Press Conference at Foreign Correspondents' Club in Japan, Nov 15, 2011

子どもたちを放射能から守る福島ネットワーク世話人 佐藤幸子
Sachiko Sato, Representative, Fukushima Network for Saving Children from Radiation
For the past 30 years, I have been practicing natural style of farming while rearing my 5 children. After Chernobyl accident, I changed my life style using old day practices and wisdom handed down from generation to generation so that we could survive without oil, nuclear power, and imported foods. People who wanted to learn such kind of living gathered around me from all over Japan, so we were living in a sort of small community.
Then, the Fukushima accident took away everything from us. This year, we cannot grow safe organic vegetables from our agricultural land which was taken great care of without any chemical. As a farmer, there is nothing that can make me more sad.
After March 11, lives of all the people in Fukushima was changed. We had to manage to survive in the midst of the triple disasters-earthquake, Tsunami, and nuclear accident.
Particularly, we suffered from nuclear disaster. Since the radiation is invisible, it is very difficult for us to accept the fact. The radiation that exists for sure in the beautiful scenery that has not changed a bit from last year put a tremendous gap between people who decided not to continue living that area and people who decided to continue living that area.
The families and neighbors who are supposed to share their sufferings cannot share their feelings.
The government does not take any action for the upcoming health damage caused by low level radiation saying that the probability of health damage is low enough. On the contrary, the government is trying to use 2 million Fukushima people as guinea pigs to collect data, saying that there is not enough data for radiation exposure below 100 milisieverts.
To my eyes, the scenery of radiation contaminated Fukushima is just like a battle field, even though I cannot see the radiation itself. It is a battlefield between people who foolishly behaved as if they could conquer the nature and people who have cherished the nature. Since Fukushima is beautiful in nature, it does not look different at all. In sight, it is a “beautiful battle field.”
But it is a battlefield to take away the future of children by the state power. There should not be any children in the battlefield. We should not leave any child in a battlefield with fire.
We cannot save our children with the economy first ideology. We immediately need to take every measure to rescue children now.
People in Japan and in the world should have felt the horror of nuclear accident. What kind of nerve does this country have not only continuing nuclear power generation domestically but also trying to export more nuclear power to overseas?
I wonder what the government is thinking in regard to the health effects that can continue for generations to come. In any case, we cannot expect much from the government who left children in the fires of battlefields as long as 8 months.
Now we know that it is not our government who can protect our children. With this trend continuing, we the adults in the 21st century will have to be told that we made the judgment with our priority on the short-sighted economy rather than childrens’ lives in the future. We will be told like this until human race would eventually be extinguished.
It is people who can save children’s lives. Each single person needs to open his or her eyes of mind and make a judgment to see what is correct and what should be done to save lives.
Mothers and fathers in Fukushima stood up to make a single wish come true. That is to save lives of children. People from all over the nation got connected to protect lives of children in Fukushima. Now the time has come for everybody to get connected and make actions and to alter their life styles, the moment for all of us to make a very important decision.
もし、これで原発が止まらなかったら、人類は滅亡への道を進むことになるでしょう。 福島から発信された原発事故の恐ろしさが、世界中の人々に伝わり、全ての原発を止めることができるまで、活動を続けなければなりません。福島の子どもたちのような悲しみを、もう二度と起こしてはいけません。ご静聴ありがとうございました。
If the nuclear power does not stop even after this Fukushima accident, humankind would surely tread the path to destruction. The horror of nuclear accident coming from Fukushima should be disseminated to the people all over the world. We need to continue our actions until all the nuclear power plants in the world are stopped. We should never cause any more sorrow Fukushima children had to any other children on our planet. Thank you very much.
Below is the entire footage and the text.
No More Hibakusha No More Nuke Power Press Conference by Mari Takenouchi
The above press conference was praised by a former vice chairperson of FCCJ, but not covered by any media though there were as many as 5~60 journalists there...
Are health issue due to radiation exposure and introduction of nuclear power by CIA still a taboo?
I wanted to hold a press conference for ETHOS criminal assucation case in May 2014, but it was not accepted this time due to the concurring Ohi Nuclear power plant judgement, which was considered to be more of a priority...
The above press conference was praised by a former vice chairperson of FCCJ, but not covered by any media though there were as many as 5~60 journalists there...
Are health issue due to radiation exposure and introduction of nuclear power by CIA still a taboo?
I wanted to hold a press conference for ETHOS criminal assucation case in May 2014, but it was not accepted this time due to the concurring Ohi Nuclear power plant judgement, which was considered to be more of a priority...
Nov 15, 2001 Foreign Correspondents' Club in Japan
No More Hibakusya! No More Nuke Power!
A Truly Historical Press Conference made by Hibakushas (radiation exposed people) from Hiroshima to Fukushima
Mari Takenouchi, feelance journalist, translator
Shuntaro Hida, Physician & Hiroshima A bomb Hibakusha
Matashichi Oishi, Hibakusha, Former Lucky Dragon Crew
Ryusuke Umeda, Former Power Plant Worker
Sachiko Sato, Representative, Fukushima Network for Saving Children
from Radiation
竹野内真理、ジャーナリスト、翻訳者 Email:
Mari Takenouchi, Journalist, Translator Email:
I became anti-nuclear when I heard a simulation of a station black out accident scenario from a US scientist in 1999. To
highlight the issue of nuclear power and earthquakes, I went to IAEA in
2002 to directly plea for halting nuclear power in Japan. I remember a superior of my acquaintance in IAEA telling me, “Ms. Takenouchi, this issue is too big for anyone to tackle. 5 million Japanese people’s deaths may not be able to be avoided. The only way to avert such a situation is that every Japanese raise his/her voice to stop nuclear power.” Since then, I have been trying to disseminate information about this issue, but in the end the accident still took place. I feel so regretful and sad.今日は私は以下の三つのことを言いたいです。
I would like to tell you three things today.
1. 福島やその他の汚染地帯から人々を、特に子供たちを直ちに避難させてほしいです。二日前に福島をたずねましたが、そこで行われていた体制側の学者によるシンポジウムで、福島はもうほとんど安全であるという発言を聞いて驚きました。同時に彼らは子供たちの線量を測り、健康調査をしているのです。なぜ避難をさせてから健康調査を出来ないのでしょうか?福島の子供たちをモルモットにしようとしているのでしょうか?米国と日本の政府が、悲しいことに、広島や長崎の被爆者にたいしてやってきたことを思えば、その可能性は大いにあります。福島の子供たちをどうか研究材料にしないでください。私も1歳児の母親として切に訴えます。
People, especially children in Fukushima and other contaminated areas should be evacuated immediately. I visited Fukushima 2 days ago and I was speechless when I attended a symposium held by government-sided scholars. They keep saying that Fukushima is almost safe. Meanwhile, they are getting the data of children’s radiation dose and are conducting health check-ups. Why can’t they let these children evacuate first and conduct medical check-ups afterwards? Are they trying to use Fukushima children as their guinea pigs? Regretfully, this is probable considering what the US and Japanese scholars did to Hiroshima and Nagasaki hibakusyas. Please do not use Fukushima children for studies. As a mother of a one year old, I would like to make a strong appeal about this to the world.
2. 日本の基準値500ベクレルは高すぎます。この部屋のどこかにゴメリ医科大学の創設者で元学長であったユーリ・バンダジェフスキーの論文をご覧になった方はいらっしゃいますでしょうか?彼の研究によれば、セシウムが体内に20Bq/kgの濃度で取り込まれますと、心臓に異変が起きやすくなるというのです。そしてICRPのpublication 111(2009)にあるグラフによると、1日たった10ベクレル、大人はだいたい1日2kgの食物を摂取しますから、基準値のたった100分の1のレベルであっても、70kgの大人であっても心臓に異変が2年以内に起こる可能性を示唆しているのです。さらに30kgの子供の場合は、100日以内です。ベルラド放射能安全研究所副所長のウラジーミル・バベンコ 氏の、子供の食べ物はゼロベクレルにしなければならないという発言が決しておおげさなものでないことがわかるデータであると思います。同時に汚染がれきが全国に流通するのは防がなければなりません。特にそれが燃やされた時、沸点が641度と低いセシウムは大気中の微粒子となり、容易に人に吸い込まれ、深刻な内部被ばくを引き起こします。
2. The limit of 500 Bq/kg is way too high. Has anybody in this room read the study conducted by Yuri Bandazhevsky, the founder and the former director of the Gomel Medical Institute? According to his study, when the cesium is incorporated into the body at 20Bq/kg level, functional abnormality in the heart is likely to take place. Also, according to a graph in ICRP publication 111 (2009), intake of 10 Bq/day cesium, only one 100th of the Japanese reference level would likely lead to heart abnormality within 2 years! (Considering that an average adults eats nearly 2kg of foods daily, if they eat upper limit of 500Bq/kg food, daily intake is 500Bq/kg ×2kg=1000Bq/day. 10Bq/day =1/100 of 1000Bq/day) From this graph, we can tell that the statement saying children’s cesium food intake should be zero Bq by Dr. Uladimir Babenka, Deputy-Director of BELRAD Institute is not an exaggeration at all. At the same time, contaminated debris should not be distributed all over Japan. Especially if it is burned, cesium, with a very low boiling point of 641 degrees Celsius, will become fine particles in the air which can be easily inhaled by people, causing serious internal exposure.
3Nuclear power plants are not supposed to be operating. It is totally insane for the Japanese government to continue the operation of nuclear power plants in Japan even after the Fukushima accident. It is even still trying to export nuclear plants to overseas. There have been earthquakes quite frequently now all over Japan and there could be the 2nd Fukushima accident anywhere in Japan in the near future. On top of that, Fukushima No 4 exploded even though it was not operating. Hence, structures of and around spent fuel pools should be enhanced against coming earthquakes all over Japan. By doing these three things, please save children’s lives, lives of the future generations and lives of your own. Thank you very much.
Dr. Shuntaro Hida, Hiroshima A-bomb survivor, Physician
In August 1945, I was working as a doctor at Hiroshima Military Hospital. On the morning of the 6th, I happened to be 6km away from the hospital as there had been an emergency house-call on a child patient late at night and luckily, I was not killed by the direct hit of the A-bomb.
Ever since, I have been looking after thousands of hibakusyas for 65 years. I saw some of the horrendous deaths of those directly hit by the A-bomb. Besides
terrible burns and wounds, they developed highfever, purple spots, and
finally died from massive bleeding from their bodies including mouth,
nose, eyes, and genitals etc.
But what was even more shocking to me was that people who came to Hiroshima afterwards also developed similar symptoms and died.
have continued to see patients who have suffered unknown diseases
throughout their lives due to the internal radiation exposure caused by
the intake or inhalation of radioactive materials into their body. I believe they are the most prominent victims of this nuclear age.
under occupation after the war, General MacArthur made hibakusyas a
military secret and issued the official order not to talk and write
about them. They
also prohibited physicians and scholars to study hibakusyas and
proclaimed that those who violated the order should be severely
punished. Thus all hibakusyas were totally ignored for 7 following the war.
the Atomic Bomb Casualties Commission (later known as the Radiation
Effects Association) strongly disseminated the phrase,“Internal exposure is harmless to the human body because the radiation
level is so low.” So, hibakyusa suffering from so
called A-bomb burabura disease (extreme and persistent chronicle
sluggishness) were told neurosis or fake, which added more suffering to
lives of the hibakusya.
I have also seen burabura disease patients among nuclear power plant workers. Electric companies have often announced that there was no damage to human health right after a nuclear accident. But how can a
from an electricity company, who is not even a doctor, assume that
there is no health damage immediately after the accident? To my eyes, these announcements are like lines from a self-produced stage
the Fukushima accident, three nuclear power plant workers have died and
Tokyo Electric Company have denied any causality from radiation. How can they prove that there is no relationship with radiation?
fact, hundreds of people consulted me after Fukushima accident, whose
children are suffering nose bleeding, diarrhea, fever, swollen thyroid,
purple spots not only from Fukushima and North Eastern Japan,
but also from Tokyo metropolitan area and as far as Yamanashi and Shizuoka.
What can mothers do when their children develop these symptoms? I am seriously worried myself as I don't know exactly what they can do. Nobody or no family can now be totally safe from radiation in Japan.
The only way for us all to survive is to abolish both nuclear weapons and nuclear power plants in the world. Thank you very much.
ビキニ水爆実験被爆者 元第五福竜丸乗組員 大石又七
Matashichi Oishi, former crew of the Lucky 5th Dragon, Hibakusya from Bikini nuclear test
believe we cannot have a correct understanding of Fukushima nuclear
accident unless we look back the Bikini Incident 57 years ago. The
most important point is, who and why a dangerous nuclear power plant
was introduced to Japan, a most earthquake prone country.
I was a crew member of Lucky 5th Dragon fishermen’s boat in 1954, I
encountered a US Pacific thermonuclear test, approximately 1000 times as
powerful as the Hiroshima A-bomb. I became a Hibakusya. By
the fallout brought back to Japan, people came to realize that the
Pacific Ocean and the atmosphere was strongly contaminated with
radiation, which became a big news, later called as Bikini Incident.
Various facts came to be revealed through archive materials. From 1946 to 1958, the US military alone conducted 67 atmospheric nuclear testing at Bikini and Eniwetok Atolls, which was 100 megaton nuclear explosion in total. Also, this 100 megaton explosion is equivalent to Hiroshima A-bomb dropped each single day for the duration of 18 years. Isn’t this amazing?
Thermonuclear bomb did not only give out enormous explosive power, but also scattered deadly radioactive materials in the environment. The half lives of radioactive materials can range as long as dozens of years to even tens of thousands of years. These
materials can be absorbed into various parts of human bodies, harming
the chromosomes and body tissues internally-this is called internal
exposure. This kind of damage can cause still birth, congenital defects, which could be transferred from generation to generation.
the modern science and medicine cannot detect where such long-lived
radioactive material can travel in the winds and food chain, or who and
which part of the body such materials can finally come down to. This is the horror of radiation. Maybe some of you might have become hibakusya already.
I want to say this. In
spite of citizens’ voices of concern against nukes and radiation in
those days, the governments of the US and Japan smothered the incident
and hid the facts. What happened then? Nuclear weapons become much more powerful than Hiroshima A-bomb and more than 20000 nuclear warheads are now threatening the entire humanity.
The US government did not take any responsibility or compensate for the victims of this very important Bikini incident and instead, paid small amount of consolation money only. Meanwhile,
the Japanese government acknowledged the continuation of the nuclear
testing and in return, demanded for nuclear power behind the scenes. Don’t you think these people who made efforts to introduce nuclear power to Japan highly responsible? I believe they are the responsible.
Bikini Incident is not a past. Contrary to it, that incident was the very start of the entire story. However, nobody talks about Bikini Incident any more.
those days, the US tried to build a military block by providing uranium
to western world and approached Japan through CIA targeting at a major
media company Yomiuri Shimbun. The
then Yomiuri president, Mr. Matsutaro Shoriki conducted an all-out
promotion of peaceful use of nuclear power using his own media company
to shift the raging anti-nuke sentiment.
政界では中曽根康弘代議士が青年将校などと言われながら危険を伴う原発をアメリカの意向に沿って先頭に立ち、ビキニ事件の三日後に二億三千五〇〇万円の原子力予算を国会で通過させます。 原発を日本に導入した経緯を知れば今起こっている大事故の責任、賠償の方向性も見えてくるはずです。ご静聴ありがとうございました。
the political arena, so-called young-military-officer politician
Yasuhiro Nakasone, who became a Prime Minister of Japan later days, took
a lead to pass the nuclear power budget of 235 million yen at the Diet,
only three days after the Bilini Incident, in line with the US
government intention. If
we realize the background of this history, we could see where the
responsibility of the current nuclear catastrophe lies and how the
compensation should be made in the future. Thank you very much.
Ryuusuke Umeda, former nuclear power plant worker
I worked for Shimane and Turuga nuclear power plants. I worked very close to the reactor core and got exposed to radiation.
In my case, there was no safety education, and workers were not even aware of the concept of “exposure to radiation” .
we received dosimeters, since the alarm went off so frequently and
distracted our works, we left them to the workers in the lower radiation
level areas, and our supervisor deliberately overlooked this. In Shimane, workers just wore regular work clothes and did not wear masks.
scariest thing about radiation is that its impact on human health takes
a long time to appear, so at first it seems safe. In my case, I
suffered from nose bleeding and general malaise (so called Burabura
disease). Burabura
Disease makes it very hard for people to work, but as it is difficult
to diagnose, many people do not understand and regard such Burabura
patients merely as lazy people.
In 2000, I also got myocardial infarction and was unable to work. There are very few who apply for workers’ compensation and they are forced to bear the condition.
In the past, I was neither “for” or “against” nuclear power. I was hesitant to speak out seeing I received payment through working at nuclear plants.
However, in order to prevent radiation exposure to more people, I became anti-nuclear. Then the Fukushima accident took place and many workers, especially sub contractors have been exposed. I heard there was one worker who died of myocardial infarction. I believe all the nuclear power plants should be shut down.
Now, I want to raise three proposals.
1 原発作業員の健康相談窓口をつくってほしい。これまで原発で働いて被曝した人は40万人以上と言われています。しかし、労災を申請した人はほんのわずかです。ですから、作業員の「いのちの電話」のような制度があったら良いと思います。
1 A
health consultation service should be established. There have been more
than 400,000 nuclear power plant workers in total in Japan. However, only very few people have applied for workers’ compensation. It would be great if there was a so-called "life-line" or help-line for nuclear workers.
2 安全教育や放射線管理が適切になされているか、できるかぎり第三者に見えるようにする。私の場合もそうですが、きちんとした安全教育をしていないのに、元請会社は適切におこなったと主張し、水掛け論になるのを防がねばなりません。
2 Working conditions such as safety education and radiation control should be made as visible as possible to the third party. Without
adequate safety training, endless disputes will occur between workers
and sub-contractors about whether safety education have been properly
conducted or not - as was the case in my experience. We need to avoid such situations.
3 原発労災の対象疾患に、心筋梗塞を入れてほしい。原爆症では心筋梗塞が認定対象となっていますが、原発労災では対象になっていません。原爆も原発も本質的には同じなので、病気についても同じように認めるべきだと思います。また、内部被曝の影響を正しく評価することが大事だと思います。
3 Myocardial infarction should be included in the symptoms subject to the nuclear workers’ compensation. Myocardial infarction is included in the registered diseases of A-bomb victims, but not those of nuclear workers. The radiation health problems caused by the A-bomb and nuclear power plant are basically the same. It is also very important to evaluate the effects of internal exposure correctly.
Lastly, let me report to you regarding my own application for workers’ compensation. On November 2, I received a rejection letter to my re-examination request from the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare. I
had repeatedly requested a site examination at Tsuruga nuclear reactor, but the decision was made without an inspection. I strongly protest this.
Tsuruga nuclear reactor 1, where I used to work is the same type of reactor as those at Fukushima. It had many problems such as shabby pipes. Even without a tsunami, if there is any major earthquake, an accident like Fukushima could occur at any moment. Why didn’t they examine Tsuruga No. 1 reactor? I would like to have a proper explanation from the government. Thank you very much.
Speech by a Mother in Fukushima
子どもたちを放射能から守る福島ネットワーク世話人 佐藤幸子
Sachiko Sato, Representative, Fukushima Network for Saving Children from Radiation
For the past 30 years, I have been practicing natural style of farming while rearing my 5 children. After
Chernobyl accident, I changed my life style using old day practices and
wisdom handed down from generation to generation so that we could
survive without oil, nuclear power, and imported foods. People
who wanted to learn such kind of living gathered around me from all
over Japan, so we were living in a sort of small community.
Then, the Fukushima accident took away everything from us. This year, we cannot grow safe organic vegetables from our agricultural land which was taken great care of without any chemical. As a farmer, there is nothing that can make me more sad.
After March 11, lives of all the people in Fukushima was changed. We had to manage to survive in the midst of the triple disasters-earthquake, Tsunami, and nuclear accident.
Particularly, we suffered from nuclear disaster. Since the radiation is invisible, it is very difficult for us to accept the fact. The
radiation that exists for sure in the beautiful scenery that has not
changed a bit from last year put a tremendous gap between people who
decided not to continue living that area and people who decided to
continue living that area.
The families and neighbors who are supposed to share their sufferings cannot share their feelings. Fukushima people’s mental damage caused by this disintegration of people’s minds can be called as “immediate health effects.” (After the accident, the government of Japan repeatedly said, “There will be no immediate health damage.”)
government does not take any action for the upcoming health damage
caused by low level radiation saying that the probability of health
damage is low enough. On
the contrary, the government is trying to use 2 million Fukushima
people as guinea pigs to collect data, saying that there is not enough
data for radiation exposure below 100 milisieverts.
my eyes, the scenery of radiation contaminated Fukushima is just like a
battle field, even though I cannot see the radiation itself. It
is a battlefield between people who foolishly behaved as if they could
conquer the nature and people who have cherished the nature. Since Fukushima is beautiful in nature, it does not look different at all. In sight, it is a “beautiful battle field.”
But it is a battlefield to take away the future of children by the state power. There should not be any children in the battlefield. We should not leave any child in a battlefield with fire.
We cannot save our children with the economy first ideology. We immediately need to take every measure to rescue children now.
People in Japan and in the world should have felt the horror of nuclear accident. What
kind of nerve does this country have not only continuing nuclear power
generation domestically but also trying to export more nuclear power to
I wonder what the government is thinking in regard to the health effects that can continue for generations to come. In any case, we cannot expect much from the government who left children in the fires of battlefields as long as 8 months.
Now we know that it is not our government who can protect our children. With
this trend continuing, we the adults in the 21st century will have to
be told that we made the judgment with our priority on the short-sighted
economy rather than childrens’ lives in the future. We will be told like this until human race would eventually be extinguished.
It is people who can save children’s lives. Each
single person needs to open his or her eyes of mind and make a judgment
to see what is correct and what should be done to save lives.
Mothers and fathers in Fukushima stood up to make a single wish come true. That is to save lives of children. People from all over the nation got connected to protect lives of children in Fukushima. Now
the time has come for everybody to get connected and make actions and
to alter their life styles, the moment for all of us to make a very
important decision.
もし、これで原発が止まらなかったら、人類は滅亡への道を進むことになるでしょう。 福島から発信された原発事故の恐ろしさが、世界中の人々に伝わり、全ての原発を止めることができるまで、活動を続けなければなりません。福島の子どもたちのような悲しみを、もう二度と起こしてはいけません。ご静聴ありがとうございました。
If the nuclear power does not stop even after this Fukushima accident, humankind would surely tread the path to destruction. The horror of nuclear accident coming from Fukushima should be disseminated to the people all over the world. We need to continue our actions until all the nuclear power plants in the world are stopped. We should never cause any more sorrow Fukushima children had to any other children on our planet. Thank you very much.