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V) 食品汚染の問題とバンダジェフスキー論文 Bandazhevsky Study

V) 食品汚染の問題とバンダジェフスキー論文

Contaminated Food and Bandazhevsky Paper



Extraordinary high Japanese government standard for food contamination limit of 100Bq/kg is equivalent to low level radioactive waste that is supposed to be stored in drum cans.  If this standard is continued to be applied, Japan, with a dense nationwide distribution network unlike Chernobyl, may suffer from health damages nationwide in the future. 



The risk is not limited in Japan.  Fish caught in the contaminated Pacific Ocean are canned to be sold all over Japan and even to overseas.  To retain freshness, it is impossible to measure all the fish before the shipment.  Yet, among the limited number of samples, 510,000 Bq/kg rock trout was found off the coast of Fukushima.


As for strontium 90, one of the most dangerous radionuclide, Japan is not even measuring it at all.  If this situation continues, health damages will be heard in the uncontaminated areas in Japan and in the world. 


Tokyo University Hospital Radiology Department Associate Professor, Dr. Keiichi Nakagawa has been saying, It is totally safe to eat fish, groundlessly though there were fish found with 25000Bq/kg cesium concentration off the coast of Fukushima and no measurement was done with strontium 90 . 


Dr. Nakagawa has been always saying that the situation in Japan after Fukushima is totally fine on TV and his books, but after one TV program in the backstage, TV crew asked Dr. Nakagawa, Well how is the situation in reality?  Dr. Nakagawa answered with pale face, No no no no no. and hastily left the studio.


In Iwate prefecture, a university student who was a frequent fish eater found his hair contaminated with strontium 90 more than average level.  I tweeted about it, with the warning of risk of Strontium 90.  Lots of people reacted but there were some people on the net who tried to obstruct my sending information.  (One person even sent me a death threat saying, I will kill you, old woman on twitter. )


Moreover, contaminated areas canned fish are exported to developing nations such as Cambodia, Ghana, Senegal, Congo, Sri Lanka etc for school lunch (http://stophamaokanuclearpp.com/en/?p=138).  Coincidently, a mysterious disease is spreading among Cambodian children (http://www.examiner.com/article/who-investigating-mystery-disease-cambodia-which-has-killed-61-children), and we never know whether this is caused by radiation-chemical contaminated fish exported from Japan or not, but based on the preventive measures, in coordination with UN WFP, such export should be suspended immediately.




The former rector of Gomel Medical School, Dr. Bandazhevsky found out that radiocesium concentration of 10Bq/kg in human body could cause heart abnormality. In addition, according to Fig. 2.12, child organs were found to have more cesium concentration compared to adult.  Concentration in myocardium and thyroid are as much as three times high among children compared to adults. https://docs.google.com/file/d/0Bz1fZmrqFppsNzE4Y2JhMjQtYzc4Yy00MmY3LTkxMmItMzRmY2U3MzhjMTE4/edit?hl=en_US





 The vice director of Belrad Institute, Vladimier Babenko, through his experience, said that children should be eating zero Bq food in order to keep health.  Bandazhevskys paper gives evidence on his words.



 In addition, while the discussion for radiation health hazards has been focused only on cancer incidence, the fact that Dr. Bandazhevsky explained in Fig. 2. 8, showing more than 52% death in Belarus is caused by cardiovascular diseases, is quite shocking. 



However, Japanese medical doctors and scholars who are in charge of radiation protection have never officially discussed this issue, which is even more shocking.  Under the pressure of Japanese government policy, they give various excuses such as the sample number is too small or methodology is doubtful and never try to face these grave issues explained in Bandazhevsky paper, though they dont have any counterarguments studies themselves.


 前述しました、原発の利害関係者であるEDFIRSNCEAAREVAがバックアップしているCEPNの代表でMr. Jacque Lochard氏は、福島におけるエートスの講演会で発言し、「母親たちには科学はわからないだろう。測定して20Bq/kgくらいの食物であればそれでよい。」と発言をしていましたhttp://ethos-fukushima.blogspot.jp/2012/07/nhk-icrp.html。この発言には3の重大な過ちがあります。

  Mr. Jacque Lochard, the previously mentioned director of CEPN and a member of ICRP stated in Fukushima ETHOS meeting as follows; Mothers would not understand science.  Measure the food and it would be OK to eat to eat 20Bq/kg.  As for his statement, there are two big mistakes.



Before the accident, cesium concentration in rice, Japanese staple food, was only 0.02Bq/kg, and children should be eating foods less than 1Bq/kg as I have previously said in accordance with Bandazhevskys paper.  This kind of knowledge is widely known among Japanese mothers who use internet and social media, such as facebook and twitter.  Mothers, who are most earnest on protecting children study most, often more than ordinary doctors in Japan, and they are the ones who are knowledgeable of internal radiation risks and active on protecting children. 



Therefore, it is a pity that there are some mothers who do not have access to internet or a big bookstore like in Fukushima and who cannot get information about such risks.  In this regard, mass medias plays a very important role and it can be called as a sin not to disseminate the truth under this situation, which will be mentioned afterwards.  http://savekidsjapan.blogspot.jp/2013/01/medias-sins.html



 A sad news was reported while I was writing this.  According to Tokyo newspaper dated on December 26,011.

http://www.tokyo-np.co.jp/article/ibaraki/20121226/CK2012122602000145.html), heart anomaly was raised among elementary and junior high school students in Toride city, Ibaraki Prefecture.  Among the 1655 students tested, 73 needs further testing, 2.6 times up compared to last year of 28.  Those who had some heart disease was increased to 24 in 2012 compared to 21 in 2011 and 9 in 2010.  QT allongemant syndromes which could lead to sudden death and its suspected cases were 8 compared to 2 in 2011 and 1 in 2010. 




This means that we have no time to be wasted.  I believe paper by Dr. Bandazhevsky (https://docs.google.com/file/d/0Bz1fZmrqFppsNzE4Y2JhMjQtYzc4Yy00MmY3LTkxMmItMzRmY2U3MzhjMTE4/edit?hl=en_US) should be read by all the doctors and medical societies in radiation contaminated areas and there should be immediate countermeasures to protect lives of children.