April 17, 2022 from Professor Yuri Bandazhevsky
Appeal on the Chernobyl Anniversary Day
"We must save victims of the war in the Chernobyl area!"
26th of April 1800 TF Royal Hotel & Theatre
Old Westport Road
CO Mayo
F 23R288
Contact: Natalia Dubova nf.dubova@gmail.com
17 апреля 2022 г. от профессора Юрия Бандажевского
Обращение ко дню годовщины Чернобыля
«Мы должны спасти жертв войны в районе Чернобыля!»
26th of April 1800 TF Royal Hotel & Theatre
Old Westport Road
CO Mayo
F 23R288
Contact: Natalia Dubova nf.dubova@gmail.com
TF Royal Hotel & Theatre
Old Westport Road
CO Mayo
F 23R288
Contact: Natalia Dubova nf.dubova@gmail.com
April 2, 2022
Pr Bandazhevsky Yu.I.
Дорогі колеги та друзі!
Військові дії, що проведені окупаційною російською армією в Чорнобильській зоні відчуження, призвели до негативного впливу радіоактивних довгоживучих радіонуклідів 137Cs, 90Sr, 241Am на організм дітей та дорослих з прилеглих населених місць, зокрема, Іванківської та Поліської територіальних громад). З огляду на це, необхідна термінова евакуація населення цих районів, насамперед дітей, у чисті райони, у тому числі до країн Європейського Союзу, з проведенням необхідних реабілітаційних заходів.
Професор Бандажевський Ю.І.
Дорогие коллеги и друзья!
Военные действия, проведенные оккупационной российской армией в Чернобыльской зоне отчуждения, привели к негативному воздействию радиоактивных долгоживущих радионуклидов 137Cs, 90Sr, 241Am на организм детей и взрослых из прилежащих населенных мест, в частности, Иванковской и Полесской территориальных громад ( бывшие Иванковский и Полесский районы Киевской области). Учитывая это, необходима срочная эвакуация населения этих районов, прежде всего детей, в чистые районы, в том числе в страны Европейского Союза, с проведением необходимых реабилитационных мероприятий.
Профессор Бандажевский Ю.И.
Chers collègues et amis!
Les actions militaires menées par l'armée russe d'occupation dans la zone d'exclusion de Tchernobyl ont entraîné l'impact négatif des radionucléides radioactifs à longue durée de vie 137Cs, 90Sr, 241Am sur le corps des enfants et des adultes des zones peuplées adjacentes, en particulier les territoires d'Ivankiv et de Polesye communautés (anciens districts d'Ivankov et de Polesye de la région de Kiev). Compte tenu de cela, il est nécessaire d'évacuer d'urgence la population de ces zones, principalement les enfants, vers des zones propres, y compris les pays de l'Union européenne, avec les mesures de réhabilitation nécessaires.
Pr Bandazhevsky Yu.I.
Dear colleagues and friends!
The military actions carried out by the occupying Russian army in the Chernobyl exclusion zone led to the negative impact of radioactive long-lived radionuclides 137Cs, 90Sr, 241Am on the body of children and adults from adjacent populated areas, in particular, Ivankiv and Polesye territorial communities (former Ivankovsky and Polesye districts of Kiev region). Given this, it is necessary to urgently evacuate the population of these areas, primarily children, to clean areas, including the countries of the European Union, with the necessary rehabilitation measures.
Pr Bandazhevsky Yu.I.
On 2022 March 11 (Fukushima Day!), I received a mail from Professor Yuri Bandazhevsky, the famous Chernobyl medical researcher working in contaminated area of Kiev, Ukraine. He has not left Ukraine yet and is now calling for supplies of food and medicine for the people in the Chernobyl contaminated areas!
2022.3.11-Please provide food & medicine for Prof Bandazhevsky and Residents in Ivankov and Polesye regions next to Chernobyl Exlusion Zone!バンダジェフスキー博士がイワンコフとポリシー地区から薬と食料のお願い!(3月11日)
Please contact yuri.by375@gmail.com
Наша контактна інформація
вул. Поліська 65, смт. Іванків, Київська обл., Україна, 07200
+38 (093) 560 30 18
Dear colleagues!
We have not left Ukraine. We continue our work. We believe that now the results of the research that we conducted in the areas bordering the Chernobyl exclusion zone are very important. We are preparing well-reasoned recommendations regarding the protection of the health of people exposed to radiation agents in the conditions of hostilities in the Chernobyl exclusion zone.
Professor Yu.I. Bandazhevsky
Coordinating Analytical Center "Ecology and Health"
Our contact information
street Poliska 65, village Ivankiv, Kyiv region, Ukraine, 07200
+38 (093) 560 30 18
Dear Sirs, Dear Colleagues and Friends!
Employees of the coordinating analytical center "Ecology and Health", a non-governmental organization registered in Ukraine, are contacting you - Professor Yuriy Bandazhevsky and Associate Professor Natalia Dubovaya
Studies that were carried out during the implementation of humanitarian projects of the European Commission and France in Ukraine revealed the connection between the environmental factor associated with the Chernobyl exclusion zone and metabolic disorders in the body of children living nearby.
In particular, in the spring of 2015, an elevated level of the amino acid homocysteine was recorded in the blood of 49.0% of children in the Ivankovsky and Polesye districts.
At the end of 2015, after the fires of the radioactive forest in the vast territory of this zone, an increased level of homocysteine was noted in the blood of 75.0% of children from these areas.
Studies conducted in January 2022, with the financial support of the public organization "Children of Chernobyl" from France, elevated blood levels of homocysteine were determined in more than 65.0% of children in the Ivankovsky district.
Homocysteine is a sulfur-containing amino acid, an intermediate metabolite of the exchange of the amino acid methionine, which is indispensable for the body. The content of this agent in the blood, in large quantities (the state of hyperhomocysteinemia), is toxic to the body, causing disruption of the functioning of vital organs and systems, in particular, cardiovascular, nervous, urinary, digestive, endocrine. Violation of the utilization of homocysteine contributes to the occurrence of cancer and congenital malformations. Homocysteine has been found to be associated with pituitary and thyroid hormones, which causes the development of thyroid tumors.
It is noted that in the examined children, with hyperhomocysteinemia, bone tissue is destroyed (Bandazhevsky Yu.I., Dubovaya N.F., 2015-2022).
The state of hyperhomocysteinemia is associated with genetic disorders of the folate cycle involved in the metabolism of homocysteine and methionine. Genetic defects in the folate cycle were found in 98.0% of the examined children. In 53.0% of cases, genetic changes were recorded that disrupt the activity of the enzyme méthylènetétrahydrofolate réductase, which provides the body with a very important metabolite - 5methyltetrahydrofolate. It is this metabolite that plays a very important role in the delivery of the methyl group to the cobalamin (vitamin B12) molecule, followed by its transfer to the homocysteine molecule and the formation of methionine.
Under favorable conditions (lack of provoking environmental factors and providing the body with the necessary nutrients), genetic defects in the folate cycle do not appear, especially when it comes to heterozygous variants.
Under the influence of the radiation factor, the phenotypic realization of the damaged genome manifests itself in the form of a state of hyperhomocysteinemia.
The radiation factor causes hyperhomocysteinemia even in children who do not have defective genes in their genome that control the folate cycle.
We have been able to show that radiation agents (Cs-137) incorporated into the body inhibit the process of homocysteine methylation with the formation of methionine. The result of this is an increase in the concentration of homocysteine, or a state of hyperhomocysteinemia, which creates a real danger to the body.
Considering the situation that has arisen at the present time as a result of hostilities in the Chernobyl exclusion zone, and the increase, in connection with this, in the content of long-lived radioactive elements in the environment, it is necessary to correct the metabolism of people who are at the epicenter of events. This will prevent serious damage to vital organs and save the lives of many people.
To this end, adults and children under radiation exposure should be provided with methylated forms of folic acid and vitamin B12, in particular, 5-methyltetrahydrofolate and methylcobalamin, which will prevent the accumulation of large amounts of homocysteine in the body. In addition, it is necessary to provide the affected population with high-grade protein nutrition, fruits and vegetables.
We ask the International Red Cross to consider our proposal and provide the population suffering in the Ivankovsky and Polesye regions from the effects of radiation and hostilities with food, medicines, including methylated forms of folic acid (5-methyltetrahydrofolate) and vitamin B12 (methylcobalamin).
Professor Yuri Bandazhevsky
Associate Professor Natalia Dubovaya
Our contact information
street Poliska 65, village Ivankiv, Kyiv region, Ukraine, 07200
+38 (093) 560 30 18
From Yuri Bandazhevsky
March 6, 2022
Dear sirs, dear friends!
I am writing to you from Ukraine, where I stayed to continue my research and support the health of the population of the radioactively contaminated territories of northern Ukraine.
We are talking about the catastrophic humanitarian situation in which these populations find themselves.
the Ivankov region adjacent to Chernobyl, the population no longer has
access outside the region without a supply of water, food or medicine.
I am issuing a warning so that the situation is taken into account and that a humanitarian corridor is required.
ask you to use all your possibilities to help these people suffering
from radioactive effects and the situation in which they find themselves
as a result of hostilities.
Best regards,
Pr Yuri Bandazhevsky
Уважаемые господа, дорогие друзья!
Я пишу вам из Украины, где я остался, чтобы продолжить свои исследования и поддержать здоровье населения радиоактивно загрязненных территорий северной Украины.
Речь идет о катастрофической гуманитарной ситуации, в которой оказалось это население.
В Иванковском районе, прилегающем к Чернобылю, население больше не имеет доступа за пределы региона без снабжения водой, продуктами питания и медикаментами.
Я обращаюсь с предупреждением, чтобы ситуация была принята во внимание и чтобы был создан гуманитарный коридор.
Я прошу вас использовать все ваши возможности, чтобы помочь этим людям, страдающим от радиоактивного воздействия и ситуации, в которой они оказались в результате военных действий.
С наилучшими пожеланиями,
Пр. Юрий Бандажевский
ウクライナにいるバンダジェフスキー博士との共著!"Earthquakes, Fukushima, Children's Health & Chernobyl Forest Fires" at Amazon.jp by Dr. Bandazhevsky and me! Order one at mariscontact@gmail.com
Feb 25, 2022
Russia seized Chernobyl nuclear power plant where Dr. Bandazhevsky has been continuing his research and humanitarian activities for nuclear accident victims who are sick and need help!
He wrote me on Feb 3 at the latest and he has not replied to my three times of emails since then.
Feb 1, 2022
Mari Takenouchi mariscontact@gmail.com |
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| Feb 3, 2022 |

Dear Professor Bandazhevsky and Dr. Dubovaya The war between Russia and Ukraine became the top news in the world. Are you doing OK? Best regards, Mari Takenouchi
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Please send me a mail to buy the book at mariscontact@gmail.com
Or please go to amazon.co.jp site below to buy one!
Or you can read the PDF of this paper below!!!
Dr. Yuri Bandazhevsky's scientific paper translated by Mari Takenouchi et.al (included in the Chapter 4 in the above book. You can see the PDF below.)
Chernobyl Wildfire: Please help children who lost their homes and breathed in radiation!チェルノブイリ汚染地域大規模火災! 汚染地帯に今も住む子供たちを救済してください!
2020年4月、私たち(バンダジェフスキー博士、ドウボバヤ博士)が呼びかけを行った後、the Chernobyl Children International and Candle of Grace(アイルランド)の慈善団体が、チェルノブイリ立入禁止区域の森林火災の影響を受けたポレスコエ地域の子供たちにマルチビタミンを送ってくれたことをお知らせします。昨日、私たちはビタミン剤の入った小包の開封する会に参加しました。
April 26: チェルノブイリ周辺の森林火災、今も消えず。1000人の消防隊員!!
April 26: More than 1,000 firefighters were working on Sunday to contain wildfires in the radiation-contaminated Chernobyl exclusion zone in Ukraine. Sunday marks the 34-year anniversary of Chernobyl nuclear disaster.
消防士「鼻血が止まらない」"Independent news reports show some of these volunteer firefighters complaining about unstoppable nosebleeds—a common symptom of radiation sickness."
Fires near Chernobyl pose 'no risk to human health', IAEA says (April 25) , one day before Chernobyl day, IAEA declares the safety!!!
reuters.com/article/us-ukrI Found a typo in the title of Table of the above article. Instead of April–May, April-August 2015. https://www.nature.com/articles/srep26062/tables/1)
According to the 2015 fires (one in April and another one in August) the affected land was 10882 plus 5867=16479 ha. This time, according to the Greenpeace international, it was 57000 ha.
Current 57,000 ha Chernobyl fire is 3.4 times larger area wise compared to 2015 fire.
Attention should be paid for the actual health impacts due to the fire studied by Dr. Bandazhevsuky https://chernobyl-health.org/share/91-0010.pdf
Chernobyl children and Dr. Bandazhevsky with smile
At the inaguration of international project Chernobyl: Ecology and Health in 2013 (https://chernobyl-health.org/)
Since the beginning of April 2020, there has been a massive wildfire (appoximately 23 km2) and there are 600 children who lost their homes in addition to breathing in radioactive smoke. Donation is needed to help these children!
Responding to the call from Dr. Bandazhevsky, Irish organization supports children remained in the Chernobyl wildfire zones.
(I hope other organizations will follow!!!)
”These people are now homeless, and there are six to seven hundred children who are without a roof over their heads. They have been left standing in the clothes they were wearing at the time of the fires.”「人々が(火事で)ホームレスになっています。屋根のある家のない子供たちが600人から700人取り残され、火事があったときと同じ服を着ているのです。。」
”Ms Roche said that, as a result of these fires, eight villages in Ukraine were burned to the ground in radiation zones.
These people are now homeless, and there are six to seven hundred children who are without a roof over their heads. They have been left standing in the clothes they were wearing at the time of the fires.”
Let's support Dr. Bandazhevsky with your e-mail to yuri.by375@gmail.com signing on the memorandum below! (Please put "sign on" in the subject. Also, there is a one-click donation around the middle of this page for children in Chernobyl.)
Dr. Bandazhevsky's research paper on the past Chernobyl wildfire health impact: https://chernobyl-health.org/share/91-0010.pdf
バンダジェフスキー博士にメールを送ってサポートしましょう!(yuri.by375@gmail.com への件名にsign onと入れて頂ければ、賛同を表明することになります。)以前にあったチェルノブイリ汚染地における森林火災による健康被害についての論文はこちら:https://chernobyl-health.org/share/91-0010.pdf
To people and organizations that support the memorandum (near the bottom of this page) and agree to participate in the program of assistance to Chernobyl children, please send a letter to Professor Bandazhevsky. yuri.by375@gmail.com signing on the Memorundum below.
Людям и организациям, которые поддерживают данный меморандум и дают согласие на участие в программе помощи Чернобыльских детей, просим направлять письмо профессору Бандажевскому yuri.by375@gmail.com
April 27: The State Service for Emergency Situations said on April 27 that brigades were still working to extinguish fires in the Lubyanskiy, Paryshivskiy, Dytyatkivskiy, and Denysovytskiy forest districts in the Chernobyl exclusion zone.
Please send e-mail to Dr. Bandazhevsky yuri.by375@gmail.com if any organization/individual can support him!
"First of all, you need to restore the health of children. Without the help of the authorities, this cannot be done.
I would advise providing children with complexes of vitamins and minerals, including necessarily folic acid, vitamins B12, B6, B2.
As well as milk, diet food in special containers for single use, fruits and vegetables. Clean water. Children must be examined to determine what treatment measures should be performed."

Health Hazard Today by Dr. Bandazhevsky
Please refer to his latest medical research!
Пожалуйста, обратитесь к последним медицинским исследованиям.
"People who are exposed to radiation - toxic effects due to forest fires in the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone are potential victims of coronavirus. A study conducted by us during European projects in 2013-2017 revealed that people living in areas affected by fire have increased blood homocysteine levels, indicating a malfunction of several important metabolic cycles. At the same time, blood coagulation increases, contributing to the occurrence of blood clots in the microvasculature of vital organs. The consequence of this is myocardial infarction and strokes. These people are potential victims of the harmful effects of coronavirus. The influence of the latter on the human body is noted by the fact that it also disrupts blood circulation in the lungs and other organs, adversely affects the hematopoietic system, the immune system. People living in areas suffering from the consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant have violations in the immune system, which also makes them targets for exposure to viral agents, including coronavirus. The inflammatory process occurs under the influence of not only viral particles, but also microbial agents. A very rapid development of the inflammatory process is associated with a distorted, pathological reaction of the immune system, as a result of which cells of the body are damaged. An important role, in this case, is played by the genetic system. In this situation, it is very important to determine the group risk among the population in terms of viral exposure with the appropriate preventive and anti-epidemic measures."
-Professor Yuri Bandazhevsky
Пожалуйста, обратитесь к последним медицинским исследованиям.
Профессор Юрий Бандажевский
information from Dr. Bandazhevsky!
The morning of April 17, 2020, Nadezhda Lishilenko announced that
the fires had intensified again in the Polessky region. There is a smoke screen
in Radynka. I believe that urgent measures should be taken to assist the local
population, including the evacuation of the child population.
4月17日、地元のNadezhda Lishilenko学校長によると、Polessky地域で再び火災の勢いが増しており、Radynka地域も煙で覆われているそうです。子供たちの避難を含めた、緊急措置が必要です!
Срочная информация! Утро 17 апреля 2020 г. Надежда Лишиленко сообщила о том, что в Полесском районе опять усилились очаги
пожара. В Радынке
дымовая завеса. Я считаю, что
нужно принимать срочные меры по оказанию
помощи местному населению, вплоть до эвакуации детского населения.
Yuri Bandazhevsky
Fwd: Children suffer from a fire in the Chernobyl zone
Urgent mail from Dr. Yuri bandazhevsky
Apr 13, 2020 at 11:38 AM
On Mon, Yuri Bandazhevsky wrote:
Dear friends!
appeal to everyone who hears and sees me. Besides the huge global
problem with the coronovirus pandemic. There is a huge fire in the
Chernobyl zone. Houses are burning in the villages of Polessky district.
Adults and children of all villages of Polessky district, especially
Ragovka, Lugoviki, Radynka, Maryanovka, Maksimovichi, and Markovka,
suffer from acrid radioactive smoke. The village of Vilcha was
completely burned. Many of them may be left without shelter, clothes and
food. Radiation smoke negatively affects the human body, especially the
child’s body. This is confirmed by an article that we published in a
scientific journal. .We attach it. You can watch the sites
Chernobyl-health.org, Chernobyl-today.org. There are no personal
protective equipment. And help does not have to wait. There are about
600 children in the disaster area. They really need your help !!!!
With respect and gratitude,
Professor Yuri Bandazhevsky,
Associate Professor Natalya Dubovaya
On Mon, Apr 13, 2020 at 11:38 AM Yuri Bandazhevsky wrote:
Дорогие друзья!
Обращаюсь ко всем кто меня слышит и видит. Кроме огромной мировой
проблемы с пандемией короновируса. В чернобыльской зоне огромный пожар.
Горят дома в деревнях Полесского района. От едкого радиоактивного дыма
страдают взрослые и дети всех деревень Полесского района, особенно
Раговка, Луговики, Радынка, Марьяновка, Максимовичи, Марковка. Полностью
сгорела деревня Вильча. Многие из них могут остаться без жилья,
одежды и продуктов питания. Радиационный дым негативно воздействует на
организм человека, особенно на организм ребенка. Подтверждением этому
является статья, которую мы опубликовали в научном журнале. .Прилагаем
ее. Можно смотреть сайты Chernobyl-health.org, Chernobyl-today.org .
Средств индивидуальной защиты у населения нет. И помощи ждать не
приходиться. В зоне бедствия находится около 600 детей. Им очень нужна
ваша помощь !!!!
С уважением и благодарностью,
профессор Юрий Бандажевский,
доцент Наталья Дубовая
Yuri Bandazhevsky教授、
Natalya Dubovaya准教授
Dr. Bandazhevsky spoke about the fires in the Chernobyl exclusive zone in 2015.
Fire in Chernobyl contaminated zones
A burned house in a zone
ceased due to rain (thank, God), but remaining smoke containing
combusted radioactive materials hazardous to residents in the villages.
2022年2月25日 Mari Takenouchi追記
Added on February 25, 2022 by Mari Takenouchi
Having any war in Ukraine is ridiculous!
There is also a widespread rumors of the United States funding the Ukrainian Institute for Biological Weapons.
I want the world to eradicate inhumane science (nuclear and biological weapons) and war! !! !!
Добавлено 25 февраля 2022 г.
Кроме того, война - это смешно!
Также говорят о финансировании США Украинского института биологического оружия.
Я хочу, чтобы мир искоренил бесчеловечную науку (ядерное и биологическое оружие) и войну! !! !!
2022年3月2日追記 by Mari Takenouchi
Added on March 2, 2022 by Mari Takenouchi
Airstrikes in the Ivankov district of Kyiv, where Dr. Bandazhevsky is! !! !! It's adjacent to the Chernobyl exclusion zone, and the forest is a place where both cesium and strontium are stored! It has been redistributed into the air due to repeated forest fires, and many people are sick because of radioactive materials! !! !!
Добавлено 2 марта 2022 г.
Изображение авиаудара в Иваньковском районе Киева, где находится доктор Бандажевский! !! !! Шутка ли, это уже примыкает к Чернобыльской зоне отчуждения, а лес - это место, где хранятся и цезий, и стронций! Он перераспределился в воздухе из-за неоднократных лесных пожаров, и многие люди болеют из-за радиоактивных материалов! !! !!
The latest video of Prof. Bandazhevsky in 2021 December
Последнее видео доктора Бандажевского