185 Fukushima thyroid cancer kids!
The youngest patient of 4 year old at the time of the accident was found to have been unrepoted!
https://savekidsjapan.blogspot.com/ by Mari Takenouchi, a Japanese anti-nuclear & anti-war citizen journalist covered by Reporters without Borders in 2014, https://rsf.org/en/japanese-prosecutor-suspends-contempt-proceedings-against-journalist Twitter: @mariscontact, E-mail: mariscontact@gmail.com (My English/Chinese/Japanese book can be ordered by mail)
Other blogs その他のブログ
Mari Takenouchi Files 竹野内真理ファイルhttp://takenouchimari.blogspot.jp/
真理の公開質問Mari Takenouchi's Open Letters http://koukaishitsumon.blogspot.jp
Videos of Dr. Bandazhevsky and I バンダジェフスキーと真理の動画 https://maritakenouchiyoutube.blogspot.com/
Shady peopleおかしな人々 http://fukushimaworkerslist.blogspot.jp/ Mari's essay真理のエッセイ http://takenouchimariessay.blogspot.jp/
Conspiracy Theory??https://conspiracytheoryistrueornot.blogspot.com
Email: mariscontact@gmail.com, takenouchimari@gmail.com
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMiakTGB8t-Dsc6CgSr4kTwTwitter: @mariscontact
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mariscontact/
Mari's youtubeFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/mariscontact/
福島の子供甲状腺がん185人!最年少4歳が報告されず!185Fukushima thyroid cancer kids. 4 yr-old left unreported!
185 Fukushima thyroid cancer kids!
The youngest patient of 4 year old at the time of the accident was found to have been unrepoted!
185 Fukushima thyroid cancer kids!
The youngest patient of 4 year old at the time of the accident was found to have been unrepoted!
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