
不起訴ですが、私を犯罪者とみなす起訴猶予!拡散続けて下さい。英文記事と和訳「ツイートで刑事告訴?」Please keep sharing though I got unindicted. "How could a single tweet land Takenouchi in Jail?"


On May 30, Reporters Without Boarders Issued a New Article, criticizing, "Suspended"indictment.


The decision by the prosecutor was "suspension of indictment," and Ms. Ryoko Ando and her supporters are disseminating the news regarding me as a criminal!  Moreover, some of her friends are saying that they will sue me additionally!



Reporters without Boarders criticized "deferred indictment." The following is their article.

Japanese prosecutor suspends contempt proceedings against journalist


Published on Friday 30 May 2014.


Reporters Without Borders takes note of prosecutor Eiji Masuhara’s decision to suspend “criminal contempt” proceedings against freelance journalist Mari Takenouchi in connection with her coverage of the aftermath of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster.


The proceedings were initiated as a result of a complaint by Ryoko Ando, the head of an organization called Ethos, after Takenouchi tweeted that its efforts to get people to return to live in contaminated areas were an “experiment on human beings.”


“The decision to suspend the proceedings against the journalist Mari Takenouchi is obviously encouraging, but we persist in calling on the authorities to abandon them altogether and not just suspend them,” Reporters Without Borders secretary-general Christophe Deloire said.

国境なき記者団事務局長、Christophe Deloire氏は言う。「ジャーナリスト竹野内真理氏が起訴猶予されたことは明らかにうれしいニュースであるが、しかし当局は、起訴を猶予するだけではなく、起訴そのものを破棄すべき(日本の法律用語でいうと嫌疑不十分の不起訴)だと要求し続ける。」

The prosecutor urged Takenouchi to continue her work and even wished her “good luck” with it. Takenouchi told Reporters Without Borders that her goal now was to “save the children living in contaminated areas and suffering from thyroid cancer.”


Japan is ranked 59th out of 180 countries in the 2014 Reporters Without Borders press freedom index.




I would like to disseminate this news worldwide. 

A German site by a blogger who has been writing about ETHOS for some years





こちらは米国の紙媒体もある、Nuclear Resisterという記事
The following is the US newsletter, Nuclear Resisiter


On May 22, I got UNINDICTED by the Fukushima local prosecturo.  However, I still do not understand why Fukushima police and prosecutor came for investigation on a single mother who is living in Okinawa (1600km away) while nobody in TEPCO and the government who are responsible for the Fukushima nuclear accidents were investigated. 


Accordingly, please do disseminate the article below...

How a Single Tweet Could Land a Japanese Nuclear Activist in Jail 



By Nathalie-Kyoko Stucky

In 2012, more than 15,000 people living near the crippled Fukushima nuclear power plant filed a criminal complaint at the Fukushima prosecutors’ office. They alleged that Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) and the Japanese central government were criminally negligent for the March 2011 Fukushima meltdown and the way in which the resulting cleanup was handled.
The Fukushima police, however, declined to investigate.


And prosecutors quietly dropped all charges against TEPCO, arguing that it was too difficult to prove criminal negligence even though several third-party watchdogs found that TEPCO and government officials had failed to carry out measures necessary to prevent the disaster despite knowing that a devastating earthquake could potentially strike near the plant. Even an independent investigative commission set up by the Japanese National Diet had concluded, "The meltdown was a manmade disaster."


Meanwhile, Fukushima police and prosecutors have set their sites on a 47-year-old single mother named Mari Takenouchi because she wrote a tweet critical of a nuclear lobbyist. Takenouchi may go to jail for it.


* * *
Fukushima police and prosecutors are currently investigating Takenouchi for criminal contempt; if found guilty, she could face a month in jail. Prosecutors confirmed they will be flying to Okinawa, where Takenouchi lives, to question her on May 13. Police have already traveled from Fukushima to Okinawa to interrogate her — an unusual occurrence.


“We only send police officers from one prefecture to another if the subject is really a potentially dangerous criminal,” Fukushima police spokesman Lieutenant Tadashi Terashima told VICE News.

「警察官を他県に送るというのは、被疑者が潜在的に危険な犯罪者である場合に限る」福島県警報道官の寺島正警部補はVICE Newsに語った。

Takenouchi, the potentially dangerous criminal in question, is a journalist and blogger who fled her hometown of Tokyo with her infant son days after the disaster, hoping to avoid fallout from Fukushima. (She was too late; radiation had already reached Tokyo.) Today, she reports on the health of children in Fukushima. This is the translation of the tweet that has authorities flying across the country to interrogate her


There is a common point between the two criminals of the century: Yasuhiro Nakasone, who introduced nuclear power to Japan, and Ryoko Ando, a government-sided citizen activist who leads Fukushima Ethos. It is their human experimentation project.

Mari Takenouchi@mariscontactのツイート
Nakasone was an influential Japanese politician for much of the second half of the 20th century — he served as Prime Minister in the 1980s — who championed Japan's exploration of nuclear power in the 1950s.


Ando is the Japanese head of Fukushima Ethos, a project lead by French NGO the Center of Studies on the Evaluation of Protection in the Nuclear Field (CEPN) and funded by the French nuclear energy lobby. Fukushima Ethos encourages residents to continue living in contaminated areas as long as decontamination procedures and radiation measurements continue to be done.


“Ryoko Ando blocked me on Twitter and rejected my offer to engage in an open debate with a mediator," Takenouchi told VICE News, "and instead filed a criminal accusation against me."


* * *

After the tweet appeared, Ando reported it to the Fukushima Prefectural Police, accusing Takenouchi of either criminal defamation or criminal contempt. This past January 29, Takenouchi received a telephone call from Fukushima police, notifying her that Ando had filed a complaint against her. Two weeks later, Takenouchi said police came to her apartment in Okinawa and examined her computer.


She was also asked to attend an interrogation at the Naha City police station. During the interrogation, Fukushima police asked her about her background as a reporter, her career as an anti-nuclear activist, and why she used the words “human experiment" in the tweet.

'If all debates about nuclear energy in this country are going to become grounds for criminal investigations, freedom of speech will vanish.'


So far, Takenouchi's legal fees have totaled about $5,000, which she's been paying with the help of donations. “I'm affected by this accusation to the point that I cannot sleep at night, but I would like to keep fighting for protecting our freedom of speech and for protecting the health of the children of Fukushima,” she said.



Ando, meanwhile, acknowledged to VICE News that she'd filed the complaint, but despite repeated requests to clarify her position and the position of Fukushima Ethos, she said she would not comment on the investigation until it's concluded.

安東量子氏は、VICE Newsから自身や福島のエートスの見解を明らかにしてほしいと何度も取材リクエストを送ったが、告訴の結果が出るまでは調査に対するコメントはしないと言っている。

The charge of criminal contempt is very different from a charge of libel in the US. Takaaki Hattori, a Japanese legal expert and co-author of Modern Media and The Law, says the charge is inappropriate. "It's unprecedented for the police to launch a contempt investigation against a journalist for a single tweet, made in the public interest," he said. "If all debates about nuclear energy in this country are going to become grounds for criminal investigations, freedom of speech will vanish. The fact that police even sent the case to the prosecution is disturbing."


Still, this isn’t the first time those with ties to the nuclear industry have used the law in an attempt to silence criticism in Japan. In 2012, the president of nuclear power safety company New Tech brought a $600,000 lawsuit against investigative journalist Minoru Tanaka, who exposed links between the Japanese mafia, politicians, and the Japanese nuclear industry.

しかし、原子力産業とつながっている人物が日本において批判者を黙らせるために法的手段を講じたことはこれが最初ではない。2012年には、原子力安全にかかわる企業であるNew Tech社は、フリージャーナリストの田中稔氏に対し60万ドル(約6000万円)の訴訟を起こしているのである。これに先立ち、田中氏は日本のやくざ、政治家、そして原子力産業のつながりを暴いていた。

The prosecutor’s office will decide by July whether to indict Takenouchi. If they go ahead with the case, she may be held without bail until her trial, as is often the case in Japan, without a right to see a lawyer or have one present during questioning. Police told VICE News they would not comment on the case "due to privacy matters."

検察は7月までに竹野内氏を起訴するかどうか決める。刑事告訴を進めれば、日本ではよくある話なのだが、裁判まで竹野内氏は拘留される可能性もある。その間、竹野内氏は弁護士に会う事も尋問中に弁護士に立ち会ってもらう事もできない。警察はVICE Newsに対して、「個人情報なので」とコメントを控えた。

* * *
The investigation of Takenouchi is an unusual but not unique example of an ever-increasing crackdown on freedom of the press in Japan. Earlier this year, Reporters Without Borders issued a statement condemning "the censorship and self-censorship that continues to prevail in discussion of nuclear energy in Japan three years after the disaster… [and] the treatment of independent journalists and bloggers who are critical of the government and the nuclear energy lobby."


In Reporters Without Borders' press freedom rankings for 2013, Japan fell to a new low of 59th place, due in part to the Special Secrets Act passed in the middle of the night in December, and “the ban imposed by the authorities on independent coverage of any topic related directly or indirectly to the accident at the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant.” Amid these discouraging trends, Takenouchi waits to learn her fate.


“We are still considering whether to prosecute or not," a prosecutor's office spokesperson said. "We’re not aware of past cases in which tweets were found to be the basis for criminal contempt, but the law is the law."

