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Dear Ambassador Caroline Kennedy, please protect people from radiation just like your great father did! キャロライン・ケネディー駐日大使殿へ:貴方の偉大なお父様がやられたように、放射能から人々を守ってください。

Ms. Caroline Kennedy, the US Ambassador to Japan

Congratulations for taking the office of the ambassador to Japan. 
Welcome to Japan!
I was looking forward to your coming.


My name is Mari Takenouchi, a journalist and a translator.  As a matter of fact, I had the opportunity to translate two books, "The Enemy Within" and "Radioactive Baby Teeth" which had words of your father during the US Senate speech before the ratification of Partial Test Ban Treaty.  Your father's word was so moving and I was on the verge of tears when I first read it.


"...the number of children and grandchildren with cancer in their bones, with leukemia in their blood, or with poison in their lungs might seem statiscally small to some, in comparison with natural health hazards.  But this is not a natrural health hazard, and it is not a statistical issue. The loss of even one human life, or the malformation of even one baby, who may be born long after we are gone, should be of concern to us all.  Our children and grandchildren are not merely statistics toward which we can be indifferent."

John F. Kennedy's speech to the US Senate to ratify the Partial Test Ban Treaty

「骨にガンができ、血液が白血病にかかり、肺ガンになった子どもや孫の数は、統計学的には自然発生の健康障害と比べて少ないかもしれない。しかし、これは自然に起こる健康障害ではなく、統計学の問題でもない。たった一人の子どもの生命の喪失であっても、また我々の死後に生まれるたった一人の子どもの先天性異常であっても、我々全員が憂慮すべき問題だ。 我々の子どもや孫たちは、我々が無関心でいられる単なる統計学的な数字ではない。」


As your father had said, we adults should care even one child's death or one's child's malformation.


There are as many as 59 thyroid cancer and suspected cases among Fukushima children after the nuclear accident.  http://savekidsjapan.blogspot.jp/2013/11/5959-thyroid-cancer-and-suspected-cases.html
However, quite sadly our Prime Minister has said, "There is no health hazards and will not be" http://savekidsjapan.blogspot.jp/2013/09/dear-citizens-in-world-prime-minister.html and media such as NHK has never touched upon this issue.


The incidence rate of thyroid cancer is already hundreds of times higher than before, but scholars all say that such number is solely due to the examination of all healthy children which they happened to find such rate, without any relationship with the consequence of the nuclear accident.


At the same time, among these thyroid cancer Fukushima kids, there are multiple number of kids who had lymph nodes metastasis.


I telephoned the Fukushima Medical University to conduct 7q11 chromosome band test to identify the cause of the thyroid cancer, but strangely, they stubbornly said that they would not conduct such test and other famous thyroid cancer hospitals answered me the same. http://savekidsjapan.blogspot.jp/2013/09/a-fukushima-teenager-found-to-have-lung.html


Regretfully, Japanese government, bureaucrats, scholars, doctors and medias do not seem to care about children's health in Japan.


Not only Japanese nationals, but there are US nationals who became ill after exposure to radiation from Fukushima accident.  I heard stories from Navy crews of Ronald Regan. http://savekidsjapan.blogspot.jp/2013/10/health-hazards-of-ronald-regan-soldiers.html


I was also very surprised to hear a story of a US student who developed similar symptoms of radiation sickness even after several days stay in Tohoku.


I attended "Medical and Ecological Consequences after Fukushima Nuclear Accident" held at New York Academy of Medicine this March, and talked about health hazards already observed in Japan.

Then, one of the US audience, who happened to have brought some US students to Japan and witnessed such illness among the students, was shocked to hear my story and wrote letter to the Education Minister, Mr. Shimomura, which was carried on Japan Times. 

この時来ていた米国人の教育関係者が、自分の学生にも同様の症状が出ていると知り、下村科学大臣に書簡を送り、Japan Timesにも報じられています。

I wrote an open question-letter to Minister Shimomura. http://koukaishitsumon.blogspot.jp/2013/10/did-you-read-letter-on-japan-times.html


As you may know, the area where the US embassy is located is not safe at all. As for the soil contamination, the US military holds precise data.


In addition, Japanese food standard is 100Bq/kg, which is 1000 times higher than the average food figures before the accident in Japan.  100Bq/kg is quite equivalent to the low-level nuclear waste which is supposed to be stored in the drumcan. http://koukaishitsumon.blogspot.jp/2013/10/did-you-read-letter-on-japan-times.html


As for Strontium 90, which is considered one of the most dangerous material, there have been no inspection on food inspite of the fact that contaminated water has been leaking, which could have contaminated the seafoods.


Accordingly, I would like the Ambassador and US embassy personnels to take the best care to protect yourselves.


On top of that, as your great father had done through ratifying the Partial Test Ban Treaty, please protect people from radiation, especially children living in contaminated areas. 


Radiation exposure from inhalation is quite dangerous and irreversable, since it could cause lung cancer, so the best way is to relocate children to safer places as early as possible.


In addition, in an earthquake prone country like Japan, it is very important to stop all the operations of nuclear facilities before another disaster takes place, which is quite probable.


I wrote such proposals to President Obama as well, but probably he has never seen the contents of my letter yet.  Would you please show my letter to President Obama as well? http://savekidsjapan.blogspot.jp/2013/06/letter-to-mr-president.html


I would be very appreciative if you could kindly consider my proposal.

Thank you very much in advance.


Mari Takenouchi, journalist, translator, a single mother of a three year old boy

Since your family photoes are so beautiful, I am putting them below.