
Makia Freeman's latest COVID trends マキア・フリーマン氏による最新の新型コロナ情報

COVID Trends: 13 Current Patterns as of January 2022

 COVID 2022年1月時点の13パターン

21 - 26 minutes

Depopulation, microchipping, digital IDs & stunning admissions that contradict the official narrative: 13 COVID trends for January 2022.

Here are the latest COVID trends,

following on from the COVID trends summarized in August, September, October, November and December last year in 2021. The news is a mix of good and bad, with COVID tyranny continuing but with more and more truth coming to light. Although some US courts are ruling in pro-freedom ways, the current mentality of some US Supreme Court judges leaves a lot to be desired. This month’s report features some of the deeper aspects of the NWO (New World Order) COVID operation: depopulation and microchipping. Here are the 13 current COVID trends as of January 2022.

昨年2021年の8月、9月、10月、11月、12月にまとめたCOVIDのトレンドに続き COVIDの専制政治は続いているが、どんどん真実が明らかになってきており、良いニュースと悪いニュースが混在している。米国の裁判所の中には、自由を擁護するような判決を下すところもあるが、現在の一部の米国最高裁判事のメンタリティーには、多くの不満が残る。今月のレポートは、NWO(新世界秩序)COVID作戦のより深い側面のいくつかを特集:人口削減とマイクロチップ。2022年1月現在のCOVIDの13のトレンドを紹介。

COVID Trend #1: Depopulation Becomes Apparent? Life Insurance CEO says Mortality Rates for Working Age People Increased by 40%


In yet another moment when conspiracy theory became conspiracy fact (as has been happening all the time since the COVID scamdemic began), people were shocked to learn that the mathematics is showing the reality of the depopulation agenda. After all, insurance companies are in the business of accurate mortality data. The CEO of OneAmerica, Scott Davison, announced that death rates for people aged 18-64 had increased by 40%:

陰謀論が陰謀論的事実になったまた別の瞬間(COVID scamdemicが始まって以来ずっとそうだった)、人々は、数学が過疎化計画の現実を示していることを知り、ショックを受けたのである。結局のところ、保険会社は正確な死亡率データを扱うビジネスをしているのだ。ワンアメリカ社のCEO、スコット・デイヴィソン氏は、18歳から64歳の死亡率が40%上昇したと発表した。

“We are seeing, right now, the highest death rates we have seen in the history of this business – not just at OneAmerica … The data is consistent across every player in that business … Just to give you an idea of how bad that is, a three-sigma or a one-in-200-year catastrophe would be 10% increase over pre-pandemic. So 40% is just unheard of.”

「今、私たちは、この事業の歴史の中で最も高い死亡率を見ています - OneAmericaだけではありません... データは、この事業のすべてのプレーヤーで一貫しています... それがどれほど悪いかを示すために、3シグマまたは200年に1度の大災害は、パンデミック前に比べて10%増加します。ですから、40%というのは前代未聞です」。

OneAmerica is not a small player in the life insurance industry. It brings in about 2 billion dollars in revenue annually and it has been around for more than 140 years:


“OneAmerica is a major insurance company located in Indianapolis with annual revenue of around $2 billion and total assets of around $74 billion. This is not a fly-by-night internet “insurance” company. OneAmerica is the real deal, selling both individual and group life insurance, and it has data and actuarial tables that go back 145 years.”

"ワンアメリカ "はインディアナポリスにある大手保険会社で、年間売上高は約20億ドル、総資産は約740億ドル。その場しのぎのインターネット上の「保険」会社ではありません。ワンアメリカは、個人と団体の生命保険を販売する本物であり、145年前にさかのぼるデータと保険数理表を持っています。"

The first-linked article actually states that “most of the claims for deaths being filed are not classified as COVID-19 deaths” which lets the cat out of the bag. This echoes the predictions of doctors like Dr. Michael Yeadon and Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi who stated that the COVID vax would result in genocide or mass murder. Of course, the NWO (New World Order) controllers and architects of the scamdemic would have wargamed and simulated this scenario out. They would have known very well this would happen. They would have known that this scenario of mass death would eventuate, and they would have also known that many of these deaths would be attributed to different causes, thereby sparing the COVID fake-vaccine from blame. If someone gets a stroke from the COVID vax while driving and then crashes the car, it would be a traffic fatality. If someone loses their balance and falls off a ladder or down the stairs to die of head injuries, the vax would escape liability. If an athlete dies unexpectedly on the pitch or court, it could be chalked up to something else.


This entire sad and shocking scenario, unfolding right before our eyes, had been baked into the cake. Just how far it will go is still anyone’s guess. However, depopulation is only one of the agendas here, and I would suggest that the transhumanist agenda, i.e. the agenda to make a slave class of machine-like and controllable citizens, is a more prominent motivator for the NWO criminals than the desire to kill everyone. I would suggest that, to the NWO, those who don’t survive the clot shot and the transforming of their genes are more like collateral damage, eugenic weaklings, useless eaters and/or cannon fodder for the ultimate agenda.


COVID Trend #2: Company is Already Selling a COVID Passport Microchip

COVIDトレンドその2:すでにCOVID Passportマイクロチップを販売している会社

The article Covid passport microchip developer says chipping humans is happening “whether we like it or not” reports how a Swedish company Dsruptive Subdermals has developed a microchip installed under the skin that can be scanned to reveal COVID vaccination status. It quotes Hannes Sjobald, the company’s managing director, who spoke to Express:

Covidパスポートのマイクロチップ開発者は、人間をチップ化することは「好むと好まざるとにかかわらず」起こっていると述べている。スウェーデンのDsruptive Subdermals社が、皮膚の下に取り付けるマイクロチップを開発し、それをスキャンしてCOVIDワクチン接種状況を明らかにする方法を報じている。同社代表取締役のHannes Sjobald氏がExpressに語った言葉を引用している。

“This technology exists and is used whether we like it or not.

I am happy that it is brought into the public conversation.

New technologies must be broadly debated and understood.

Smart implants are a powerful health technology.

That is what we are building at Dsruptive and our goal is to transform healthcare on a global scale.”

Sjobald said the technology makes the vaccine passports more “accessible.”

“This means it is always accessible for me or for anyone else, really, who wants to read me.

For example, if I go to the movies or go to a shopping center, then people will be able to check my status even if I don’t have my phone.”




    スマートインプラントは、強力な健康技術です。    それがDsruptiveで構築しているものであり、我々の目標は世界規模で医療を変革することです。"

    Sjobaldは、この技術によって、ワクチンパスポートがより "身近なもの "になると述べています。

    "つまり、私や、本当に、私を読みたいと思う人にとって、いつでもアクセス可能なのです。    例えば、私が映画に行ったり、ショッピングセンターに行ったりしたら、私が携帯電話を持っていなくても、人々は私の状態を確認することができるようになります。"

Sweden seems to have been chosen as the place to first roll out the human microchipping agenda. The fact that the COVID agenda has helped advance this more sinister, longstanding agenda is highly disturbing. This underscores the gravity of the situation humanity is in as 2022 begins and people worldwide fight for their rights and freedom.


COVID Trend #3: Some Nations Roll Out Digital Tech Combining State ID, Driver’s License and COVID Vaccine Status


The microchip or nanochip is the end goal, but there are stepping stones along the way. The COVID plandemic has always just been the vehicle for the NWO technocrats to push forward their deeper agendas. Chief among these is the all-encompassing social credit system with one system or form of ID that tells officials everything about you, including your so-called health status (not that these sociopaths have any idea what true health is). This article reveals that Greece is poised to introduce a full mobile version of its digital ID/driver’s license. This COVID trend is occurring worldwide.


COVID Trend #4: Numerous US Federal Officials Make Stunning Admissions that Contradict the Official Narrative


As the new year starts, some federal officials have made some surprising and embarrassing admissions which contradict the official narrative. Teleprompter-in-chief Joe Biden admitted that there was no federal solution to COVID, thus confirming the limitation of the US Federal Government to try to force things like vaccine mandates onto Americans. Vaccine pusher-in-chief Dr. Anthony Fauci admitted that the mandates were just a mechanism to get more people vaccinated. Another vaccine pusher, CDC director Rochelle Walensky, admitted that the reason the CDC recently changed the quarantine period from 10 days to 5 days was that they thought people would tolerate it more. Hmmm … weren’t all these measures supposed to be based on science, not how much tyranny people would endure? Walensky also admitted that 75% of COVID deaths occurred in people with at least 4 comorbidities. Did you catch that? Talk about letting the cat out of the bag.


The CDC also just admitted that PCR positive results could last up to 12 weeks, way after supposed infection. The PCR technique was the standard used by governments worldwide to declare an emergency and a pandemic. It also led of course to the phenomenon of the casedemic. With the CDC now in 2022 withdrawing its request (to the FDA) for an EUA (Emergency Use Authorization) for the COVID PCR “test,” this essentially means the CDC is no longer endorsing the validity of the PCR technique as a legitimate COVID diagnostic tool. Based on this, it may be possible for more lawsuits pushing back against the tyranny to be successful. Patrick Wood writes:

CDCはまた、PCRによる陽性結果は、感染と思われる時期から12週間も続く可能性があることを認めた。PCR法は、世界中の政府が緊急事態やパンデミックを宣言するために使われる標準的な手法であった。また、この技術はもちろん、カセデミックという現象にもつながっている。CDCが2022年にCOVID PCR「テスト」のEUA(緊急時使用許可)の要求を(FDAに)撤回したことは、本質的にCDCがCOVID診断ツールとしてPCR技術の正当性をもはや支持しないことを意味します。これに基づいて、専制政治に反撃する多くの訴訟が成功する可能性がある。Patrick Woodが書いている。

“So, the CDC is pulling the experimental RT-PCR test while telling clinicians to find “authorized COVID-19 diagnostic methods” instead.You don’t need to be a PhD, MD or epidemiologist with a peer-reviewed study to figure this out. In fact, you don’t need any medical expertise whatsoever.

An unapproved experimental testing diagnostic was used to trick people into taking unapproved experimental mRNA injections.”



Here is the current list of tests the FDA approves for “COVID” (whatever you think that is): diagnostic tests (molecular tests and antigen tests), serology/antibody tests and tests for management of COVID patients. There is potential for there to be just as much fakery with the serology/antibody tests as with PCR, unfortunately: the exact same result could be interpreted differently, and antibodies are not a true measure of immunity.


COVID Trend #5: Authorities Intensify their Vitriol against the Unvaxxed


Another noticeable COVID trend of late has been the increasing tendency of those in power to dehumanize the unvaccinated – a trend I warned about in my February 2021 article The COVID Cult and the 10 Stages of Genocide. In that article, I discussed how a group of people could gradually be made the enemy of the state through isolation, discrimination, dehumanization and (eventual) murder. The rhetoric of 2 political leaders – French President Macron and Canadian PM Trudeau – is extremely disturbing, as is that of a German police officer.


Macron recently said that he really wants to piss the unvaccinated off and make life difficult for them. He actually said that “when my freedom threatens that of others, I become irresponsible. An irresponsible person is no longer a citizen,” which could imply that he thinks governments should regard the unvaccinated as non-citizens, or that he proposes stripping people of citizenship if they refuse to comply with vaccine mandates. Trudeau asked whether the unvaccinated should be tolerated. In Germany, a police officer called unvaccinated people indirect killers and said they were not human! This kind of rhetoric is not simply judgemental and aggressive; it is indicative of a mass hypnosis and psychosis I discussed in previous articles.

マクロンは最近、ワクチン未接種の人たちを怒らせて、生活を苦しくさせたいと本気で思っていると言っています。自分の自由が他人の自由を脅かすとき、無責任になる」と実際に発言しています。無責任な人は、もはや市民ではない」。これは、政府がワクチン未接種者を非市民と見なすべきと考えていること、あるいは、ワクチン接種の義務付けに従わない場合は市民権を剥奪することを提案していることを暗示しているのかもしれない。カナダのトルドー首相は、ワクチン未接種者を容認すべきなのか、と質問した。ドイツでは、ある警察官がワクチン未接種の人々を間接的な殺人者と呼び、彼らは人間ではないと言ったのです このようなレトリックは、単に批判的で攻撃的なだけでなく、以前の記事で述べた集団催眠や精神病を示しているのです。

COVID Trend #6: Freudian Slips – Authorities Get a Little Too Honest

COVIDトレンド#6: 当局も本音を言いすぎた

Those paying close attention to the words of our misleaders can sometimes find some startling admissions. The most recent egregious example was WHO head Tedros who admitted that “it’s better to focus on those groups who have risk of severe diseases and death, rather than as we see some countries are using to give boosters to kill children, which is not right.” His English is a little wobbly, but his meaning is clear enough. Why would he say that the COVID boosters kill children?


COVID Trend #7: Bills Introduced that, If Passed, Would Authorize Health Officers to Arrest and Detain the Unvaxxed

COVID Trend #7: もし可決されれば、予防接種を受けていない人を逮捕・拘留する権限を保健師に与える法案が提出される。

There are several proposed New York State (although A416 has now been stricken probably due to public outcry) and Washington State Bills which, if passed, would allow the State (via techniques like giving the Health Officer sheriff-like powers) to “involuntarily detain” unvaccinated people. In the case of Washington State, it would authorize a “strike force” to enter people’s homes. To say these kinds of bills are unconstitutional and outrageous is a gross understatement. They absolutely gut the 4th, 5th and 6th amendments, among many others, and proceed on the assumption of guilty until proven innocent per the new bioterrorism model.


COVID Trend #8: Shocking Number of Athlete Heart Attacks


According to this article, as of January 2022, there have been 405 athlete cardiac arrests and 237 athletes who have died after the COVID shot – an unprecedented pattern in the history of sport. How many more athletes need to die (which is very conspicuous after all) before more people put 2 and 2 together?


COVID Trend #9: More Research Shows Vaccines Ruin the Immune System Permanently


Another important COVID trend is the ever-increasing number of studies showing just how dangerous the new COVID DNA/mRNA devices are (falsely called vaccines). The Daily Expose ran this article explaining how studies prove that the non-vaccines damage the immune system, probably permanently, while official German Government data suggests that the fully vaccinated will develop AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome) by the end of this month – January 2022.

もう一つの重要なトレンドは、新しいCOVID DNA/mRNAデバイス(偽のワクチン)がいかに危険であるかを示す研究が増え続けていることです。The Daily Exposeはこの記事を掲載し、ワクチン以外のものが免疫系にダメージを与え、おそらく永久的にダメージを与えるという研究結果を説明している。一方、ドイツ政府の公式データでは、完全にワクチンを接種した人は今月末-2022年1月までにエイズ(後天性免疫不全症候群)を発症するとされている。

COVID Trend #10: Unhealthy Bureaucrats Restrict the Rights of Healthy Citizens – Based on the Idea They Know More About Health

COVIDトレンド#10: 不健康な官僚は、健康な市民の権利を制限する - 健康についてより知っているという考えに基づき

US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, double masked and reportedly triple vaxxed, still got COVID. Australian PM Scott Morrison tried to deny world tennis #1 men’s player, Novak Djokovic, from entry into Australia (but at this stage Novak won the legal fight). Both soldiers and athletes in general train long hours and are indisputably in great shape. The chance of them getting sick of anything is very low compared to the average person, and yet they are being dictated to, and having their rights stripped away, by unhealthy, often obese bureaucrats and politicians who claim they know more about health than their citizens. What a clownworld we inhabit.


COVID Trend #11: The Meaning of Fully Vaccinated Continues to Be Altered

COVID Trend #11: 変化し続ける「完全なワクチン接種」の意味するところ

This COVID trend has been a long time coming, because being fully vaccinated is an endless destination. The ruling class is always fine-tuning their buzzwords and propaganda phrases for maximum effect in molding perception. Nothing is left to chance. Also, they want a permanent control system where fully vaccinated means you have done anything and everything they want, and if you have disobeyed any decree, then they’ll change your designation (the essence of the social credit system). Dr. Fraud-ci recently announced that they will be changing the term “fully vaccinated” to “up to date”:


“A few weeks ago, Dr. Anthony Fauci hinted that the federal government would soon change its definition of “fully vaccinated” to include not just the two original shots but at least one booster dose as well.


But in the latest indication that Dr. Fauci has succeeded in pushing this scheme, the good doctor said Tuesday during a lecture at the National Institutes of Health that new terminology would be used in place of the “fully vaccinated” language. Instead of referring to somebody as “fully vaccinated”, they will be referred to as having their vaccinations “up to date” to reflect the notion that they have gotten their booster shots.


“We’re using the terminology now ‘keeping your vaccinations up to date,’ rather than what ‘fully vaccinated’ means,” Fauci said during a National Institutes of Health lecture Tuesday.”

    "我々 は今後、'あなたの予防接種を最新の状態に保つ'、という言い方を、'完全なワクチン接種'という意味で使用することとする 、と、火曜日にファウチ博士が、国立衛生研究所講義中に語ったそうだ。

COVID Trend #12: Several US Supreme Court Judges Show Their Supreme Lack of Knowledge about the Scamdemic

COVID Trend #12:複数の米国最高裁判事が示す、詐欺の流行に関する最高の知識不足

The US Supreme Court may be weighing in on some of the COVID restrictions that have been foisted upon the American people, but their decisions will only be as good as how well informed they are. In a recent discussion, Judge Sotomayor showed herself to be woefully misinformed about the number of child COVID cases. We can only hope that truth will prevail in the 9-person panel when it comes to them actually making a decision. Soveriegn Man Simon Black writes:

アメリカの最高裁は、アメリカ国民に押し付けられたCOVID規制のいくつかに重きを置くかもしれないが、その判断は、彼らがどれだけ十分な情報を持っているかということに尽きるだろう。最近の議論では、ソトマヨール判事が、子どものCOVID事件の数について、ひどく誤った情報を持っていることを自ら示しました。私たちは、9人の委員会が実際に決定を下すときに、真実が勝つことを願うばかりです。Soveriegn Man Simon Blackが以下に書いている。

“You probably heard that the US Supreme Court heard oral arguments on Friday regarding the federal government’s vaccine mandate. Specifically, Hunter Biden’s dad told the Occupational Safety Health Administration, which regulates workplace safety, to require businesses across America with more than 100 employees to mandate vaccines in the workplace, or masking/testing. This order was almost immediately challenged, and the case was heard in two separate federal courts. One court ruled in favor of an injunction, the other ruled against it. And so the case landed rather quickly in front of the US Supreme Court …I listened to the entire 4+ hours of audio over the weekend, and frankly some of the Justices’ remarks were simply ridiculous. First, it’s worth pointing out that everyone in the room had to produce a negative COVID test before being allowed to enter. Everyone present was double vaccinated, and most were boosted. And almost everyone was wearing a mask. Yet Justice Sotomayor still refused to be in the room. She phoned it in from her private office down the hall. Clearly it doesn’t matter what protocols are in place; this person has chosen to be terrified no matter what. And unsurprisingly her remarks smacked of fear, paranoia, and ignorance. Sotomayor stated that, for example, that “over 100,000” children are in serious condition, i.e. hospitalized, “many on ventilators”. This is 100% patently false. Even the CDC had to refute her comments. Nevertheless, Sotomayor thinks that the OSHA mandate is a great idea and will save lives. Therefore she seems to have no problem with it, regardless of the legality. She even concluded that since Congress isn’t willing to pass a law requiring a nationwide vaccine mandate, that OSHA should do it.

"連邦政府のワクチン義務化 "について、金曜日に連邦最高裁が口頭弁論を行ったことは、皆さんもご存知でしょう。具体的には、ハンター・バイデンの父親が、職場の安全を規制する労働安全衛生局に対し、全米で従業員100人以上の企業に、職場でのワクチンの義務付け、つまりマスキング・テストを要求するように言ったのです。この命令はほとんど即座に異議を唱えられ、2つの別々の連邦裁判所で審理が行われました。1つの裁判所は差止命令を支持し、もう1つの裁判所は差止命令に反対する判決を下しました。私は週末に4時間以上の音声を全部聞きましたが、正直言って、いくつかの裁判官の発言は、単に馬鹿げていました。まず指摘しておきたいのは、会場に入る前に全員がCOVID検査で陰性であることを証明しなければならなかったことだ。その場にいた全員が2種類のワクチンを接種しており、ほとんどの人がブーストしていた。そして、ほぼ全員がマスクを着用していた。それでもソトマヨール判事は入室を拒否した。彼女は廊下の先にある自分のオフィスから電話をかけてきたのです。明らかに、どんなプロトコルがあるかなんて関係なく、この人は何があっても怖がることを選んだのです。そして、当然のことながら、彼女の発言は恐怖、パラノイア、そして無知のにおいがした。ソトマヨールは、例えば、「10万人以上」の子どもたちが深刻な状態、つまり入院しており、「多くは人工呼吸器を使っている」と述べた。これは100%明らかな誤りである。CDCでさえ、彼女の発言に反論しなければならなかった。それにもかかわらず、ソトマヨールはOSHAの義務付けは素晴らしいアイデアで、命を救うことになると考えている。だから、合法かどうかはともかく、問題ないと考えているようだ。さらに彼女は、議会が全国的なワクチン接種を義務づける法律を通す気がないのだから、OSHAがそれを行うべきだとさえ結論づけた。

Similarly, Justice Breyer was practically exasperated in citing all the death statistics and case numbers, and wondered how in the world could anyone possibly be against the OSHA order? Justice Kagan chimed in stating that “we all know” that OSHA has put forth “the best policy”. Apparently she speaks for all of us. These are all extraordinary comments. And their general nature was that these Justices like the OSHA mandate, therefore they’re in favor of it. This is a gross, despicable violation of their most sacred responsibility. Their personal opinion about the OSHA order is not relevant. The only thing that matters is whether or not it’s legal.”




Meanwhile, lower federal court judges have delivered some good results recently, including a judge who rejects the FDA’s proposed 75 year delay on vax data by ordering them to release all of it in 8 months.


COVID Trend #13: US Federal Court Decisions Uphold Religious Exemption

COVID Trend #13: 宗教的免罪符を支持する米国連邦裁判所の判決

Another important COVID trend is the upholding of the religious exemption to the vaccine. Religious exemptions, like medical and philosophical exemptions, have been repeatedly under attack even before the scamdemic. Recently, a US Federal Judge ruled in favor of unvaccinated Navy SEALs and blocked the Pentagon from punishing them.


Final Thoughts: Remain Sane in an Insane World

最終的な感想 非常識な世界の中で正気を保つ

I have often heard people over the years talk about the importance of being or remaining free in an unfree world, and giving advice on how to do that. I agree, but in today’s world, I would take it one step further: we need to remain sane in an insane world. The idea of mass formation psychosis (as discussed in previous articles months ago), that has developed since the scamdemic began, has begun to spread. People are getting used to the idea that the world at large has been hypnotized. The key here is to remain sane by being aware of all the insanity that could penetrate your consciousness. This is no mean feat. However, unlike a supposed killer virus, sanity is contagious. The more people that can do this, the more it will spread to others.



Here are the latest COVID trends as of December 2021


Big Pharma Bioweapons / Coronavirus NWO Vaccines


10 Current Trends of Operation Coronavirus as of December 2021

Published 3 hours ago on December 15, 2021


following on from the COVID trends summarized in August, September, October and November this year. There is a mix of good news and bad news, with new fear injected into the official narrative to keep it going, as well as significant US court decisions which halt federal mandatory vaccine initiatives, for now. Below is a list of the current COVID trends as of December 2021.


COVID Trend #1: The Moronic Scariant 

新型コロナトレンドその1 :バカバカしい脅しの変異株

Omicron, as well as being the 15th letter of the Greek alphabet, is coincidentally also an anagram for moronic. Since every new variant that comes out has never been isolated, purified and scientifically characterized (like the original ‘virus’ SARS-CoV-2), there is no reason to believe in its existence. It is impossible to have a real variant of something that doesn’t exist in the first place. I would suggest that scariant is a more apt term to describe each new MSM/Big Phama fear invention to prop up the failing COVID narrative, and that we would all be better off calling it the moronic scariant rather than the Omicron variant. Even if you are in the camp that believes SARS-CoV-2 has been isolated and is a bioweapon (as people like Dr. David Martin do), there’s still a distinct lack of proof. Here’s what Dr. Martin said about SARS-CoV-2 variants:

オミクロンは、ギリシャ語のアルファベットの15番目の文字であると同時に、偶然にもモロニックのアナグラムでもある。SARS-CoV-2新型コロナウイルスと同様、分離、精製、科学的特性評価が行われていないので、その存在を信じる理由はない。そもそも、存在しないものの本当の亜種が存在することはあり得ないのです。私は、失敗したCOVIDシナリオを支えているMSM/Big Phamaの新しい恐怖の発明を表現するには、Scariantという言葉の方が適していると思います。SARS-CoV-2が分離され、生物兵器であると信じている(David Martin博士のような)人であっても、証拠は明らかに不足している。SARS-CoV-2の亜種についてのマーティン博士の発言を紹介します。

“There is no such thing as an alpha, or beta, or gamma delta variant. This is a means by which what is desperately sought is a degree to which individuals can be coerced into accepting something that they would not otherwise accept. There has not been in any of the published studies in what has been reportedly the delta variant, there has not been a population “are not” calculated, which is the actual replication rate. What has been estimated are computer simulations. There has been no ability to identify any clinically altered gene sequence, which then has a clinically expressed variation. And this is the problem all along. This is the problem going back to very beginning of what’s alleged to be a pandemic, is that we do not have any evidence that the gene sequence alteration had any clinical significance whatsoever … And so we’re trapped in a world where unfortunately, if you go and look, as I have, at the papers that isolated the Delta variant, and actually ask the question, is the Delta variant anything other than the selection of a sequence in a systematic shift of an already disclosed other sequence, the answer is, it’s just an alteration in when you start and stop what you call the reading frame.”


In another illuminating interview and presentation, Dr. Andy Kaufman highlights the chicanery around this new scariant. He also reveals how the scam continues getting bigger and bigger by shining some light on the omicron testing scam. It turns out that the Gates-funded WHO (World Health Organization) has relaxed the rules regarding this new scariant. Before, when using the PCR technique to detect COVID (falsely used as a ‘test’ for COVID, which it was never designed to do), the person administering it had to correctly match the sample to all 3 primers to declare a positive result. Now, they only have to correctly match it to 2 out 3 primers to declare a positive result. This weakens the standard but also means that results that were previously negative can now be converted to positive cases by this new rule! This artificially creates new cases (as has been the scam all along). Kaufman explains:


“They’ve never tried to look at any variant under the microscope … they haven’t attempted to do any physical experiments with it. It’s only computer simulation experiments. All these things come from computer work … Normally in the PCR protocol, there are 3 primers, and if you have a positive for all 3, then you have a positive test. So what they’re saying is that the omicron only is positive for 2 out of those 3. So in other words if previously you had a negative PCR test, now they can call it a positive PCR test for omicron. So they essentially didn’t have to create a new test. They just found a way to convert negative results to positive results, and then say that it’s this new thing … these are the tricks of the trade … The [WHO Report] is only filled with conjecture … and zero scientific references.”


COVID Trend #2: More War Game Simulations that Turned Out to be True

COVIDトレンド#2: 真実が判明したさらなる戦争ゲームのシミュレーション

Simulations are the name of the game in the COVID scamdemic. To those closely following the NWO (New World Order) and COVID, it would therefore be unsurprising that another COVID simulation was run in advance of the simulated event occurring in real life. This simluation occurred in a nation that is very important to the NWO: Israel. This article reports:


“The Jerusalem Post (JPost) reported last month that top Israeli officials participated in a COVID-19 war exercise on November 11. Dubbed the “Omega Exercise,” the event sought to gauge Israel’s preparedness for the next COVID-19 wave. “We are starting an unprecedented event here – not only on an Israeli scale, but on a global level. We are conducting a war exercise to prepare for a new variant that does not even exist yet,” Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett said at the start of the exercise. “The most threatening thing is not the current situation, but what we do not know yet. Just as the delta strain suddenly and violently erupted – other more deadly, more contagious [and] vaccine-resistant variants could arrive.” … Bennett made reference to the fictional “omega strain” during the exercise. A little over two weeks later, the World Health Organization (WHO) announced the omicron strain as a variant of concern.”


COVID Trend #3: Fining the Unvaccinated

COVIDトレンド #3: ワクチンを受けない人に罰金を科す

The agenda has now moved on to fining those who refuse to vaccinate. In Greece, the unvaccinated will be subject to a monthly €100 fine (roughly USD$110 at current exchange rates). However, that’s nothing compared to Austria, where those who don’t get vaccinated by February 2022 face fines of up to €7200 (USD$8000) for noncompliance – and those who refuse to pay would also face a 12 month jail sentence. In Australia, the unvaccinated are to be denied life-saving medical treatment in Queensland and unvaccinated visitors must wear Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) when visiting someone in hospital in South Australia, potentially including a mask, a gown, gloves and eye wear.


In the US, Nevada became the first state to impose a surcharge on unvaccinated workers. A draft bill in Illinois was withdrawn (after threats against the politician who introduced it) which had proposed stripping the unvaxxed of their health insurance. US supermarket giant Kroger has announced it will strip away paid COVID benefits and charge its unvaccinated employees an insurance surcharge. This COVID trend is likely to continue and become worse in the months ahead.



COVID Trend #4: Longheld Moral and Legal Benchmarks Continue to Be Attacked


Right from the start, Operation Coronavirus has been all about attacking established pillars of freedom and inherent human rights under the guise of a “pandemic” and “health emergency” that has never stood up to close scrutiny. In my earlier article Do Mandatory Masks and Vaccines Break the 10 Points of the Nuremberg Code?, I acknowledge that althoguh the Nuremberg Code is not a legally binding set of laws in either Germny or the USA, it is nonetheless a very important benchmark that sets the standard for human conduct in the field of medical experimentation. It is unsurprising that it would be attacked, but what is especially ironic is that the attack is coming from a leader from Germany: EU Commission President Ursula Van Der Leyen (who would not be in that position had she not already proved she would loyally carry out the NWO agenda). Van Der Leyen told the BBC that she wants to discuss mandatory vaccination for the EU and that it would be “understandable and appropriate” – in violation of Nuremberg Code tenets such as informed consent, voluntary participation, fully completed animal trials, avoidance of all unnecessary injury and suffering, and a rigorous unbiased risk-benefit analysis.


COVID Trend #5: Big Pharma Keeps Pushing Their Scamdemic Business Model: A Forced Lifetime Subscription to the Artificial Immunity Service


A recent trend among software corporations has the been the shift from selling a software product (usually a one-off sale) to selling a software subscription service (where the customer has to regularly pay [e.g. monthly] to use the product). Big Pharma is attempting to use this idea in their COVID scamdemic business model by treating people as software platforms in need of constant upgrades. Remember, Moderna has stated on their website that their mRNA gene-modifying fake-vaccines are an “operating system” and the “software of life.” This article by Dr. Joseph Mercola who writes these powerful words below. The point is not only to supplant and replace the natural (and clearly superior) immune system with an acquired, synthetic immunity, but also to mold people’s perception to the point where they are no longer even aware they have an innate immune system, or if they are aware, that they don’t trust it. This war on natural immunity is highly disturbing:

ソフトウェア企業の最近の傾向として、ソフトウェア製品の販売(通常は1回限りの販売)からソフトウェアサブスクリプションサービスの販売(顧客が製品を使用するために定期的に(例えば月々)支払う必要がある)への移行が挙げられる。大手製薬会社はこの考えをCOVID詐欺のビジネスモデルに利用しようとしており、人々を常にアップグレードを必要とするソフトウェアプラットフォームとして扱っています。Moderna社は、同社のmRNA遺伝子組み換え偽ワクチンは、"オペレーティングシステム "であり、"生命のソフトウェア "であると同社のウェブサイトで述べています。この記事は、ジョセフ・マーコラ博士が以下のような力強い言葉を書いています。重要なのは、自然の(そして明らかに優れた)免疫システムを後天的な合成免疫に取って代わらせることだけでなく、人々の認識を変えて、自然免疫システムがあることを意識しないように、あるいは意識したとしても自然免疫を信じないようにすることです。この自然免疫に対する戦争は非常に憂慮すべきものです。

“I wrote an article about the war on natural immunity and ability, in which I discussed how we were being ushered toward a subscription model under which we would have to obtain a life-time subscription to the artificial immunity service — with boosters from here into infinity. The notion of a life-time subscription to an artificial immunity service is dystopian, and I was hoping to be wrong. But alas, the messaging around the need for boosters due to waning immunity seems to indicate that this is where we are heading, unless we don’t participate …


Today’s new commercial frontier is the biological realm and the human body, “body as a platform.” In today’s market terms, the human body has the market potential of a natural resource. You know how they say that data is the new oil? If data is the new oil, then we are all data hosts, and we can look forward to being treated like oil reserves. Here’s how it applies to natural immunity. A healthy person with a natural immunity might be a happy person — but to a 2021 biotech entrepreneur, who views the human body as a market to dominate, he is a sheer insult. From the standpoint of that entrepreneur, replacing the default natural immunity of the past millions years with a fully artificial tool that requires a ‘subscription’ throughout one’s entire lifetime (see ‘variants’ and ‘boosters’) is desirable.

今日の新しい商業的フロンティアは、生物学的領域と人体、"プラットフォームとしての身体 "です。今日の市場用語で言えば、人体は天然資源のような市場性を持っています。データは新しい石油」という言葉がありますよね。データが新しい石油であるならば、私たちは皆データホストであり、石油の埋蔵量のように扱われることを楽しみにしています。ここで、自然免疫について考えてみましょう。自然免疫を持つ健康な人は、幸せな人かもしれませんが、人体を市場として支配しようと考えている2021年のバイオテック起業家にとっては、まさに損害なのです。起業家の立場からすれば、過去数百万年のデフォルトの自然免疫を、生涯を通じて「処方」を必要とする完全に人工的なツールに置き換えることは望ましいことである(「変種」と「ブースター」を参照)。

Replacing the default natural immunity with an artificial tool is a very successful case of creating a brand-new market (‘artificial immunity market’) out of air. A life-long subscription to artificial immunity, with an ever-expanding range of necessary ‘upgrades’ is a lot more profitable than some traditional shop selling vitamins. Even better, if artificial immunity destroys the natural immunity, customer loyalty is guaranteed.”


COVID Trend #6: COVID Vaccine: Nanosensors, Nanorouters and Razor Blades


Investigations continue into the nature and contents of the COVID fake-vaccines. I have covered in the past how these COVID non-vaccines contain a variety of toxic and disturbing ingredients, including graphene, nanometals, PEG, parasites, self-propelling creatures with tentacles, aluminum lifeforms, synthetic fibers and synthetic self-assembling circular structures. Evidence continues to come to light showing what is really in these vials. The latest reports indicate the presence of nanosensors (see Dr. Ariyana Love) and nanorouters (see the research of La Quinta Columna). Then, we have the astounding testimony of murdered chemist Dr. Andreas Noack, who asserted before his death that the fake-vaccines contain not graphene oxide but graphene hydroxide, and that it functioned like a tiny razor blades, slicing up the epithelium inside those who took it.



COVID Trend #7: More Lockdowns – But For the Unvaxxed Only


On December 2nd 2021, Germany went into another lockdown – but this time for unvaccinated people only. This trend is a continuation of the overall agenda to keep piling pressure upon the unvaccinated in the hopes they will crack and succumb. It is likely to ramp up in 2022 as the war intensifies against the awake and aware.


COVID Trend #8: Unvaccinated Sit Ins

COVIDトレンド #8: ワクチン未接種者の座り込み

These next 3 trends highlight the good news that is happening in the face of Operation Coronavirus. Nonviolent civil disobedience is a key strategy to disarm the COVID agenda. Imagine what would happen if hundreds of unvaccinated people, like a flash mob, all went to the same restaurant and asked to be served? That’s what happened in NYC. Activist Post has the story:

次の3つの傾向は、「コロナウイルス作戦」に直面して起こっている良いニュースを強調しています。非暴力の市民的不服従は、COVIDアジェンダを武装解除するための重要な戦略です。ワクチンを接種していない何百人もの人々が怒涛のように同じレストランに行き、サービスを受けることを要求したらどうなるか想像してみてください。それがニューヨークで起きたことです。Activist Postの記事をご覧ください。

“Unvaccinated NYC activists forced a Panera Bread in Manhattan to shut down yesterday when they demanded the restaurant serve them and allow them to sit and eat in the establishment. At least 50 police officers descended on Panera but ultimately did nothing as the owners of the establishment made the decision to shut it down before 6pm when they regularly stay open till 10pm.”

「ニューヨークのワクチン未接種の活動家たちが、マンハッタンにあるPanera Breadに対し、自分たちに食事を提供し、店内で座って食事をすることを要求したため、昨日、Paneraは閉鎖されました。少なくとも50人の警察官がPaneraに駆けつけましたが、最終的には何もできませんでした。この施設のオーナーは、通常は午後10時まで営業しているところを午後6時前に閉鎖することを決定したからです。」

COVID Trend #9: US Federal Judges Halt Biden Administration’s Vaccine Mandate Attempts


US court decisions have generally been going in a pro-freedom direction. The Biden Administration’s 3 “vaccine mandates” (which were never real to begin with) for private businesses and health care workers have all been halted. This sets a powerful precedent for those wanting to refuse the fake-vaccine without fear of reprisal or discrimination. The Daily Mail reports:

米国の裁判所の判決は、概して自由を擁護する方向に進んでいます。バイデン政権が民間企業や医療従事者に課した3つの「ワクチン義務化」(そもそも現実には存在しない)は、すべて中止されました。これは、報復や差別を恐れずに偽物のワクチンを拒否したい人々にとって、強力な前例となります。Daily Mail紙が報じています。

“A federal judge on Tuesday blocked the last of the Biden administration’s COVID-19 vaccine mandates for businesses, saying the government exceeded its authority with a requirement that millions of employees of federal contractors be inoculated. The ruling was the latest setback for President Joe Biden, who announced a series of measures in September aimed at increasing vaccination rates to fight the pandemic that continues to kill more than 1,000 Americans daily. With Tuesday’s ruling, all three of Biden’s broad vaccine mandates affecting the private sector have been put on hold by courts.


‘Abuse of power by the Biden administration has been stopped cold again,’ said Alan Wilson, a Republican who serves as South Carolina’s attorney general. Judges already issued a stay regarding one that applies to businesses with 100 or more employees, and another for a vaccine mandate targeting health care workers across the U.S.


U.S. District Judge Stan Baker in Savannah, Georgia, said Congress did not clearly authorize the president to use procurement to impose a vaccine requirement on contractors that will have ‘vast economic and political significance.’ He ruled that Executive Order 14042 – which on September 9 brought in the mandate for federal contractors – was not lawful.


‘The Court finds that Plaintiffs have a likelihood of proving that Congress, through the language it used, did not clearly authorize the President to issue the kind of mandate contained in EO 14042, as EO 14042 goes far beyond addressing administrative and management issues in order to promote efficiency and economy in procurement and contracting, and instead, in application, works as a regulation of public health, which is not clearly authorized under the Procurement Act 9,’ wrote Baker in his ruling.”

「裁判所では、EO 14042は、調達・契約における効率性と経済性を促進するための管理・運営上の問題に対処することをはるかに超えており、その代わり、適用上、調達法9条で明確に認められていない公衆衛生の規制として機能していることから、裁判所は、議会の言葉によって、大統領がEO 14042に含まれるような命令を出すことを明確に認めていないことを、原告が証明する可能性があると判断した」とベイカー氏は判決で記した。

COVID Trend #10: MASSIVE Protests Around the World

Every force has an equal and opposite reaction. As the tyranny intensifies, so does the rebellion. The pro-freedom anthem “Stick Your Vaccine Mandate Up Your Ass” has spread around the world. There are massive protests around the world, drawing literally hundreds of thousands of people, especially in places like Austria, Italy and Australia where the NWO COVID agenda is being pushed the hardest. It is heartwarming to see people finally hit the streets in vast numbers to let the controllers know who really has the power. So far, the protests have only had a partial effect on slowing the agenda; there may need to be even greater ones in the years to come to have a greater effect on the NWO manipulators.

すべての力には、同じで反対の反応があります。専制政治が強まれば、反発も強まる。自由のための賛歌「Stick Your Vaccine Mandate Up Your Ass」は世界中に広まっています。世界中で大規模な抗議活動が行われ、文字通り何十万人もの人々が集まっています。特にオーストリア、イタリア、オーストラリアなど、NWO COVIDのアジェンダが最も強く押し出されている場所では、抗議活動が行われています。誰が本当の力を持っているのかを支配者たちに知らせるために、人々がついに大勢で街に繰り出したのを見ると、心が温かくなります。今のところ、抗議活動はアジェンダの進行を遅らせるための部分的な効果しかありませんが、NWOを操る者たちに大きな効果を与えるためには、今後数年のうちにさらに大きな抗議活動が必要になるかもしれません。

Final Thoughts


As 2021 comes to a close, it is incredible to remember that we are living through the biggest worldwide psychological operation ever perpetrated upon humanity. Although it has duped a lot of people, there are also those who (after getting sick or injured from the clot shot, or knowing someone who has) are finally beginning to see the game plan, to understand that, in the words of NZ PM Jacinda Adern, “there’s not going to be an end point to this vaccination program.” This only ends when we end it. I suspect things will come to a head at some point in the next few years, though whether that will be 2022, 2023 or beyond remains anyone’s guess.



Makia Freeman is the editor of alternative media / independent news site The Freedom Articles, author of the book Cancer: The Lies, the Truth and the Solutions and senior researcher at ToolsForFreedom.com. Makia is on Steemit and Odysee/LBRY.

マキア・フリーマンは、オルタナティブメディア/独立系ニュースサイト「The Freedom Articles」の編集者であり、著書「Cancer」の著者。The Lies, the Truth and the Solutions』の著者であり、ToolsForFreedom.comのシニア・リサーチャー。