoing health hazards taking place in and around Fukushima.世界で反原発で活動されている著名な皆さんも、福島事故後にこのように健康被害が生じていること、そしてマスコミが猛烈に隠ぺいしていることを知りませんでした。

There were those who commended my report saying, "Your report is a totally new one of its kinds based on massive information including Japanese history and important people. Congratulations! "

(However, I did not write the report to the UN for being commended with Congratulations! for my self, but I wrote the report for saving children in Fukushima and wanted the information known to the world!  That was part of the reason I went all the way to the UN spending money for myself and my son as well!  
Congratulations! という言葉がこんなところで使われるとは知らなかった私。なんだかまったくおめでたくないのに。。。とにかく、自分が褒め言葉をいただくよりも何よりも、私は自分の情報だけは広まってほしい!この一点!)

BTW, not during the official session, but on the lunch break of Day 2, I had a chance talking about the health hazards in and around Fukushima.   On the Day 1 lunch break, there were some former navy soldiers who have got detrimental health hazards after Tomocachi Operation (The Navy Vessel Ronald Reagan went off the coast of Fukushima after the accident.  The military servicemen were not aware of the radiation risks while senior officers were taking iodine tablets.)
Day1のランチブレークで海軍の被曝者の記者会見(上記動画ではPress Conferenceを選択してください)があったことは素晴らしいことでした。残念なことに、元海軍兵士にもさまざまな低線量被曝と思われる症状が出ています。ぜひ、このことも皆さん、知っておいて、できたら拡散してください。以下私のツイッター@mariscontactより





I always feel that the movement against radiation hazards should be focusing on health hazards, which had never been discussed during the official hours of this conference.  As I had already sent my letter to the UN to Dr. Caldicott as well, I went to see her during a break time to plead on mentioning about health issue in Fukushima.  I confirmed that Dr. Caldicott read my letter and encouraged me to speak my question and comment during the session, but all the questions were predetermined by the organizer and I was never pointed out to talk in the session.





ところが、2日目、急きょ、「春をよぶフォーラム」という団体をしているKazkoさんという日本女性の方のおかげで、ランチブレークにReport from Japanというセッションで話をさせてもらうことになりました



It was good that I was able to talk during the lunch session.  When I started to talk, everybody became quiet and listened to me quite seriously.

Kazuko kindly mentioned to me, "Some of the audience told me that Mari's session was the best."  Some people also commented, "Your statement was remarkable."  I am not writing this for being boastful, by the way.

The most important thing should be the health hazard issue.  In Chernobyl, the most important issue on health has been ignored by authorities including the UN, which even worsened the situation with drastic increase of victims, which is about to be repeated in Fukushima!

I think more adults should speak up in order to protect children, babies and next generations!!!




















普通 529695
タケノウチ マリ


March 12, 2013 NY Academy of Medicine,

Lunch Time Session Speech made by Mari Takenouchi


Hello, everyone. Thank you for giving me this opportunity. I really appreciate this conference very much, and I’ve been learning a lot through excellent and esteemed speakers. But I felt one most important thing was missing. That is what is happening in Fukushima and East Japan. Actually, already there have been people who have been showing symptoms. In the last session, there was a professor who was talking about the immediate emergency of symptoms that has been happening in Fukushima.


We have heard a lot of stories of children who got nosebleeing, vomiting, diarrhea and rashes all over. It was so common and people started to talk about it right after the accident. But now people got used to it, and they don’t even talk about it. And as the previous doctor who made a speech has said, government sided doctors on the top of medical societies in Japan are trying to conceal these kinds of symptoms are happening apparently because of radiation effects.

And they are saying on top of these thingsonly about one or two months ago I made a phone call to the Society of Medicine in Japan and their answer was ‘We haven’t found any health hazards so far caused by radiation.’That’s their attitude. I think they are criminals, because I have seen a lot of people who have been complaining about nosebleeing, diarrhea, and vomiting and whatsoever, and on top of that, I myself have experienced such kind of …not exactly the same but, let me explain.
I was in Tokyo and not in Fukushima, more than 200 kilometers away from the nuclear power plant. Since I do translation as well, and I have translated three radiation-related books, and since I knew how dangerous it could be, I evacuated from Tokyo to Okinawa. And the timing of the evacuation was really bad for me because I evacuated in the afternoon of March 15th and maybe some of you might know that in the morning of March 15th, a very thick radioactive cloud was passing through Tokyo, and you would be surprised, per cubic meter more than 1000 becquerel of radiation cloud was passing, and the Tokyo Metropolitan Government was measuring that real time.
They were measuring the real time radiation particles from the 13th; and from the evening of the 14ththey were watching the figure going up, but they didn’t let the residents know about it all. And so was in Fukushima and people only in a very very small circles were to told to be evacuate or stay indoors, but this very thick radioactive plume was moving around, and even though some organization, that organization was the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Industry Bureau had this precise machine measuring the particles, they didn’t let the residents know.
And I didn’t know either, of course, and I was riding a bicycle with my one-year old boy, and there was no symptom on that day, and I didn’t know anything about it. But about one month later, my boy and I suddenly gothigh fever, and my fever was more than 103 degrees Fahrenheit, or in Celsius, more than 39 degrees, eight days continuously, never dropping.
And I went to the doctor, and I took a flu test. I didn’t have any flu. I had an X-ray – nothing; and after that I got this phlegm, very…yellowish and thick, phlegm, I am sorry you are eating (laughter from the audience), but anyway, it kept coming out, and even now I have this kind of stuck-phlegmfeeling, even now, even after two years. So I went to the nose-throat doctor quite recently and the doctor brought a tube into my nose. I am not allergic to anything but he found some inflammation between my nostrils and throat, and that was the reason for irritation.
And my boy, oh my boy was so healthy until that accident. He was one year and four months old, and he had never had any fever by catching cold, and since I am a translator, I sometime translate at home, and I took him to daycare where many children were playing around, and of course some children got colds, but my boy was fine, never a single cold until one year and four months old.
But at the same time, when I started to have high fever, he also had high fever, about 101 degrees Fahrenheit, more than 38 degrees, on and off, thirteen times in three months. I was so shocked you know, and nervous, and I immediately realized that oh, we were exposed. And I somehow checked the internet and found out that the Tokyo Metropolitan Government real time measurement figures, and I was like freaking-out, because more than 1000 Becquerel per cubic meter of air we have inhaled!
About some months later the Tokyo Metropolitan Government announced only on the internet that Tokyo metropolitan residents had inhaled 3600 Bq of particles, radioactive particles in March alone. So, even Tokyo people have been exposed to radiation, that’s for sure. Of course there is a big difference if you are outside or inside, and actually I have heard a lot of stories from mothers who got sick like me, and whose children got sick and they went to the doctors, and they checked the thyroid, and lots and lots of children and even mothers have cysts.
I myself got my thyroid tested. I have two small, small cysts in my thyroid, and my boy has countless very minute cysts all over. And actually this test was conducted by Dr. A, my dear friend doctor, and she is actually working in Osaka, the west side of Japan. She checked Osaka children, and almost no children there have minutesized thyroid cysts; but when she checked children from Tokyo, many children had them.

* 2014年3月、私と息子は甲状腺の専門医に診てもらったところ、息子の甲状腺は正常でした(なんと安堵したことか!)しかし私の甲状腺は2倍に腫れており、橋本病に罹っていることがわかりました。

*In March 2014, my son and I got rediagnosed and found out that my boy's thyroid was OK (what a relief!) but my thyroid was swallen double the normal size and I had Hashimoto's Disease.
So what does this mean? I think this is the most important thing. Even Tokyo kids are showing abnormality. Of course, Dr. A went to Fukushima as well, and just showed you how bad it is through pictures…Some of you must have missed it, so please ask her to show the pictures. Fukushima children are in danger really.
So what we have to do now is to find some way to evacuate these kids tosafe area; otherwise, I am sure that lots and lots of kids will be –from Chernobyl that we know that it’s not only cancer but all sorts of diseases …and I myself and very worried about lung cancer and since we have inhaled, so manynumber of people have inhaled even in Tokyo 3600 Bq, and I heard some stories about diabetes.
Diabetes is getting high even among children in Fukushima. What does that mean? And also, heart anomaly rate has been increased in Ibaragi Prefecture, just below Fukushima Prefecture, among children, junior high school kids. So it is already coming out
So I think this side of story is the most urgent subject.And unless we do something, we cannot save children’s lives. We don’t need a study. We just want a way to evacuate kids. Thank you very much.



Post Script:

After this presentation, I have been continuouly slandered by Ms. Yuri Hiranuma @YuriHiranuma who attended this conference.  I made this presentation on the request of Kazko and the health hazard issues are real in East Japan, which I believe is most important.  Ms. Hiranuma is well informed about radiation issue and even was an interpreter when Dr. Caldicott came to Japan.  I really do not understand why she slanders me for my making above presentation and I feel quite regretful.


しかし2013年8月、私の話を聞いていてくれた米国の学校関係者が下村文部科学大臣に公開書簡を送り、Japan Timesが掲載してくれました。驚いた事に、米国の学生で東北を訪れた人の中にさえ、嘔吐や鼻血などの症状が見られたので、留学プログラムを延期することにしたという内容です。http://koukaishitsumon.blogspot.jp/2013/10/did-you-read-letter-on-japan-times.html

Post Script 2

However, I got to know that my visiting to NY was at least meaningful for the following person.  A US school related worker who obviously heard my speech wrote an open letter to Mr. Hirofumi Shimomura, Minister of Education, regarding the symptoms such as vomitting and nosebleeding among the US students who visited Tohoku area of Japan.  The person recommended the postponing of the program to Japan, after realizing that the symptoms could be caused by radiation. http://koukaishitsumon.blogspot.jp/2013/10/did-you-read-letter-on-japan-times.html