by Mari Takenouchi, a Japanese anti-nuclear and anti-weapon journalist covered by Reporters without Borders in 2014, Twitter: @mariscontact, E-mail: (My English/Chinese/Japanese book can be ordered by mail)
悲しいニュースが流れました。福島の甲状腺がんの子供で肺に転移した子どもが二人も出たと言うのです。 I heard a very sad news today through Kyodo News Agency. There have been 2 Fukushima thyroid cancer kids who got metastasis in their lungs. 私は原発事故直後からずっと、子供と妊婦の移住を訴えてきました。 I have been calling for evacuation of kids and pregnant women since right after Fukushima accident. いくら食べ物に気を付けても、呼吸はせざるを得ず、自分も東京における3月15日の初期被曝で咳が出続けましたし、私が最も恐れていたのは肺がんだったからです。 No matter how careful you are on what you would eat, nobody can stop breathing. I myself had persistant coughing after March 15 radiation exposure in Tokyo and what I was afraid most was lung cancer. 2011年秋、1日だけ福島を訪れたことがあります。その時、福島では女性の駅伝大会のポスターが張られ、宣伝されており、私は背筋が凍りました。 I visited Fukushima just one day in autumn 2011. That day, my spine got frozen by seeing advertising posters of Women's Marathon Race in Fukushima.
After that, I got to know that even children's marathon races were being held in areas with doses equivalent to radiation control areas. NHK, Japanese public TV station, never touches upon the thyroid cancer incidence in Fukushima (though they did in NHK international, they never did in domestic programs), and instead, keeps covering children's outside sport festivals and fruit-picking in Fukushima. 国は福島への住民の帰還に向けたプログラムを勧め、このような大事なニュースは決して公共放送のNHKなどではやりません。 NHK shows programs which encourage residents in contaminated areas to go back their home town, and they never show this kind of serious issues. 一方、私は福島に子供を居させ続けることは人体実験とツイートで発言しただけで、福島に人々が住み続けることを推奨する団体から刑事告訴を受け、その後もネット上の嫌がらせ者からの脅迫が絶え間なくあります。 Meanwhile, I was even criminally accused by a leader of ETHOS, a Fukushima NGO which encourages residents to keep living in their homeland, and have been threatened by countless internet obstructors. 自国の子供たちを見捨てるような政府やマスコミは、完全に狂っています。 I truly believe any government or media which ignores their own people's children's health/lives is insane. ちなみに安倍首相はNHKチーフプロデューサーからの政治献金隠しで最近、刑事告発を受けましたが、NHKはこの大事なスキャンダルをも無視ています。 In addition, recently, Prime Minister Abe was criminally accused for covering up the political donation from NHK Chief Producer, but NHK has been ignoring this important scandal. 私はこのことを世界の人に知ってほしいです。
I want these facts to be known among all the conscious citizens in the world. *************************** From Kyodo News 2014, Aug 28
共同通信 2014年 8月28日 福島県立医大の鈴木真一教授は28日、東京電力福島第1原発事故を受け福島県が実施している甲状腺検査で、がんの疑いが強いと診断、手術した子供の具体的な症例を横浜市で開かれた日本癌治療学会で報告した。
On August 28 at the Japan Cancer Treatment Society, Professor Shinichi Suzuki from Fukushima Medical University reported concrete examples of children who have or suspected to have thyroid cancer throught the Fukushima prefectural thyroid examination after Fukushima Daiichi accident. がんは原発事故の影響とは考えにくいとの見方を示した上で、過剰診断や必要のない手術との声が上がっていることに触れ「基準に基づいた治療だった」と強調した。 After explaining his perspective showing that the possibility of the nuclear accident influence is little, he stressed, "his treatment was in accordance with the standard." 福島県の甲状腺検査は震災発生当時18歳以下の約37万人が対象。これまで甲状腺がんと確定した子供は57人、「がんの疑い」は46人に上る。子どもの甲状腺がんが急増した1986年のチェルノブイリ原発事故と比較し、鈴木氏は「症状も年齢分布もチェルノブイリとは異なる」とした。 The subjects of the thyroid examination is 370,000 children under 18 at the time of the accident in Fukushima prefecure. The confirmed cases are 57 and suspected case are 46. Compared to the 1986 Chernobyl nuclear accident, Professor Suzuki said, "Both the symptoms and age distributions are different." がんの57人のうち県立医大が手術した54人について、8割超の45人は腫瘍の大きさが10ミリ超かリンパ節や他の臓器への転移などがあり、診断基準では手術するレベルだった。2人が肺にがんが転移していた。 As for the 54 thyroid cancer patients who went through the surgery at Fukushima Medical University out of the 57 (translators; which means only 3 had surgery outside of Fukushima Medical University), more than 80% had cancer size larger than 10mm or metastsis to lymph nodes or other organs, which needed surgery. 2 had metastasis in their lungs. 残る9人は腫瘍が10ミリ以下で転移などはなかったが、7人は「腫瘍が気管に近接しているなど、手術は妥当だった」。2人は経過観察でもよいと判断されたが、本人や家族の意向で手術した。 The remaining 9 had cancer size less than 10 mm without any metastasis. But according to Prof. Suzuki, "7 had cancer adjacent to the resparatory tract and conducting surgery on them was right decisions." The remainig 2 could wait for surgery by follow up observation, but they received the surgery based on the will of the patient and his/her families. 手術した54人の約9割が甲状腺の半分の摘出にとどまった。 90% of the patients had their thyroid extracted only half. 福島の甲状腺がんをめぐっては一部の専門家から「手術をしなくてもいいケースがあったのではないか」との指摘があり、患者データの公開を求める声があった。 As for the Fukushima thyroid cancer, some experts asked, "Weren't there any cases where no surgery was needed?" and the call for disclosing the patients' data was mounting. ************** 「子どもと妊婦を避難させて!」署名にご協力を!
Please "Evacuate pregnant women and kids!" Please share this 6 language petition! Japanese
Updated Jan, 2019 202 thyroid cancer/highly suspected cases among Fukushima kids as of June 2018 福島の子供の202人に甲状腺がん及び疑い (2018年6月時点の福島県の発表による。福島県ホームページに毎回発表されています。)
Now 118 thyroid cancer and suspected cases among Fukushima kids! I wonder why all the peopla in Japan have not made any fuss over this extremely serious situation!
On Dec 25th, finally, NHK, the shameful public Japanese TV broadcasted thyroid cancer kids news in Fukushima!! But NHK still says, "hard to think they were caused by radiation!" Bullshit!! This should be a histrical crime! There are even children who got cancer metastasis even in their lungs in Fukushima!
In addition, causal relationship CAN be identified through 7Q11 GENE test!
子供4人、甲状腺がん疑い 原発事故直後「異常なし」Additional 4 kids suspected as thyroid cancer though they were not found any abnormality in the 1st round test. Nikkei 2014/12/24 2:00 cript:v
This will be reported in the review committee in Fukushima city on Dec 25th. Fukushima Medical University will hastely diagnose the suspected cases and will carefully determine whether the cancer was caused by radiation or not.
The subject of the test was 370,000 Fukushima children under 18 years old at the time of the accident and the second test will be conducted on 385000 children including those who were born one year after the accident.
Through ultrasonic echo machine, cysts/nodules size and form are checked and classified as A1, A2, B and C and children under the categories of B and C go through the 2nd test for blood test and biopsy.
According to the source, the additional 4 thyroid cancer suspected cases for the 2nd round of test were 6 to 17 years old at the time of the disaster. The 4 children went through the 2nd round of primary test since April 2014 and were diagnosed as B. As the result of 2nd test with biopsy, they were diagnosed as "suspected cancer."
On August 24th, Fukushima prefectural health survey meeting was held in Fukushima city, and it was reported that there are 103 thyroid cancer kids including the suspected cases. There have been already 57 kids who already had surgery with confirmation of cancer.
As for the thyroid examination started in fall of 2011 by Fukushima prefecure, 80% of the 360,000 minors under 18 years old at the time of accident, the total of 296,000 have gone through the examination.
In Aizu area where the examination started last had 80% results of the secondary test.
And the total of 104 kids were diagnosed as malignant cancer or suspected cancer through the needling biopsy.
58 kids already went through the surgery and one was found to have benign nodule, but 55 had papillary carninoma and 2 had anaplastic cancer.
Fukushima medical university calculated the thyroid cancer rate in each region of Fukushima. According to that, there are as many as 30 thyroid cancer kids in 100,000 in Fukushima as a whole. There are 35.3 in Hamadori (coastal area close to Fukushima Daiichi) and 35.4 in Nakadori (central area in Fukushima) and 27.7 in Aizu (mountaneous area in the west).
According to the data in Nagasaki University which conducted screening test on thyroid cancer in contaminated areas in Chernobyl, there were 31 out of 100000 in Korosten in State of Zhytomyr and 22 in Kiev in Ukraine.
The result shows similar rate of that of contaminated areas in Chernobyl.
The same Japan Coast Guard person is known to have done another violent act against an anti-base citizen before. The guard pressed a citizen grabbing his glasses onto his face, which lead to bleeding, according to local people.
On August 22th, Japan Coast Guard person violently grabbed a 32 year old canoe activist by the neck, which resulting in cervical sprain that would take 10 days to recover.
On August 29th, the 32 year old man along with his lawyers submitted a complaint to Naha Local Prosecutors' Office Nago Branch for crime of violence and humiliation resulting in injury.
The canoe activist was diagnosed as "cerevrel sprain which would take 10 days to be recovered" at the hospital he went on the same day.
Interview video interview動画 (途中からなぜか音声が小さくなったり、復活したり。。。そこで内容を書き起こしました。)
Strangely, the sound became suddenly small, so I added the rough transcript. (not exactly word to word, but the content is accurate.)
On August 23rd, a big incident took place in Henoko. A non-violent canoe protestor was injured by Japan Coast Guard person which became a big news. (Okinawa Times, Aug 23, 2014)
He is just in front of me and unfortunately, he has been suffering from cerevral sprain.
Please tell me what happened.
The man: I was doing opposition campaign on the canoe boat against drilling survey implemented at Bay of Oura, in Henoko on that day.
Then 2 Japan Coast Guard rubber boats came to my boat and sandwitched my canoe.
Then the personnel pulled my canoe boat using an iron bar.
When the media boat was approaching, then the guard patted me gesturing, "Are you OK?" and when the media boat was away, he started grabbing me strongly again. The same thing happened two times.
So the thing was like this. Japan Coast Guard man was trying to make look the situation as if he was not feeling any pain, but he was pretending and he was acting as if he had pain in his neck.
But actually he (the Japan Coast Guard person) was telling a lie. I was feeling tremendous pain in my neck during that time. He was actually violently holding my neck.
Afterwards, I was taken away by the rubber boat and I was questioned by them.
They did questioning without legal background, so I was keeping my silence not telling my name and address.
Then the Japan Coast Guard man told me that he will take me to the special patrol boat
(translator's note: I took the wrong word "Fleet" but he meant he was about to be taken into a "patrol boat.")
I asked the man to take me back to the beach I started with other canoe men.
This case is a very good example of Abe regime's high-handed political tactics to relocate Futenma air base to new Henoko base.
Majority of Okinawan people are against the construction of new base at Henoko after closing Futenma.
However, Mr. Nakaima, the governor of Okinawa, admitted the application for reclaiming the Henoko Sea at the end of last year.
(Translator's note:Sorry! My video translation was misinterpreted so here it is!
This is the denial of democracy which has been nurtured during the course of long years in human history. Also this is quite a challenge for us seeing that the regime can violently change the decision.
I would like to continue this fight against the construction of US base, never never giving up.
I would like to take care of my neck and get recovered as early as possible so that I do not have to wear this corset and would like to go back to canoe team again.
I do not know the details of this person, but local people told me that he had done another violent act against another protester who was wearing glasses. The protester was captured by him who purposely pressed him hard above his glasses, and the protester suffered bleeding from the side of his eye.
On the other hand, the person injured this time was a man in his early 30s and he was quite sincere and gentle.
He told me that he was doing some studies/activities in pursuing the responsibilities of Japan during the war of agression, insufficient post-war compensation, comfort women issue, and economical gaps on developing nations.
(Since I was also working on comfort women issue, I was happy to see our common points.)
He stressed that we need to focus more on Japanese responsibility as perpetrators against Asian nations. (I totally agree with him!)
He was very nice to my 4 year old son before and after the interview, and though I asked him, "Please never mind my son since your neck is injured," he was playing with my son. My son was deligted and loved him!
Currently, my twitter is controlled by someone and the number of followers are constantly decreasing in an unnatural straight line...and my tweets cannot sometimes be RTed according to some people who report me.
Likewise, my iphone seems to be behaving strangely with the sound suddenly becoming small or getting back to normal. On this day, my video camera's battery was gone, so I was using my iphone...
Though 20% of the battery remained at the time when he said the last line, the sound system almost died away in the middle and then recovered...very strange...
The above video (24 seconds) shows the moment when the above canoe activist was violently captured by Japan Coast Guard man. Strangely, if you look at youtube, there are many people who pressed Thumb Down. Why?
I always feel resentment when there are people who press Thumb Down even on my 4 year son's video...
All the Fukushima kids thyroid cancer are at high risk
甲状腺がんの手術では評価の高い隈病院の宮内昭院長と国立がんセンターの津金昌一郎センター長が、それぞれ参考人として意見を述べた。 Experts opinions were provided by 2 doctors who are renowned surgeons for thyroid cancer, Dr. Akira Miyauchi, the director of Sumi Hospital and Dr. Shoichiro Tsugane from National Cancer Center. その中で宮内院長は、福島県立医大放射線医学センターに設置されている「甲状腺検査専門家委員会診断基準等検討部会」の委員に加わっていることを明かした上で、福島県の甲状腺がんのうち、少なくとも7割が1センチ以上かまたはリンパ節転移のあるものであると報告。 Dr. Miyauchi revealed that he is a member of Subcomittee of Diagnoses Standard Evaluation for Tyroid Examination Experts' Committee at Fukushima Medical University Center for Radiation Medicine, and reported that at least 70% of thyroid cancer kids in Fkukushima have cancer larger than 1cm or metastasis in their lymph nodes. 中には遠隔転移の症例もある説明した。また残り3割についても、反回神経に近い、または気管に近い高リスク症例であることを明らかにした。
He added that some child patients had distant metastases. As for the remaining 30%, they were all high risk thyroid cancer since the cancer lesions were located near recurrent laryngeal nerve or tracheae.
During the course of discussion regarding the thyroid checkups, the chairman of the Experts' Committee, Dr. Shigenobu Nagataki mentioned, "How about the idea of securing safety by removing thyroid glands even at one out of 100 or even 10 children?" Responding to this, Dr. Miyauchi said, "That number is too extreme" with a cautioning tone. Distrust against Dr. Nagataki is quite strong, and after the meeting, there were some people holding sign boards sayding, "We do not need the biased chairman" and "Does the chairman have any heart?"
*Translator's note: Dr. Shigenobu Nagataki also participated in IAEA Cheronobyl Project children's thyroid examination along with the late Dr. Itsuzo Shigematsu and Dr. Shunichi Yamashita. They kept denying the radiation cause until RET gene rearrangement was found in the patients in the middle of 90s. Apart from thyroid cancer, all the other diseases caused by radiation are still denied by these scholars.