
What should we do for nuclear issues? 原発問題で私たちは何をすればよいだろうか?我们应该如何处理核问题?


For the sake of children and future generations who cannot speak up, those who have the information and can speak up should do something to reduce or postpone the potential irreversible damages in the future. I believe this must be done by every individual with a conscience.

了使无法说话的儿童和子后代,那些有信息并会说话的人采取措施减少或推将来可能生的不可弥失。 我相信由每个有良知的人来完成。



On the other hand, organizations cannot be relied on. Why? Because almost all the nuclear and radiation related organization have been infiltrated by pro-nuclear side. If you were in the pro-nuclear side and you saw an organization opposing to nuclear power, would you not send someone to stop or delay their activities? The chances of not sending anyone is next to zero. In my 20+ years of anti-nuclear activities, I have seen this more than enough. Therefore, it is of utmost importance that many individuals in the world, raise their voices by all means, without relying on any organization. And it is vital that a large number of people raise their voice simultaneously and tirelessly around the world doing whatever they can do. Number wise, there are more people in the general public than those in power that promotes nuclear policy.

另一方面,您不能依赖组织什么? 因几乎所有与核和射有关的组织都已被核启子浸。 如果您是支持核武器的人,并且看到反组织,您是否不会派人停止或推其活? 不送任何人的机会几乎零。 在我20多年来的反核活中,我已看到了足够多的西。 因此,至关重要的是,世界上多个人必以各种方式提高自己的声音,而不依任何组织。 至关重要的是,全世界的人不懈地提高自己的声音。 就人数而言,促核政策的公众人数要多于当权者。



Then what should we do? There are three points I can think of.

那我们该怎么? 我可以想到三点。


1.     放射線被曝を過小評価、原発を推進する国連に、放射線被曝の正当な評価と共に、世界における原発の廃止を訴えること

2.     放射線被曝を過小評価し、原発を推進する国々に、放射線被曝の正当な評価と共に、原発の廃止と他国への輸出禁止を訴えること

3.     原子力産業に原発の廃止を訴えること

1.    Call upon the United Nations, which underestimates radiation exposure effects and promotes nuclear power, to justly evaluate radiation effects and abolish nuclear power worldwide.

2.    Call upon nuclear power states, which underestimates radiation exposure effects and promotes nuclear power, to justly evaluate radiation effects and to abolish nuclear power and ban on export.

3.    Call upon nuclear industry to abolish nuclear power.

1. 呼吁低估射暴露效并促核能的合国公正地射效并在全世界范除核能。

2. 呼吁低估射暴露效并促的核国家公正地射影响并除核并禁止出口。

3. 呼吁核工业废除核



In my opinion, it is most important to appeal to the companies involved in the nuclear power industry.  Corporations have a social responsibility and are under the scrutiny of consumers and the general public. On the other hand, the United Nations and the nuclear power states are huge organizations, and they are unlikely to change their policies. These organizations are funded by the people's tax money, which comes in without effort (the UN budget also comes from various countries, so in the end, the revenue comes from people’s taxes.) The majority of public workers in the world want to keep their income and they rarely oppose to the policies risking their individual living standard. The same is true on national and international scientific organizations. The United Nations Science Council (UNSCEAR) and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) are the foremost examples.

认为最重要的是吸引与核有关的公司。 公司具有社会任感,并引起了消者和公众的关注。 另一方面,合国和核国家是大的组织,它不太可能改其政策。 组织由不吹灰之力得的人民税收助(合国算也来自各个国家,因此最收入来自人民税收。)世界上大多数公都希望保留其收入,因此他很少反组织 牲个人生活。 国家和国科学组织也是如此。 最重要的例子是合国科学理事会(UNSCEAR)和国原子能机构(IAEA)。


福島事故後ももちろんのこと、私は20年以上反原発を国に訴える活動はしてきたものだからhttp://koukaishitsumon.blogspot.com/2014/04/blog-post.html、いかに効果がないかは感じている。そして2011年の福島事故後、国連への健康被害や原発再稼働阻止への訴えは国連各機関に書簡を送ってみたもののhttps://savekidsjapan.blogspot.com/2013/01/open-letter-to-un-on-health-hazards.html 、事故10年目に国連科学委員会から発信された報告書は「健康被害なし」とされたばかりだ。悲しい現実である。国連が放射性被曝の被害を過小評価し、原発を推進しているという事実を、世界の市民が知り、立ち上がってくれることを願うばかりである。

Not only after Fukushima accident, I had been appealing to the government of Japan for more than 20 years http://koukaishitsumon.blogspot.com/2014/04/blog-post.html, so I know how ineffective it could be. In addition, after the Fukushima accident in 2011, I sent letters to the UN to appeal to theUN agencies to stop the restart of nuclear power plants  https://savekidsjapan.blogspot.com/2013/01/open-letter-to-un-on-health-hazards.html , but the report from the UN Scientific Committee 10 years after the Fukushima accident said that there was no health damage. These are sad truth.  I can only hope that the citizens of the world will come to know and stand up against the fact that the UN has been underestimating the damage caused by radioactive radiation promoting nuclear power plants.

我向政府求助已有20多年了,所以我知道可能是无效的。 http://koukaishitsumon.blogspot.com/2014/04/blog-post.html 此外,在2011年福事故之后,我致信合国,呼吁合国机构停止重启核厂 https://savekidsjapan.blogspot.com/2013/01/open-letter-to-un-on-health-hazards.html ,但是福事故10年后合国科学委会的,没有 健康的害。 些都是可悲的事只能希望,世界公民将认识并反对联合国一直低估了促射的放射性射造成的一事



Of course, it is imperative that countries with nuclear power plants discuss the issue at the national level to abolish their reactors. In fact, there have been countries that have abolished nuclear power plants or are planning to do so. However, if we look at the examples of Japan affected by A-bombs and the Fukushima accident as well as Ukraine, Belarus and Russia, all of which have been affected by radiation, these countries unfortunately decided to keep their nuclear power plants in operation.  First, we must recognize this reality.  The more the country has suffered from nuclear disasters, the more it is likely to be politically suppressed.

当然,有核厂的国家必在国家一级讨论该问题,以除其反堆。 实际上,有些国家已经废除了或除核厂。 但是,如果我以受原子和福事故影响的日本以及受切尔诺贝利事故影响的,白俄斯和俄例,些国家不幸地决定将其核站保留在 首先,我须认识现实 国遭受核灾的苦越深,在政治上受到制的可能性就越大。



The U.S., the first country in the world to develop nuclear weapons, is no exception.  The US became the first country to be exposed to the first atomic bombing test, prior to its A-bomb attacks on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.  Thus, the US has a large number of radiation exposed workers and downwinders domestically.  Yet and foremost, it has been operating the vast number of nuclear facilities. 

世界上第一个开核武器的国家,美国也不例外。 在广崎遭到原子弹袭击之前,美国成第一个接受首次原子爆炸测试的国家。 因此,美国国内有大量的受射暴露的工人和下向机,但仍在运行着大量的核施。



However, I have not given up hope for the United States. The U.S. is the country where the great President John F. Kennedy ratified the ban on atmospheric nuclear testing in 1963. I am still hoping that people with conscience in the U.S. will take the lead in showing the way to abolishing nuclear power, and that is why this is also written in English.  I also added the Chinese translation so that Chinese people and the government would know the truth of radiation exposure and shift the nuclear policy so that they would protect their own future.

但是,我没有放弃美国的希望。 美国是大的总统约翰·肯尼迪(John F. Kennedy)于1963年批准禁止大气核试验的国家。我仍然希望美国有良心的人将率先为废除核指明道路,那就是 什么也用英写。添加了中文,以便中国人民和政府知道射暴露的真相并改核政策,以便他未来。



Concurrently, the closest way forward may be to have those in the nuclear related companies to make a paradigm shift in policy. They are the ones who have the most information, the biggest financial resources, and therefore the most powerful decision-maker. The following is my letter to the nuclear industry (originally written in 2000), with some modifications made after the Fukushima accident. I myself have been doing my activities on my own. I believe that it is of the utmost importance that each individual in the world get to know the true information, and appeal to nuclear companies as much as possible in tireless way.

,最接近的方法可能是要求核相关公司中的公司行政策范式转换有最多信息,最多财务资源,因此也是最有力的决策者的人。 以下是我写核工的一封信(最初写于2000年),在福核事故后做了一些修改。 我一直在自己做活认为,至关重要的是,世界上的每个人都了解真信息,并核公司定而不懈的呼吁。



A Letter to Those in All the Nuclear Companies in the World

Letter to all nuclear companies in the world


There have been extreme concerns over the facts that nuclear companies are still manufacturing, operating, and exporting nuclear technology products to other countries, even though many industrialized countries, the manufacturers of nuclear technology, are pursuing partial nuclear phase-out policies within their own countries.




Not to mention the examples of Fukushima and Chernobyl, which should not have happened under any circumstances, nuclear accidents could happen anywhere in the world. In fact, as more and more nuclear power plants are built around the world, and as the existing ones become aged, the possibility of severe accidents increases. We need to prevent nuclear-related accidents in the future by any means, and this requires urgent and bold action.

更不用在任何情况下都不应该发生的福和切尔诺贝利的例子,核事故可能在世界任何地方生。 实际上,随着世界范内越来越多的核站的建造以及有核站的老化,重事故的可能性增加了。今后必以任何方式防止与核有关的事故,需要采取急而大胆的行


Nuclear energy is also incompatible with global environmental problems such as global warming and pollution in the air and water. The issues of nuclear waste disposal and decommissioning of the accident-hit plants are still unresolved. Even if there is no further accident, the large amount of waste water from nuclear power plants raises the temperature of sea water, lakes, and rivers at this moment. Even below the permissible limit, the radioactive emissions from nuclear facilities have been and will continue to accumulate in the global environment. With tritium water alone, which is constantly being emitted during normal nuclear operation, nuclear power should be allowed to operate.

核能如全球暖和染之类的全球问题不相容。置和核厂退役问题仍未解决。 即使没有一步的事故生,核生的大量水也会在此升高海水,湖泊和河流的温度。 即使低于允的限,核施的放射性排放也已并将继续在全球境中累。 仅仅在正常的核运行期不断排放三重水素水,就应该禁止核运行。



Similarly, the issue of workers exposed to radiation at nuclear facilities is a problem that shakes the very foundations of basic human rights and democracy, and this issue alone should be a reason not to operate nuclear power facilities. Internal radiation exposure, even at low doses, has a profound effect on the human body, especially for the young, fetus and the future generations.  The number of cancer, leukemia, heart disease, and other health problems among workers at nuclear facilities and residents living near nuclear facilities has been on the rise in normal operation as well as after severe accidents.

,暴露于核射的工人问题动摇基本人权和民主根基的问题仅这问题经营厂的原因。 内部射暴露,即使是低射,也人体具有深的影响,特别是于年人和胎和后人儿。 在正常运行以及重事故之后,核施工作人和居住在核施附近的居民中的癌症,白血病,心病和其他健康问题的数量一直在上升。



The nuclear disaster in the earthquake-prone country of Japan occurred in Fukushima, but not only Japan, Chernobyl accident could have been caused by a local micro-earthquake just before the Chernobyl disaster. In light of this, a major nuclear accident triggered by minor local earthquake could occur in many places around the world, not only in Japan and other massive earthquake zones.

日本地震多国家的核灾难发生在福,但不是日本,切尔诺贝利事故可能是切尔诺贝利灾前的局部微地震造成的。 于此,由局部地震引的重大核事故可能不在日本及其他大地震地区,而且在世界多地方都生。



Nothing could be more prioritized over the global environment and life, which could be irreversibly devastated by nuclear disasters. Therefore, we call upon all companies in the nuclear industry to stop operating and exporting nuclear facilities for any purpose other than the safe disposal of nuclear waste and contamination that has been created to date.

没有任何事情比全球境和生活具有更高的,而核灾全球境和生活造成不可逆的破坏。 因此,我呼吁核工中的所有公司停止以除安全置迄今已生的核料和染之外的任何目的停止经营和出口核施。