
Nov 28, Trump Under Attack! (Fox news) 11月28日トランプ氏ほか攻撃される!Let's Support @RealDonaldTrump , @ElonMusk , and @RobertKennedyJr. World Wide!!! トランプ氏とイーロン・マスク氏、ロバート・ケネディーJr氏を全世界で応援しよう!

Urgent FOX NEWS!November28

Over the past 24 hours, several of President Trump’s Cabinet nominees and administration appointees faced violent threats to their lives and those of their families. The attacks ranged from bomb threats to dangerous "swatting" incidents. In response, law enforcement swiftly intervened to protect the targeted individuals.
過去24時間にわたり、トランプ大統領の閣僚候補や政権の任命者数名が、自らの生命や家族の命を脅かされる暴力的な脅迫に直面した。攻撃は爆破脅迫から危険な「スワッティング」事件まで多岐にわたる。 これに応じて、法執行機関は標的となった個人を保護するために迅速に介入した。
(I sincerely hope Mr. Trump & his family members & aide members' safety and security, hoping they can avert this on-going nuclear war risk! )




Fortunately, the US have people from all the different nationalities.   

Let's Support Mr. Donald Trump, Mr. Elon Musk, and Robert Kennedy!!!

This election is not solely an issue of the US but the entire world and its future!!!

Let them Make America and the World Great and Healthy Again!!!


For years, especially after Fukushima nuclear disaster, I (a Japanese single mother & blogger) had almost no hope on Japanese politics...

What I was able to do was to send my limited voices on twitter, which had got some attention.  I was calling for pregnant women and children's evacuation from contaminated Fukushima and nearby areas worrying for their health hazards, (which have been taking place as raised thyroid cancer, metastasis to lungs, heart diseases, etc. in Fukushima.)  

To my surprise, as the result of my tweeting activities, a NGO called ETHOS which advocates keep living in contaminated areas, which was originated from a nuclear lobby after Chernobyl accident, filed a criminal accusation against me for a single tweet.

While the former Tokyo Electric executives were not accused and some even got evacuated staying in Dubai, amazingly, Fukushima police and prosecutors flew all the way to my apartment in Okinawa, a remote island away from mainland Japan. 

Yet, I was being proud of myself, because though I have just been a single mother without any sort of power, I knew I was able to intimidate the government even a little through twitter.  

In that regard, I cannot thank Mr. Elon Musk more.  He contributed to the survival of this amazing platform X and fully make use of it for changing this chaotic society. 

He is totally correct that the citizen journalism will change the world overriding the legacy media which have been always telling lies!

(BTW, in Okinawa,  one of four residents were killed during WW2 and 70% of US military basis in Japan is still in Okinawa.  Notorious Henoko Air Base is being constructed against the residents' will destructing a beautiful coral reef and pushing away precious dungs.)

I have been anti-nuclear activist for more than 20 years, because radiation brings all sorts of diseases and destroy the environment and future generations.  There is no national border on this issue.  

The same thing can be said about the toxic vaccination.

Then, I was so excited to know that Robert Kennedy Jr. has been opposing to toxic vaccination for 18 years!  In spite of the assassination of his own father, his uncle, and even the attempted assassination against himself, he courageously joined in this time's Presidential campaign which can change the course of the entire world.  

Before assassination, his uncle John F Kennedy ratified the atmospheric nuclear test ban treaty which should have had tremendous impacts on the entire humanity. JFK indeed cared seriously about individual children's health hazard before determining the ratification.  I saw common spirits in Robert Kennedy Jr.

Robert Kennedy Jr's recent word:

"For 19 years, I have been praying every day when I get out of bed that God will put me in a position to end the chronic disease epidemic so we can restore health to our children.

His word should awaken all the politicians and bureaucrats and corporate people on this planets.  We adults should act to protect children and environment and the future in this world.

Finally, Mr. Donald Trump.  He never initiated any war during his office while he was the president.  Also his recent comment was so well stated on Cheney family.  

Yes, wars are started always by some people who sit in the office and never by any front-line soldiers.  I have a great hope that Mr. Trump will terminate on-going wars  for the sake of American people and also for the entire humanity!

Mr. Trump also stated that he will disclose the details of acts made by Deep States.

I believe we should all support Mr. Trump, Musk, and RK Jr so that they can make America and the world great and healthy again!!!

November 3, 2024

Save Kids Japan & World

Mari Takenouchi, a citizen journalist







原発事故後に私が出来たことは、ツイッターで限られた声を届けることだけでした。 放射能による健康被害を心配して、汚染された福島とその周辺地域からの妊婦と子供の避難を呼びかけていました。(福島では、甲状腺がん、肺への転移、心臓病などが発生しています。)









ロバート・ケネディ・ジュニアが有害なワクチン接種に18年間も反対してきたことを知って、私はとても興奮しました! 父親、叔父、そして自身までも暗殺未遂に遭いながらも、彼は果敢に、世界を大きく変える可能性のある今回の大統領選に参戦しています。









2024年11月、市民ジャーナリスト 竹野内真理