
Dnipro in Ukraine Attacked by Russian Intermediate-Range Ballistic Missile ロシア、ウクライナのドニプロを中距離弾道ミサイルで攻撃!ロシアの警告現在も続いている!

@RT_com (Check this site for the latest information from Russian side with President Putin's full speech on top ロシア側からの情報はXのこのアカウントから。プーチン大統領の演説も固定されてある。日本語は@sputnik_jpにあり)

18:00 Japan Time, November 22

‘Putin again warns and urges not to doubt Russia’s determination and capabilities to repel aggression’ – Duma International Affairs Committee head


「プーチン大統領、再び警告を発し、侵略を撃退するロシアの決意と能力を疑わないよう促す」― ロシア下院国際問題委員長


From Moscow Times

NATO and Ukraine will hold talks in Brussels next week following Russia’s test-firing of an experimental hypersonic intermediate-range missile, diplomats said Friday.

Ambassadors from NATO and Ukraine will convene on Tuesday in the NATO-Ukraine Council to address the missile strike on the Ukrainian city of Dnipro, officials told AFP.

Russian President Vladimir Putin said Thursday that the new-generation missile, which Moscow tested in the strike, is capable of carrying a nuclear warhead. He described the attack as a response to Ukraine’s use of U.S. and U.K.-supplied long-range weapons against targets inside Russian territory.

Putin also issued a warning to Western nations, claiming Russia is “entitled” to target military facilities in countries that allow Ukraine to use their weapons against Russia.

A NATO spokesperson dismissed the significance of the missile test, stating: “Deploying this capability will neither change the course of the conflict nor deter NATO allies from supporting Ukraine.”

The United States, a leading NATO member, accused Russia of “escalating at every turn” in its war against Ukraine, now approaching its third year.

Ukraine this week fired Western-supplied long-range missiles into Russian territory for the first time.

Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov confirmed that Russia had notified Washington of its hypersonic missile launch via an automatic nuclear de-escalation hotline, providing 30 minutes of advance warning.



Sputnik 日本
ロシアの「オレーシニク」は迎撃困難=米戦略国際問題研究所 ロシアの極超音速ミサイル「オレーシニク」は複数の弾頭を発射できるため、現代の兵器でこれを迎撃することは難しい。 ワシントンに本部を置く戦略国際問題研究所のトム・カラコ氏(ミサイル防衛プロジェクトが専門)は「オレーシニク」(ヘーゼルナッツの意味)の脅威について指摘、このミサイルは複数の弾頭を発射できるため、迎撃は「絶対に不可能」ではないにしても、極めて困難だという。 「オレーシニク」は核弾頭を搭載可能な中距離ミサイルで、射程は約5,500キロ。従って、ロシア西部から発射した場合、欧州全体を射程内に収める。 プーチン大統領が明かしたところによると、「オレーシニク」の飛行速度はマッハ10(時速1万2250キロ)。そのため、ポーランドへは8分、英国には19分で到達する。 米国は2019年、中距離核戦力全廃条約を一方的に離脱し、核戦力の開発競争を再び始めたことにより国際情勢を著しく不安定化させていた。 で世界を知ろう



 Please help everyone on this planet!


Source: Kyiv Post

Russia attacks Ukraine with ICBMs. The Ukrainian military air force announced that an attack involving several other types of missiles had hit the city of Dnipro. 
“The attack included intercontinental ballistic missiles launched from Russia's Astrakhan region, Kh-47M2 Kinzhal air-launched ballistic missiles launched from Mig-31K jets in the Tambov region, and seven Kh-101 cruise missiles launched from Tu-95MS bombers near the Volgograd region.” 
This was the first time Russia had fired an intercontinental ballistic missile at Ukraine during the war, and it represented a serious escalation in response to Ukraine's use of long-range missiles against Russia. 
Emergency power cuts were implemented in the regions of Kyiv, Dnipro, Odessa, Sumy, Zhytomyr and Donetsk in order to stabilize the power grid during the attack. As winter approaches, the authorities are continuing to survey the damage and carry out repair work. 

ロシアがウクライナをICBMで攻撃 ウクライナ軍空軍は、他の数種類のミサイルを含む攻撃がドニプロ市を襲ったと発表した。 
ロシアがウクライナに向けて大陸間弾道ミサイルを発射したのは戦争中初めてのことで、ウクライナがロシアに対して長距離ミサイルを使用したことに対する反応として、重大なエスカレーションを示している。 攻撃中に電力網を安定させるため、キエフ、ドニプロ、オデッサ、スームィ、ジトーミル、ドネツクの各地域で緊急停電が実施された。 冬が近づく中、当局は被害状況の調査と修復作業を続けている。 
出典: キエフポスト
ロシアは世界最大の戦略核兵器を保有しており、配備済み及び予備の核弾頭は推定4,500~5,000個である。 先月29日、戦略核戦力演習では大陸間弾道ミサイル「ヤルス」が北西部から極東に向けて発射された。
Russia possesses the world's largest strategic nuclear weapons arsenal, with an estimated 4,500 to 5,000 nuclear warheads deployed or in reserve. On the 29th of last month, an intercontinental ballistic missile, the Yars, was launched from the northwest of the country towards the Far East as part of a strategic nuclear forces exercise.

Russia's retaliatory strike system “Dead Hand” is now in standby mode. Even if Putin and the rest of the leadership are wiped out in an attack by the US, Britain and NATO, and even if major cities such as Moscow are destroyed, they will launch thousands of nuclear weapons at the United States and NATO member countries without hesitation. With Biden's permission to provide long-range missiles and to launch an attack, the Ukrainian military immediately began launching long-range missile attacks on Russia. Trump issued a statement saying that he would reverse the permissions given by Biden as soon as he took office, but there are still 60 days until he takes office... In the first place, it was the bipartisan neo-Nazi faction in the US that used Ukraine to provoke Russia. This is also an internal issue for the US, so I think they should quickly start a civil war (coup) and get it over with...
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