
バンダジェフスキー博士と私の本の購入はBuy my book at https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/4991176115?ref=myi_title_dp Or mail me at mariscontact@gmail.com!

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 質問には快くここ数か月答えていたのですが、今から考えてみると、なぜか私の本に関しては、読む前から広げようとしない、という 不思議なことが。。。彼の質問にお答えしたのは、そもそも今回の本に書いてある情報も多かったのに、です。










Reviewed in Japan on December 25, 2021
A book that should be widely read! (With English, Chinese and Japanese texts)

This book is written in a very easy-to-understand manner to be widely read by young people and women who will be giving birth to children in the future.
The book also covers many important topics overlooked in preceding nuclear power related books, making it definitely a worthwhile read.
The author has been suffering from electromagnetic hypersensitivity due to a medical accident and has some physical problems. In spite of that, she wrote the book with a sense of mission, which reminds us strongly of the words by the other author, the prominent Chernobyl medical scientist Dr. Bandazhevsky, "We must do our best to preserve life on Earth."

著者は医療事故から電磁波過敏症を発症し、頭痛等に責め苛まれながらも、使命感から命を削るが如くに書かれただけあって、共著者・バンダジェフスキー博士の言葉:We must do our best to preserve life on Earth.を強く感じさせる著作です。 
12月28日追記:その後、もうお一人Aさんという方が、書評を私に送ってくださったのですが、アマゾンで5000円以上の買い物をしていないという理由で掲載できず。するとY.S.さんがこの方の書評(ありがたいことに同じ5つ星)を更新して代わりに入れてくださいました。 Aさん、Y.S.さん、ありがとうござい ます!お二人に心から感謝いたします!!!













コロナとワクチンのニュースは真実なのか?…6/ 私の体調不良…9/ 福島事故2年前からスターングラス博士の本を訳して…13/ 東京の2011315日とバンダジェフスキー論文…14/ 「森林火災でも被害なし」国連のIAEA…17/ フランスによるタヒチ核実験…19/ 無視された放射線の遺伝影響と2020年稼働したベラルーシ初の原発…20/ 今も心配な福島の地震とチェルノブイリ地震説…22/ 日本政府の言い訳の「想定外」はまったく想定外!…24/ 福島事故10年後に国連科学委員会「健康被害なし」…29/ 福島のある病院で白血病が10…30/ エートスがベラルーシから福島にやってきた!…32/ 米国と日本における人体実験…32/ 国境なき記者団が、私のツイート刑事告訴事件を世界のニュースに!…34/ 原発と地球温暖化問題…35/ 放射性水トリチウムの生物への破壊的影響…37/ 活動のきっかけはイラク問題…38/ 原発とコンピュータ問題を知ってから反原発に…41/ 強靭な七角形の原子力村と米国によるコントロール…45/ 11人が行動する時代…48


Chapter 1 図表と写真


世界の原発と地震…51/ 今日まで原発稼働または計画があった国…52/ 原子力村癒着相関図…53/ 世界における放射線防護システム…54/ 国連と原子力…55/ 世界原子力協会メンバー企業と組織…57/ チェルノブイリ汚染地図とベラルーシ初の原発…59/ 逮捕されたバンダジェフスキー博士と東京講演…60/ チェルノブイリ森林火災と子ども達…62/ 竹野内の週刊金曜日記事とバンダジェフスキー本…64/ 日本の地震と原発…66/ 地震に弱い福島原発と女川原発…69/ 東京から120km東海における大いなる危険…71/ 想定地震といまだ稼働する原発…72/ 核実験とセシウム・ストロンチウム汚染…74/ 米国における核汚染と健康被害…75/ 日本における小児がん増加…79/ 乳歯とストロンチウム90と日米比較…80/ 日本の汚染地図…82/ 2011315日の東京の汚染…83/ 4歳児の甲状腺がんと秘密会…84/ 日本原子力産業会議のページ…87/ IAEAと台湾を訪問…88/ 中国の原発と地震…90/ 私の松戸市選挙ポスター…91/ 福島の山の所有者の自殺…92/ プルトニウムファイル―日米における放射線人体実験…93/ 写真家福島菊次郎氏の『原爆と人間の記録』…94/ 米国における人体実験/ 米国における人体実験…99/ Save Kids Japan ブログ…100/ 原子力にまつわる不可解な事件の数々…101/ 日本における未解決事件の数々…103


Chapter 2 原発:世界最大の問題…108


事故10年後にも福島でM7.3の地震…108/ 西日本で稼働中の原発の危険性も!…110/ 世界のM6以上の地震の22%と活火山の7%が日本に…113/ IAEA職員「日本で500万人死んでもおかしくない」115/ 信憑性の高いチェルノブイリ地震説…118/ 原発事故こそ最大の世界のエコロジーと健康の問題…122/ チェルノブイリで最も著名な医科学者、バンダジェフスキー博士123/ 2015年と2020年のチェルノブイリ森林火災…126/ IAEA「チェルノブイリ森林火災で健康被害なし」…127/ 森林はストロンチウム90をため込むマイクロ原子炉…128/ 放射線の遺伝学的影響を解明し、逮捕されたバンダジェフスキー博士…130/ 胎児や子どもの放射線による死者数はゼロ…131/ ベラルーシ初の原発稼働、マスコミのニュースにならず…133/ 米国の偉大な良心的科学者、スターングラス博士とゴフマン博士134/ トリチウム放出計画は中止すべき…136/ 乳歯のストロンチウム90…140/ 原発の温排水による海の温暖化…146/ 温排水問題を真っ先に指摘した水戸巌博士の不審死…151/ 福島の273人の子どもに甲状腺がんでも、国連が福島事故10の健康被害なしと報告!…152/  7q11遺伝子で甲状腺がんの原因が被ばくかわかる…158/ 肺転移した甲状腺がんの子の壮絶なヨウ素131治療…160/ Unit 731から福島まで―医師や専門家による隠ぺいと理不尽な負の遺産…163/ 1号炉爆発後、双葉町で毎時1.59mSv/hと降下物164/ 原発労働者にも心筋梗塞!…167/ 福島エートスによる私のツイートへの刑事告訴…173/ 放射線人体実験、ビキニ事件、日本の原発導入…175/ 沖縄にやってきた福島の刑事さんたちとの会話…180/ 1mSv=体内被ばく3Bqは超危険!…181/ 10Bq/kgから子供に心電図異常…183/ 優しかった福島の刑事さんたちはコロンボファン…184/ 白血病についてのブログがきっかけか…185/ エートス事件が国境なき記者団の国際ニュースに…187/ 偉大なジャーナリスト大沼安史さんの限りなく美しい言葉189/ 長崎の日に向けて~ありがたかった匿名のブログ…191/ 一枚の写真ジョー・オダネルと竹野内真理さん!…192


Chapter 3 報道されなかった記者会見、郡山市民の声、東京の初期被曝


ノーモアヒバクシャ!ノーモア原発!記者会見2011…199/ 原発導入の歴史的背景について:ビキニ水爆実験ヒバクシャ by 大石又七…200/ 「心筋梗塞含む健康被害を補償対象に」 by 梅田隆亮、元原発労働者…203/ 「福島事故で健康被害が出ている」by 肥田舜太郎(広島原爆被爆医師)…205/ 「子ども達の避難、バンダジェフスキー研究の考察、原発禁止を」by 竹野内真理、ジャーナリスト…207/ 「汚染地帯の子どもを救うため、国民は眼を開いてほしい」by 佐藤幸子、福島の母…210/ 初期被曝についての郡山のある市民からのメール…214/ 東京での初期被曝体験: NY医学アカデミーでの発表…220


Chapter 4 チェルノブイリ森林火災と子どもの健康(英語版)


Chapter 5 チェルノブイリ森林火災と子どもの健康(日本語・中国語)










The Reason Why I Wrote This Book……………………6


Are the News On Corona and Vaccination True?...6/ My Unwellness...9/ Started Translation of Dr. Sternglass Books 2 Year Before the Fukushima Accident...13/ 2011 Tokyo March 15 and Dr. Bandazhevsky Paper…14/ ”No Radiation Risk from Fires in Chernobyl “According to UN IAEA ...17/French Nuclear Tests in Tahiti...19/ Ignored Genetic Effects of Radiation and the First Belarusian Nuclear Plant in 2020...20/ Concerned Earthquakes in Fukushima and Chernobyl Earthquake Theory…22/ Japan’s Excuse “Unexpected” is Totally Unexpected! ...24/ UNSCEAR: “No Adverse Health Effects” on 10 Year After Fukushima…29/Leukemia Patients Increased 10 holds in Fukushima…30/Ethos Came from Belarus to Fukushima…32/Human Experiments Both in Japan and in the US…32/Reporters Without Borders Made My Twitter Case Internationally Known…34/Nuclear and Global Warming Issue…35/Tritium-The Devastating Impacts of Radioactive Water…37/Issue of Iraq Initiated My Activities…38/Nuclear Power and Computer Issue Made Me Anti-Nuclear …41/Truth Lies in Simple Things…43/The Strong Heptagonal Nuclear Village and Control by the US/The Age When Each One of Us Should Act…48/


Chapter 1 Charts and Photographs……………………51


The World Nuclear Power Plants and Earthquakes…51/ Countries with Nuclear Power Operation or Projects…52 The Nuclear Power Mafia’s Cozy Relationship…53/ Global Radiation Protection System…54/ The UN and Nuclear Power…55/ World Nuclear Association Member Corporations and Organizations…57/ Chernobyl Contaminated Wide Areas of Europe and the 1st Belarusian Nuke Power…59/Arrest of Dr. Bandazhevsky and his Lecture in Tokyo…60/Chernobyl Forest Fires and Children…62/ Takenouchi’s Article and Bandazhevsky’s Books…64/Japan’s Nuclear Power and Earthquakes…66/ Fukushima and Onagawa Vulnerable to Earthquakes…68/Great Danger at Tokai, 120km from Tokyo…71/ Earthquake Predictions and Remaining Nukes in Operation…72/World Nuclear Tests and Cs and Sr Contamination…74/ US Nuclear Power Contamination and Health Hazard…75/ Raised Cancer Mortality among Japanese Kids…79/ Baby Teeth and Strontium 90 and Comparison between US and Japan…80/ Contamination Map of Japan…82/ Contamination in Tokyo on March 15, 2011…83/ 4-year-old Thyroid Cancer and the Secret Meeting…84/Japan Atomic Forum Pages…87/ Visit to IAEA and Taipei…88/ Chinese Nuclear and Earthquakes…90/ Matsudo City Election Poster…91/ A Suicide Death of Fukushima Mountain Owner…92/ The Plutonium Files-Radiation Human Experiment…93/ A-bomb Victims and Human Experiments…94/US Human Experiments…99/ Save Kids Japan blog…100/ Mysterious Incidents Related to Nuclear Power…101/ Many Unsolved Cases in Japan…103


Chapter 2 Nuclear Power: The World Biggest Environmental Problem!....108


M7.3 Earthquake in Fukushima 10 Year After the Accident!...108/ Dangers of Nuclear Plants in Western Japan!...110/ 22% of the M6+ Quakes and 7% of the World Active Volcanos in Japan…113/ IAEA Official: “Five Million People Could Die in Japan”…115/ Highly Plausible Chernobyl Earthquake Theory…118/ Nuclear Accident is the World Biggest Ecological and Health Problem…122/ Dr. Bandazhevsky, Chernobyl’s Most Prominent Medical Scientist…123/ Chernobyl Forest Fires in 2015 and 2020…126/ IAEA: “No Health Risks from Chernobyl Forest Fires”…127/ Forests: Micro-Reactors that Store Strontium 90?/ Dr. Bandazhevsky Arrested for Revealing the Genetic Effects of Radiation…130/ No Death from Radiation in Fetuses or Children?...131/ The First Belarusian Nuclear Power Never Covered in the News…133/ Dr. Sternglass and Dr. Gofman, Great Conscientious Scientists from the US…134/ Tritium Release Should Be Halted…136/ Strontium 90 in Baby Teeth…90/ Warming of the Ocean due to Nuke Warm Water…146/ Suspicious Death of Dr. Iwao Mito, Who Pointed Out Nuke Warm Water…151/ The UN Declared No Health Effect 10 Year After Fukushima with 275 Kid’s Thyroid Cancer…152/ 7q11 Gene Reveals Whether Thyroid Cancer is Caused by Radiation Exposure…158/Horrifying Oidine-131 Treatment for a Child with Lung Metastasis of Thyroid Cancer…160/ From Unit 731 to Fukushima: Cover-up and Negative Legacy by Doctors and Expert…163/ 1.59mSv/h and Fallout in Futaba Town After the Explosion of the Unit 1…164/Leukemia Increased Tenfold!  Alarming Statistics from Minamisoma City Hospital…166/ Myocardial Infarction Ranks First in Fukushima!...167/Myocardial Infarction Among Nuclear Workers…167/ Criminally Accused for a Single Tweet by ETHOS Fukushima…173/ Human Radiation Experiment, Bikini Incident, Introduction of Nuclear Power to Japan…175/ Conversation with Detectives from Fukushima/1mSv=Internal 30,000Bq Is Dangerous!...181/ Heart Abnormality among Children from 10Bq/kg…183/Kind Detectives from Fukushima were Fans of Columbo…184/Was Criminal Accusation Triggered by Leukemia Related Blog?/ Covered in the World News by Reporters Without Borders…187/ A Beautiful Passage by Late Journalist Yasushi Onuma…189/For Nagasaki Day: An Anonymous Blog I Appreciated…191/ A Photo by Joe O’Donnell and Ms. Mari Takenouchi!...192


Chapter 3: Unreported Press Conference, Koriyama Citizens’ Voices, Initial Exposure in Tokyo


No More Hibakusha! No More Nuclear Power! Press Conference 2011…199/ Historical Background of Nuclear Power in Japan by Matashichi Oishi, Hibakusya from Bikini H-bomb Nuclear Test…200/Myocardial Infarction Should Also Be Compensated! By Ryusuke Umeda, a Former Nuclear Worker...203/ Symptoms Observed After Fukushima Accident by Dr. Shuntaro Hida, A-bomb Survivor…205/ Evacuate Kids, Read Bandazhesky’s Paper, and Ban on Nuke Power! by Mari Takenouchi, Journalist…207/ Open Your Eyes and Act to Protect Kids! by Sachiko Sato by A Mother from Fukushima…210/ An Email from a Citizen in Koriyama on Initial Radiation Exposure…214/ Speech on Initial Exposure Experience in Tokyo at NY Academy of Medicine…220


Chapter 4 Forest Fires in the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone and Children’s Health (English)…230


Chapter 5 Forest Fires in the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone and Children’s Health (Japanese/Chinese) …246


Postscript: What Can We Do?......269


A Letter to All the Nuclear Companies in the World…273

Making of This Book with My Son…275


I received the following video and speech script from Dr. Bandazhevsky! 



December 10, 2021 in Paris

Professor Yuri Bandazhevsky's Speech on
International Human Rights Day

パリ発 ユーリバンダジェフスキー教授 

世界人権の日にて 20211210


Dear Madam Mayor, dear friends,



I would like to express my sincere gratitude to you for inviting me to participate in events dedicated to International Human Rights Day in Paris on December 10.

From this high tribune, I would like to draw the attention of the world community to people who have turned out to be victims of radiation exposure as a result of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant accident.



There are a lot of these people, much more than statistically registered. Many of them do not even know that their life problems, health problems are associated with radiation exposure. In many cases, their rights to protect their health are grossly violated. In the Republic of Belarus, the authorities refuse to recognize in full the real problem of a humanitarian catastrophe, and impede the conduct of objective scientific research.



For over 30 years, I have been studying these consequences; at the beginning it was in my home country - the Republic of Belarus, and then in Ukraine. Back in 1990, at the invitation of the Government of Belarus, I came to the city of Gomel, the capital of the radiation areas, to found and organize Gomel State Medical Institute (now a University). Its establishment arose from the need for medical personnel in areas of the Republic of Belarus most affected by the Chernobyl nuclear power plant accident, as well as the necessity for scientific research to study the medical consequences of the Chernobyl catastrophe and ways to overcome them.



I was in charge of this higher medical institution from the moment it was opened on November 1, 1990, until the time of my arrest on July 13, 1999.

Together with my colleagues and students, we created, in a short period of time, a fully equipped center for the training of qualified medical personnel, carried out a number of very important scientific studies that allowed us to draw a conclusion about the negative impact of radiation agents of Chernobyl origin on human health. In our work, we paid the greatest attention to children living in the affected areas.



It was they who were found to have serious pathological changes on the part of vital organs associated with radiation exposure.



I could not remain silent, and in 1993 I officially turned to the Belarusian Government with information about a serious humanitarian disaster affecting not only the liquidators of the accident, but also the population living in areas contaminated with radioactive agents as a result of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant accident.

I asked you to pay attention to the fact that people in the Chernobyl regions suffer from constant radiation exposure, I demanded that protective measures be taken and that these people should be provided with the necessary social and medical assistance.



We began to inform the society of Belarus and the international community about this at scientific conferences, through the media, publication of scientific papers, video messages.



In 1999, a documentary film "The Chernobyl Heart" was made. The film reflects the scientific activities of Gomel Medical Institute with regard to the study of medical consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant.

1999年には、ドキュメンタリー映画「The Chernobyl Heart」が制作されました。この映画は、チェルノブイリ原子力発電所の事故による医学的影響の研究に関するゴメリ医学研究所の科学的活動を反映したものです。


Belarusian state functionaries tried to silence me and threatened. On July 13, 1999, I was unexpectedly arrested.

As I learned, the reason for this was a letter to the security agencies of Belarus, in which I was accused of organizing a putsch in Belarus. When this slander was not confirmed, the Belarusian authorities began to accuse me of corruption, using techniques of intimidation of imaginary witnesses. The Military Collegium of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Belarus sentenced me to 8 years in prison in 2001. While I was there, I continued my scientific analysis of the results of previous research. Some elements of this work are reflected in a book "Philosophy of My Life, Prison Diary", which was published in France in 2006.

Dear friends, it is a great honor for me to be awarded the title of Honorary Citizen of Paris, which I received while I was in prison.

ベラルーシの国家公務員は私を黙らせようとし、脅迫しました。1999713日、私は突然逮捕されました。私が知ったところでは、その理由はベラルーシの治安機関に宛てた手紙で、私はベラルーシで国家転覆を組織した、と非難されていました。このような偽りの中傷は確認されなかったため、ベラルーシ当局は、架空の証人を使った脅迫の手法を使って、私の汚職を告発し始めました。2001年、ベラルーシ共和国最高裁判所の軍事委員会は、私に8年の懲役を言い渡しました。その間、私はこれまでの研究結果を科学的に分析する作業を続けました。この作業の一部は、2006年にフランスで出版された「Philosophy of My Life, Prison Diary」という本に反映されています。



Thanks to the support given to me by the Parisians, Paris's city administration, the governments and non-governmental organizations of France and many countries of the world, I managed to survive in prison conditions and continue my scientific and humanitarian activities in the areas suffering from the consequences of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant accident.



Unfortunately, I cannot live and work directly in Belarus, which the Belarusian authorities forced me to leave in 2006.

While in exile, outside the Republic of Belarus, I continue my work to protect the health and life of people - victims of the Chernobyl disaster. Together with my colleagues and associates, we established in Ukraine in 2009 a Coordination Analytical Center "Ecology and Health", the purpose of which is to provide legal and medical assistance to the population of Ukraine and Belarus suffering from the consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant, as well as to analyze the impact of these consequences on the ecological and demographic situation.




This organization initiated a number of large social and medical projects of the European Union and France, aimed at protecting the health and life of people living near the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone. Scientific analysis of the results of these projects shows there are serious health problems in children and adults 35 years after the Chernobyl tragedy, that lead to disability and lethal outcomes. It points to distant adverse consequences of this humanitarian catastrophe. These people are victims of radiation exposure, they need the social and medical assistance, protection of their rights to health and freedom to talk about it. I call on the international community to provide them with this assistance.



I would like to note that radioactive agents of Chernobyl origin and not only (as an example, Fukushima) are currently spreading with air currents, water, food of animal and vegetable origin, wood over great distances from the accident site. In this regard, the victims of a nuclear disaster can be not only residents of the officially recognized affected areas, but also people who are not even aware of the radiation hazard that threatens their health and life.



We must do our best to preserve life on Earth.

Thank you very much for your attention and support. Yury Bandazhevsky



