Once I heard, "Asian people congratulated themselves clapping hands when they heard that A-bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki." I was deeply at a shock. However, I never felt anger at those Asian people. I was shocked at their tremendous grudge against Japan. 日本軍の中国の方々に対する大変な蛮行は、私はたまたま学生の時から三光作戦や731部隊の本を読んでいましたから、知っていました。ただこういった話は、学校でも決して習いませんでしたし、マスコミもあまり触れていません。 I happened to know barbarious acts by Japanese Army on Chinese people by reading books on the Sanguan Campaign (kill all, plunder all, burn all) and Unit 731 (human experiment using Chinese people including women and babies!). But these stories have seldom been learned at school or reported by media. 私は偶然、核問題と従軍慰安婦問題の通翻訳をやらせてもらう機会に恵まれ、今全世界に知ってほしいと思っていることがあります。
Later, I had the opportunity to help translating nuclear issues and comfort women issues. Now I really want the world to know about some important facts.
(By the way, I put the document of comfort women issue including evidence of Japanese Army's involvement on my blog here. http://takenouchimari.blogspot.jp/2013/05/indictment-against-japan-for-military.html)
それは、日本は原爆や核実験、そして今回の原発事故では大変な被害国ですが、同時にアジアの方々、沖縄の人々にとっては大変な加害国であり、そして加害者が戦時中から現在まで重なっているという事実です。 That is, Japan has been a tremendous victimized country in regard to nuclear issue, including the A-bomb attacks, nuclear testing and now Fukushima, but for Asian people and Okinawan people, Japan has been a tremendous perpetrator, and the actual perpetrating individuals have been from the same circle. すなわち、アジアに多大な迷惑をかけてきた日本の政治家のトップたち、そしてその親族にあたる現役の政治家たちが、相変わらずおかしな歴史観を持ち続けて迷惑をかけ続けるばかりか、地震国日本に原発を導入し、強固に推進し、そして事故が起き、福島や東日本の子供たちに健康被害が多数起きているのも無視し、汚染地帯に人々を戻し、今でも原発を推進し、世界への原発輸出を進めているという恐ろしい構造が今もあるのです。 (日本の子供たち、特に福島の子供たちを助けてください!彼らには罪はありません!権力者の子供たちは福島にいません!福島事故後の悲惨な現状は、このブログの1月の記録をご覧ください。)
What I mean exactly is, the top Japanese politicians who inflicted tremendous sufferings to people in Asia keep their unbelievably biased historical interpretation giving additional sufferings to their victims, and the very same people and their surrounding people (sometimes close kins) introduced nuclear power to our earthquake country and steadly promoted it. Now the Fukushima disaster took place and even though countless children in Fukushima and East Japan are suffering from some symptoms, the government totally ignore them and try to make residents to go back to their highly contaminated areas, while promoting nuclear domestically and at the same time, trying to export nuclear to other nations!
(Please help kids in Japan! Especially Fukushima kids! They are totally innocent. Chidren of Japanese people in power are not living in Fukushima. Please refer to January 2013 archives for the reality after Fukushima accident.)
例えば、中曽根康弘元首相だが、海軍主計だった中曽根康弘元内閣総理大臣による回想録が『終わりなき海軍』という本に掲載されています。http://amazon.co.jp/%E7%B5%82%E3%82 % 「3000人からの大部隊だ。やがて原住民の女を襲うものやバクチにふけるものも出てきた。そんな彼らのために、私は苦心して慰安所をつくってやったこともある」(『終わりなき海軍』1978年 98頁)
For example, a former Prime Minister Yasuhiro Nakasohe, who was then Japanese Navy Pay Officer wrote as follows in a Navy memoir book called, "Owarinaki Kaigun (Japanese Navy Forever)"http://amazon.co.jp/%E7%B5%82%E3%82 %
"Our troop had as many as 3000 soldiers. Some started to assault local women or indulge in gambles. For them, I built a comfort station with efforts." (page 98)
On this issue, Mr. Nakasone responded to foreign reporters at Foreign Correspondents' Club in Japan saying, "I built the comfort station for the purpose of recreation such as playing Japanese chess," denying that the station had so-called "comfort women."
ところが、2011年11月に大スクープが出ています。中曽根元首相「慰安所」設置に関与を、民間団体「平和資料館・草の家」が証拠公表 したのだ。」「主計長の取計で土人女を集め慰安所を開設氣持の緩和に非常に効果ありたり」(原文のママ)
However, in November 2011, a new evidence was provided from the NGO called Hose of Glass revealed the evidence of Mr. Nakasone's involvement in comfort women's station as follows; "Thanks to the effort of Pay Master (Yasuhiro Nakasone), local women were gathered for establishment of comfort station which was very effective for soldiers' stress release."(Original sentence was hand-written in this document.)http://www11.ocn.ne.jp/~jcpkochi/minpo/topic/2011/111106nakasone.html …
そして中曽根康弘氏が注目に値されるのが、彼こそが、日本に原子力予算を初めて通した国会議員であったことです。中曽根氏は、米軍の水爆実験で日本の漁師たちが被曝した次の日に、ウラン235にちなんだ、予算2億3千5百万円を国会に通しました。日本への原子力の導入は、右派の政治家と元読売新聞社主、日本テレビ創設者の正力松太郎氏(のちにCIAスパイであることが発覚。コードネームはPodam)によって導入されました。 (ちなみに正力松太郎氏は、1923年の関東大震災の時、警察官僚で、朝鮮人が毒を流しているというデマを流し、6000人にも及ぶ虐殺の原因を作りました。私はこの人の名前がいまだに日本の著名な野球の賞の名前にあることが不思議でなりません。。。) And what is prominent of Yasuhiro Nakasone was that he was the person who first introduced the nuclear budget to Japan! He introduced the nuclear budget of 235 (treading the figure of uranium 235) million yen on the day after the Bikini incident, where Japanese fishermen were exposed to radiation of H-bomb testing by the US military, took place. The introduction of nuclear power was carried out by the collusion of Japanese right-winged politicians and media people such as the then president of Yomiuri and Nihon TV, Mr. Shoriki Matsutaro (actually he was revealed as the CIA spy later, his code name was Podam) and the US. *Mr. Shoriki purposely spread a harmful rumor against Korean nationals right after the Great Kanto Earthquake in 1923, and as a result, 6000 Korean were killed. そして日本初の原発は、現総理大臣安倍晋三の祖父、岸信介首相の時に導入されました。この岸首相は、核兵器に関しても「自衛のためなら核武装できる」(1957年5月7日)、「防衛用小型核兵器は合憲」(59年3月12日)と語っています。 The first nuclear power plant was introduced to Japan during Prime Minister Nobusuke Kishi, the grandfather of the current PM Shinzo Abe. Mr. Kishi was also the promotor of nuclear weapons, stating "We can arm with nuclear weapons for self-defense." (May 7, 1957), "Small sized nuclear weapons for self-defense is constitutional."(March 12, 1959) 元首相の岸信介は戦時中商工大臣。Tim Weiner氏の『CIA秘録』によれば、世界の有力国で将来の指導者をCIAが最初に選んだ国は日本だったといいます。不思議なことに岸は開戦後の42年、東京の収容所にいた駐日大使グルーを釈放し一緒にゴルフしています。戦後は岸は、A級戦犯として3年間収監したが、東条などの刑執行の翌日に釈放され、CIAの援助で首相になったそうです。 The former PM Nobusuke Kishi was the Minister of Commerce and Industry. According to "Legacy of Ashes: The History of CIA" by Tim Weiner, the first developed country of which leader was chosen by CIA was Japan. Strangely, Mr. Kishi released US Ambassador to Japan Mr. Guru from Tokyo Detention House and played golf together in 1942, after the start of Japan-US War in 1941. After the War, Kishi was detained as Class A War Criminal for three years, but the day after the former Commander Tojo was executed, he was released and eventually became the Prime Minister with the assistance of CIA. そしてこの岸の孫の安倍晋三が現在の首相ですが、安倍氏も2002年に祖父と同じことを言っています。「大陸間弾道ミサイルは違憲ではない。」「核兵器も小型であれば違憲ではない。」 Mr. Kishi's grandson, the current Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said exactly the same thing in 2002. "Inter-Continental Ballistic Missile is not unconstitutional." "Nuclear weapons are not unconstitutional if they are small sized." さらに今回の原発震災で、安倍首相は大変な責任を負っています。というのも、2006年に共産党の吉井英勝衆院議員が06年12月、巨大地震と津波による原発事故の危険性について質問主意書を提出しましたが、これに対する政府答弁書が当時の安倍首相の名で出ているのですが、電源喪失についてはそのような可能性がないという回答だったのです。 Furthermore, Prime Minister Abe has a grave responsibility in Fukushima accident, since in 2006, Communist Party MP Katsuhide Yoshii asked a question regarding a station blackout in a nuclear power plant due to earthquake and tsunami, and the govenment answer was provided under the name of the then Prime Minister Abe, stating that there would be no possibility of station blackout. しかも安倍氏は福島事故前の警告であったともとれる、翌年、2007年の柏崎刈羽原発における事故での内閣でもあり、この時に地震と原発の対策を強化していれば、そして2006年の津波についての警告を考慮していれば、福島事故は防げた可能性もあるのです。 In the following year of 2007, Niigata off the coast earthquake took place, causing a massive fire and some leak of iodine, and more than 3000 failures were detected in the Kashiwazaki Kariwa nuclear power plant. If the 2006 question on Tsunami were considered and some countermeasures were taken place through the lesson in 2007 nuclear accident, Fukushima accident could have been averted. 安倍首相は、現在、アジア、アフリカ、中東、東欧諸国に原発を輸出するため、大変な外交努力をしています。 Now Mr. Abe has been making tremendous effort on nuclear power diplomacy trying to sell it to Asia, Africa, Middle East and Eastern Europe. 一方、2012年の秋、元スイス大使の村田光平氏や、元国連職員の村松昭雄氏が汚染地帯における子供たちの避難の必要性を安倍氏に訴えたところ、まったく冷淡な反応であったと聞いています。また安倍氏にフェイスブックで子供の疎開を訴えた女性は、即ブロックされたそうだ。 日本の現在の首相とはこのような人なのです。 On the other hand, I heard from Mr. Mitsuhei Murata, a former ambassador to Switerland along with the former UN staff Akio Matsumura, visited Mr. Abe in the autumn of 2012, to request him to evacuate children from contaminated areas. However, Mr. Abe was only giving cold shoulder to them. I also heard that a woman asking Mr. Abe to evacuate kids on his facebook was blocked immediately. また安倍氏の偏った歴史観は、国内でも有名であり、NHKで放送された2000年の女性国際戦犯法廷においては、放送内容を彼の権限で一部削除してしまい、NHKに対し、裁判沙汰になったこともあります。その件に関しては、以下の記事にも詳しいので、ご紹介いたします。(日本語版は英語の次、文末に掲載) In addition, PM Abe is notorious for his biased historical concept and he pressured NHK to delete some parts of Women's International War Crime Tribunal in 2000 and the NGO filed a lawsuit against NHK. As for this issue, it is explained in the following article. 本当に、自国のこのような状態を悲しく思います。日本は明らかにアジアや沖縄の人にとって加害国です。私は加害国の市民として、本当に申し訳ない気持ちでいっぱいです。真実が公にされ、裁かれるべき人は裁かれるべきと確信しています。 I truly feel sad facing the situation of my own nation. Japan is apparently a horrible perpetrator for people in Asia and Okinawa. As a citizen of a perpetrator, I feel great sadness and regretfulness. I truly belive those who committed crimes should be brought to justice. しかし、私のような一般市民の手の届かないところで、戦争やら原発導入やら、人々を傷つけることが行われてきました。そして、原発事故では、私たち市民、そして罪もない子供たちが傷つき、さらにその害悪を、同じく地震国であるトルコや台湾を含む国々への原発輸出によって国外にまで拡大しようとしています。これはとんでもないことです。 However, conducting wars, introducing nuclear power etc have been carried out by those who cannot be reached by general public like us. After Fukushima accident, many people including children have been harmed. Now Japan is trying to export nuclear to other nations including earthquake prone countries like Turkey and Taiwan. This is just extraordinary! 権力のない一般市民にとっての唯一の武器は、情報です。真実を今こそ知らしめ、世界のうねりを作りたい。特に、日本の今の現政権に、彼らのやりたいことをさせ続ければ、日本の破滅、世界の破滅を招くと確信しています。どうか、良心のある市民の方々、この情報を広めてください。そして真実を広めることによって、おかしな指導者にコントロールされている私の国と、罪のないかわいそうな子供たちを救ってください。そして皆さんの国に、日本の害悪が及ばないように(例えば今稼働している大飯原発が大事故になれば、韓国や中国の方々に大変な被害が及ぶのは必須です)、時折、絶望的な気持ちになることもありますが、どうか良心的な世界の市民の方々と力を合わせていきたいと思います。 I believe the information is the only weapon for citizens without power. I really want the truth be prevailed to change this society. If people in Japanese current regime do whatever they want to do, that would bring self-destruction to Japan, and to surrounding nations. By prevailing the truth, please save our hopeless country and innocent children. Also plase protect yourselves from further harms to be inflicted by Japan. (For example, if the currently operating Ohi nuclear power plant had an catastrophic accident, that will tremendously damage China and Korea as well.) As a matter of fact, I sometimes get desparate, but I really hope we could have solidarity among conscious citizens. Abe Shinzo, a Far-Right Denier of History 安倍晋三 新しい日本の首相は極右の歴史否定論者 (日本語版Japanese) http://peacephilosophy.blogspot.jp/2013/01/muneo-narusawa-shinzo-abe-far-rightist.html http://www.japanfocus.org/-Narusawa-Muneo/3879 The Asia-Pacific Journal, Vol 11, Issue 1, No. 1, January 14, 2013. Abe Shinzo, a Far-Right Denier of History 安倍晋三 新しい日本の首相は極右の歴史否定論者Chinese translation is available; Korean translation is available; Ching Cheong's analysis of the issues in Chinese is available | |
https://savekidsjapan.blogspot.com/ by Mari Takenouchi, a Japanese anti-nuclear & anti-war citizen journalist covered by Reporters without Borders in 2014, https://rsf.org/en/japanese-prosecutor-suspends-contempt-proceedings-against-journalist Twitter: @mariscontact, E-mail: mariscontact@gmail.com (My English/Chinese/Japanese book can be ordered by mail)