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Mari Takenouchi @mariscontact (Blogger, translator, journalist)  
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Videos of Dr. Bandazhevsky and I バンダジェフスキーと真理の動画 https://maritakenouchiyoutube.blogspot.com/
Shady peopleおかしな人々 http://fukushimaworkerslist.blogspot.jp/ Mari's essay真理のエッセイ http://takenouchimariessay.blogspot.jp/
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UKRAINE BEING CONTAMINATED! NO TO DEPLETED URANIUM (NUCLEAR) WEAPONS! ウクライナで英国許与の劣化ウラン弾による放射能汚染!劣化ウラン弾の廃絶を!核兵器につながる原発の世界的な廃止を求めます!


米国と英国は、コソボとイラクで放射性兵器(つまり核兵器)である大量の劣化ウラン弾を使用し、多大な被害を及ぼしました。 さらに今回、イギリスはウクライナに劣化ウラン兵器の引き渡しを決定し、劣化ウランの危険性を熟知しているロシアとの核戦争の可能性が高まっております。日本の被爆者団体も劣化ウランの使用に反対の声明を出しました。
The U.S. and the U.K. have used large quantities of depleted uranium munitions, which are radioactive (i.e., nuclear) weapons, in Kosovo and Iraq, causing tremendous damage. Furthermore, this time, the UK has decided to hand over DU weapons to Ukraine, increasing the possibility of nuclear war with Russia, which is well aware of the dangers of DU. Japanese hibakusha organizations have also issued a statement opposing the use of depleted uranium. We must not allow further use of radioactive weapons (nuclear weapons) following Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Kosovo, and Iraq. DU (U-238), which is produced to make fuel for nuclear power plants, has a half-life of 4.5 billion years. It is wrong to produce U-238, which has high alpha and beta radiation levels that are not easily released when inhaled or inoculated into the body, for the operation of nuclear power plants! And to allow it to be used in the war in Ukraine is crazy. Russia, sensing the danger, is even flirting with the possibility of using nuclear weapons. The danger of a global nuclear war is growing. Now is the time for the true abolition of nuclear weapons, including depleted uranium shells! We call for the global abolition of nuclear power plants that lead to nuclear weapons!

陳鸞(らん)壺助 on Twitter: "劣化ウラン弾 イラクに深刻な被害をもたらしたが。 同時に実は従軍した米軍兵士が帰国後。  妻が妊娠し、出産すると「奇形児」が続出した" / Twitter
 米国と英国が大量使用した劣化ウラン兵器に より、先天性異常に苦しむイラクの赤ちゃん

Iragi babies suffering from the impacts of depleted uranium used by the US and UK



(Seeing these photos inspired me to become a volunteer translator.
It was almost 30 years ago. This was before I knew about nuclear power. Later, when I learned that depleted uranium is produced to make fuel for nuclear power plants and that it is used for weapons, I came to believe that nuclear power plants should be banned in the world along with nuclear weapons.)



Depleted Uranium UN Resolutions


UN Sub-Commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities Resolution 1996/16, August 29, 1996, E/CN.4/SUB.2/RES/1996/16 Sub-Commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities concludes forty-eighth session - Press release HR/CN/755 , September 4, 1996 UN Sub-Commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities Resolution 1997/36, August 28, 1997, E/CN.4/SUB.2/RES/1997/36

国連差別の防止及び少数者の保護に関する小委員会 決議 1996/16, 1996年8月29日, E/CN.4/SUB.2/RES/1996/16 差別の防止及び少数者の保護に関する小委員会が第48会期を終了 - プレスリリース HR/CN/755 , 1996年9月4日 国連差別の防止及び少数者の保護に関する小委員会 決議 1997/36, 1997年8月28日 , E/CN.4/SUB.2/RES/1997/36 

International peace and security as an essential condition for the enjoyment of human rights, above all the right to life Sub-Commission resolution 1996/16
人権、とりわけ生命への権利の享受のための必須条件としての国際平和と安全保障 小委員会決議 1996/16

The Sub-Commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities, Guided by the principles of the Charter of the United Nations, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Covenants on Human Rights and the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949 and the Additional Protocols thereto, Recalling General Assembly resolutions 42/99 of 7 December 1987 and 43/111 of 8 December 1988 reaffirming that all people have an inherent right to life, Concerned at the alleged use of weapons of mass or indiscriminate destruction both against members of the armed forces and against civilian populations, resulting in death, misery and disability, Concerned also at repeated reports on the long-term consequences of the use of such weapons upon human life and health and upon the environment, Concerned further that the physical effects on the environment, the debris from the use of such weapons, either alone or in combination, and abandoned contaminated equipment constitute a serious danger to life, Convinced that the production, sale and use of such weapons are incompatible with international human rights and humanitarian law, Believing that continued efforts must be undertaken to sensitize public opinion to the inhuman and indiscriminate effects of such weapons and to the need for their complete elimination, Convinced that the production, sale and use of such weapons are incompatible with the promotion and maintenance of international peace and security, 1. Urges all States to be guided in their national policies by the need to curb the production and the spread of weapons of mass destruction or with indiscriminate effect, in particular nuclear weapons, chemical weapons, fuel-air bombs, napalm, cluster bombs, biological weaponry and weaponry containing depleted uranium; 2. Requests the Secretary-General: 

差別の防止及び少数者の保護に関する小委員会は、国際連合憲章、世界人権宣言、国際人権規約及び1949年8月12日のジュネーヴ条約並びにその追加議定書の原則に導かれ、すべての人が生命に対する固有の権利を有することを再確認する1987年12月7日の総会決議42/99及び1988年12月8日の43/111を思い起こす、 大量破壊兵器又は無差別破壊兵器が軍隊の構成員及び一般市民に対して使用され、死、悲惨及び障害をもたらしたとされることに懸念を表明し、また、かかる兵器の使用が人間の生命及び健康並びに環境に及ぼす長期的影響について繰り返し報告されていることに懸念を表明する、 さらに、環境への物理的影響、そのような兵器の使用による破片が単独で又は組み合わせて、及び放置された汚染された機器が生命に対する重大な危険を構成することを懸念し、そのような兵器の製造、販売及び使用が国際人権法及び人道法と両立しないことを確信する、 このような兵器の非人道的かつ無差別的な効果及びその完全な廃絶の必要性について世論を感化するための努力を継続しなければならないことを信じ、このような兵器の生産、販売及び使用は、国際平和及び安全の促進及び維持と両立しないことを確信して、1.すべての国に対し、大量破壊兵器又は無差別的効果を有する兵器、特に、核兵器、化学兵器、燃料空気爆弾、ナパーム、クラスター爆弾、生物兵器及び劣化ウランを含む兵器の生産及び拡散を抑制する必要性に基づいてその国家政策を指導するよう要請する:

(a) To collect information from Governments, the competent United Nations bodies and agencies and non-governmental organizations on the use of nuclear weapons, chemical weapons, fuel-air bombs, napalm, cluster bombs, biological weaponry and weaponry containing depleted uranium, on their consequential and cumulative effects, and on the danger they represent to life, physical security and other human rights; (b) To submit a report on the information gathered to the Sub-Commission at its forty-ninth session, together with any recommendations and views which he may have received on effective ways and means of eliminating such weapons;
(a)核兵器、化学兵器、燃料空気爆弾、ナパーム、クラスター爆弾、生物兵器及び劣化ウランを含む兵器の使用、それらの結果及び累積的影響並びにそれらが生命、身体の安全及びその他の人権に与える危険に関する情報を政府、国際連合の所管機関及び非政府組織から収集すること; (b) 第49会期において、収集した情報に関する報告書を、当該兵器を廃絶するための効果的な方法及び手段に関して受け取った勧告及び見解とともに、小委員会に提出すること;

3. Decides to give further consideration to this matter at its forty-ninth session, on the basis of any additional information which may be contained in reports of the Secretary-General to the Sub-Commission or to other United Nations bodies, or which may be submitted to the Sub-Commission by Governments or non-governmental organizations. 34th meeting
29 August 1996
[Adopted by 15 votes to 1, with 8 abstentions.] Available also at:
http://www.unhchr.ch/Huridocda/Huridoca.nsf/0811fcbd0b9f6bd58025667300306dea/887c730868a70a758025665700548a00 ゥ Copyright 1999
Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Geneva, Switzerland 

3. 事務総長の小委員会に対する報告若しくは他の国際連合機関に対する報告に含まれ得る追加情報又は政府若しくは非政府組織から小委員会に提出され得る追加情報に基づき、その第四十九会期においてこの問題について更に検討することを決定する。第34回会合
[15 票対 1 票、棄権 8 票で採択された):
http://www.unhchr.ch/Huridocda/Huridoca.nsf/0811fcbd0b9f6bd58025667300306dea/887c730868a70a758025665700548a00 ゥ Copyright 1999


9 - Press Release HR/CN/755 4 September 1996 -- Affirmed that weapons of mass destruction and, in particular, nuclear weapons should have no role to play in international relations and thus should be eliminated; -- Further reaffirmed its support for a total ban on the production, marketing and use of such weapons; urged States that had not yet done so to sign and ratify the Convention on Conventional Weapons and Protocols thereto; -- Urged all States to be guided in their national policies by the need to curb production and spread of weapons of mass destruction or with indiscriminate effect, in particular nuclear weapons, chemical weapons, fuel-air bombs, napalm, cluster bombs, biological weaponry and weaponry containing depleted uranium; -- Requested the Secretary-General to collect information from governments and other relevant sources on the use of such weapons and on their consequential and cumulative effects, and to submit a report on the matter to the Subcommission at its forty-ninth session. 

9 - プレスリリース HR/CN/755 1996年9月4日 -- 大量破壊兵器、特に核兵器は国際関係においていかなる役割も果たすべきでなく、したがって排除されるべきであることを確認し、さらにそのような兵器の生産、販売、使用を全面的に禁止することを再確認し、まだ署名していない国に対して、通常兵器に関する条約とその議定書に署名して批准するよう促しました; -- 大量破壊兵器又は無差別的効果を有する兵器、特に核兵器、化学兵器、燃料空気爆弾、ナパーム、クラスター爆弾、生物兵器及び劣化ウランを含む兵器の生産及び拡散を抑制する必要性によって、すべての国がその国家政策において導かれるよう促した -- 事務総長に、これらの兵器の使用並びにその結果及び累積効果について政府及びその他の関係筋から情報を集め、この問題に関する報告をその第49会期に小委員会に提出することを要請した。

International peace and security as an essential condition for the enjoyment of human rights, above all the right to life Sub-Commission resolution 1997/36
人権、とりわけ生命への権利の享受のための必須条件としての国際平和と安全保障 小委員会決議 1997/36

The Sub-Commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities, Guided by the Charter of the United Nations, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Covenants on Human Rights and the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949 and the Additional Protocols thereto, Recalling General Assembly resolutions 42/99 of 7 December 1987 and 43/111 of 8 December 1988 reaffirming that all people have an inherent right to life, Recalling also its resolution 1992/39 of 28 August 1992 on arms production and trade and human rights violations, Recalling further its resolution 1996/16 of 29 August 1996, in which it requested the Secretary-General to submit a report on information gathered on the use of nuclear weapons, chemical weapons, fuel-air bombs, napalm, cluster bombs, biological weaponry and weaponry containing depleted uranium and their consequential and cumulative effects and the danger they represent to life, physical security and other human rights, Concerned at the use of weapons of mass or indiscriminate destruction or of a nature to cause superfluous injury or unnecessary suffering, both against members of the armed forces and against civilian populations, resulting in death, pain, misery and disability, Concerned also at repeated reports of the long-term consequences of the use of such weapons upon human life and health, Concerned further that the physical effects on the environment of testing, storage or disposal of or debris from such weapons, either alone or in combination, and abandoned contaminated equipment constitute a serious danger to life and health, Convinced that the use of or threat of use of weapons of mass or indiscriminate destruction and, in certain circumstances, the production and sale of such weapons are incompatible with international human rights and/or humanitarian law, Convinced also that the production, sale, use or threat of use of chemical and biological weapons are incompatible with international law, as well as the promotion and maintenance of international peace and security, Convinced further that the use on civilian populations of napalm and fuel-air bombs violates the Protocol on Prohibition or Restrictions on the Use of Incendiary Weapons (Protocol III) to the 1980 Convention on Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Use of Certain Conventional Weapons, Believing that the production, sale, use or threat of use of nuclear weapons has serious consequences for the promotion and maintenance of international peace and security, Believing further that continued efforts must be undertaken to sensitize public opinion to the inhuman and indiscriminate effects of all such weapons and to the need for their complete elimination, Having considered the report of the Secretary-General (E/CN.4/Sub.2/1997/27) and the many serious questions raised therein, 1. Urges all States to be guided in their national policies by the need to curb the testing, the production and the spread of weapons of mass destruction, or with indiscriminate effect, or of a nature to cause superfluous injury or unnecessary suffering; 2. Decides to authorize Ms. Clemencia Forero Ucros to prepare, without financial implications, a working paper, in the context of human rights and humanitarian norms, assessing the utility, scope and structure of a study on weapons of mass destruction or with indiscriminate effect, or of a nature to cause superfluous injury or unnecessary suffering. 37th meeting ; 28 August 1997 ; [Adopted without a vote. See chap. XIV.] The Resolution available also at: http://www.unhchr.ch/Huridocda/Huridoca.nsf/0811fcbd0b9f6bd58025667300306dea/21a4acb0f1b289e
http://www.unhchr.ch/huridocda/huridoca.nsf/FramePage/Body+SC+En?OpenDocument ゥ Copyright 1999
Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Geneva, Switzerland 

差別の防止及び少数者の保護に関する小委員会は、国際連合憲章、世界人権宣言、国際人権規約、1949年8月12日のジュネーブ条約及びその追加議定書に導かれています、 すべての人が生命に対する固有の権利を有することを再確認した1987年12月7日の総会決議42/99及び1988年12月8日の総会決議43/111を想起し、また、武器生産及び貿易と人権侵害に関する1992年8月28日の決議92/39を想起し、さらに、核兵器の使用について収集した情報に関する報告書を事務総長に要請した1996年8月29日の決議96/16を想起する、 化学兵器、燃料空気爆弾、ナパーム、クラスター爆弾、生物兵器および劣化ウランを含む兵器、ならびにそれらの結果的および累積的影響、ならびに生命、身体の安全およびその他の人権に及ぼす危険性、 大量破壊兵器、無差別破壊兵器又は不必要な傷害若しくは苦痛を与える性質を有する兵器が、軍隊の構成員及び一般市民に対して使用され、死、苦痛、悲惨及び障害をもたらすことを憂慮し、また、かかる兵器の使用が人間の生命及び健康に長期にわたる結果をもたらすことが繰り返し報告されていることを憂慮する、 さらに、このような兵器の実験、貯蔵又は廃棄、及び破片の単独又は組み合わせ、並びに放置された汚染された設備が環境に及ぼす物理的影響が生命及び健康に対する重大な危険を構成することを懸念し、大量破壊又は無差別破壊の兵器の使用又は使用の脅威があることを確信した、 また、化学兵器及び生物兵器の製造、販売、使用又は使用の脅威は、国際法、並びに国際平和及び安全の促進及び維持と両立しないことを確信する、 さらに、ナパームおよび燃料空気爆弾の民間人に対する使用が、1980年の特定通常兵器の使用の禁止または制限に関する条約の焼夷弾の使用の禁止または制限に関する議定書(第三議定書)に違反することを確信し、その製造、販売、また、焼夷弾の使用は、1980年の特定通常兵器の使用の禁止または制限に関する条約の焼夷弾の使用の禁止または制限に関する議定書に違反していると信じます、 核兵器の使用又は使用の脅威は、国際平和及び安全の促進及び維持に重大な影響を及ぼすものであり、さらに、そのような兵器すべての非人道的かつ無差別的な効果及びその完全な廃絶の必要性について世論を感化するための継続的努力がなされなければならないと信じ、事務局長報告(E/CN.4)を検討した。 4 /Sub.2 /大量破壊兵器、無差別的な効果を持つ兵器、または余分な傷害や不必要な苦痛を与える性質の兵器の実験、生産、拡散を抑制する必要性によって、すべての国がその国家政策において導かれるよう強く求める。Clemencia Forero Ucros女史に、人権および人道的規範の文脈から、大量破壊兵器、無差別効果兵器、または過剰な傷害や不必要な苦痛を引き起こす性質の兵器に関する研究の有用性、範囲および構造を評価するワーキングペーパーを、財政的影響を与えずに作成することを認める。第37回会合 1997年8月28日 [無投票で採択、第14章参照] 決議文は、http://www.unhchr.ch/Huridocda/Huridoca.nsf/0811fcbd0b9f6bd58025667300306dea/21a4acb0f1b289e でも入手できる。
http://www.unhchr.ch/huridocda/huridoca.nsf/FramePage/Body+SC+En?OpenDocument ゥ Copyright 1999




Features: Depleted Uranium

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Questions and Answers

特徴 劣化したウラン
メインストーリーへ戻る "


1. What is Uranium?

Uranium (chemical symbol U) is a naturally occurring radioactive element. In its pure form it is a silver-coloured heavy metal, similar to lead, cadmium and tungsten. Like tungsten it is very dense, about 19 grams per cubic centimetre, 70% more dense than lead. It is so dense a small 10-centimetre cube would weigh 20 kilograms.
The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) defines uranium as a Low Specific Activity material. In its natural state, it consists of three isotopes (U-234, U-235 and U-238). Other isotopes that cannot be found in natural uranium are U-232, U-233, U-236 and U-237. The table below shows the fraction by weight of the three isotopes in any quantity of natural uranium, their half lives, and specific activity. The half life of a radioactive isotope is the time taken for it to decay to half of its original amount of radioactivity. The specific activity is the activity per unit mass of a particular radionuclide and is used as a measure of how radioactive a radionuclide is. It is expressed in the table in becquerels (Bq) per milligram (1 milligram, mg, = 0.001 grams). An activity of one becquerel (Bq) means that on average one disintegration takes place every second.

1. ウランとは?

Relative abundance
by weight
Half life
Specific activity
(Bq mg-1)
The activity concentration arising solely from the decay of the uranium isotopes (U-234, U-235 and U-238) found in natural uranium is 25.4 Bq per mg. In nature, uranium isotopes are typically found in radioactive equilibrium (i.e. the activity of each of the radioactive progeny is equal to the activity of the uranium parent isotope) with their radioactive decay products. Decay products of U-238 include thorium-234 (Th-234), protactinium-234 (Pa-234), U-234, Th-230, radium-226 (Ra-226), radon-222 (Rn-222), polonium-218 (Po-218), lead-214 (Pb-214), bismuth-214 (Bi-214), Po-214 Pb-210 and Po-210. Decay products of U-235 include Th-231, Pa-231, actinium-227 (Ac-227), Th-227,Ra-223,Rn-219, Po-215, Pb-211, Bi-211 and thallium-207 (Tl-207).
Isotopes of natural uranium decay by emitting mainly alpha particles. The emission of beta particles and gamma radiations are low. The table below shows the average energies per transformation emitted by U-238, U-235 and U-234.
天然ウランに含まれるウラン同位体(U-234、U-235、U-238)の崩壊のみから生じる放射能濃度は、1mgあたり25.4Bqです。自然界では、ウラン同位体は通常、放射性崩壊生成物と放射性平衡(すなわち、それぞれの放射性子孫の放射能がウランの親同位体の放射能と等しい)状態にある。U-238の崩壊生成物には、トリウム-234(Th-234)、プロトアクチニウム-234(Pa-234)、U-234、Th-230、ラジウム-226(Ra-226)、ラドン-222(Rn-222)、ポロニウム-218(Po-218)、鉛-214(Pb-214)、ビスマス-214(Bi-214)、ポ-214 Pb-210 および Po-210がある。U-235の崩壊生成物には、Th-231、Pa-231、アクチニウム-227(Ac-227)、Th-227、Ra-223、Rn-219、Po-215、Pb-211、Bi-211、タリウム-207(Tl-207)などがある。

Average energy emitted per transformation
(MeV Bq-1)


2. What are the existing levels of uranium in the environment?

Uranium is found in trace amounts in all rocks and soil, in water and air, and in materials made from natural substances. It is a reactive metal, and, therefore, it is not present as free uranium in the environment. In addition to the uranium naturally found in minerals, the uranium metal and compounds produced by industrial activities can also be released back to the environment.
Uranium can combine with other elements in the environment to form uranium compounds. The solubility of these uranium compounds varies greatly . Uranium in the environment is mainly found as a uranium oxide, typically as UO2, which is an anoxic insoluble compound found in minerals and sometimes as UO3, a moderately soluble compound found in surface waters. Soluble uranium compounds can combine with other chemical elements and compounds in the environment to form other uranium compounds. The chemical form of the uranium compounds determines how easily the compound can move through the environment, as well as how toxic it might be. Some forms of uranium oxides are very inert and may stay in the soil for thousands of years without moving downward into groundwater.
The average concentration of natural uranium in soil is about 2 parts per million, which is equivalent to 2 grams of uranium in 1000 kg of soil. This means that the top metre of soil in a typical 10 m ´ 40 m garden contains about 2 kg of uranium (corresponding to about 50,000,000 Bq of activity just from the decay of the uranium isotopes and ignoring the considerable activity associated with the decay of the progeny. Concentrations of uranium in granite range from 2 parts per million to 20 parts per million. Uranium in higher concentrations (50 - 1000 mg per kg of soil) can be found in soil associated with phosphate deposits. In air, uranium exists as dust. Very small, dust-like particles of uranium in the air are deposited onto surface water, plant surfaces, and soil. These particles of uranium eventually end up back in the soil or in the bottom of lakes, rivers, and ponds, where they mix with the natural uranium that is already there. Typical activity concentrations of uranium in air are around 2 µBq per cubic metre. (UNSCEAR 2000).
Most of the uranium in water comes from dissolved uranium from rocks and soil; only a very small part is from the settling of uranium dust out of the air. Activity concentrations of U-238 and U-234 in drinking water are between a few tenths of a mBq per litre to a few hundred mBqs per litre, although activity concentrations as high as 150 Bq per litre have been measured in Finland (UNSCEAR 2000). Activity concentrations of U-235 are generally more than twenty times lower.
Uranium in plants is the result of its absorption from the soil into roots and other plant parts. Typical activity concentrations of uranium isotopes in vegetables are slightly higher than those found in drinking water. The range of activity concentrations of U-238 measured in grain and leafy vegetables is between 1 mBq per kg and 400 mBq per kg and between 6 mBq per kg and 2200 mBq per kg respectively, while activity concentrations of U-235 are 20 times lower. Activity concentrations in root vegetables are generally lower (UNSCEAR 2000).
The uranium transferred to livestock through ingestion of grass and soil is eliminated quickly through urine and feces. Activity concentrations of U-238 measured in milk and meat products around the world are in the range of 0.1 mBq per kg to 17 mBq per kg and 1 mBq per kg to 20 mBq per kg respectively, with activity concentrations of U-235 more than 20 times lower (UNSCEAR 2000).
2. 環境中のウラン濃度はどの程度か?
土壌中の天然ウランの平均濃度は約2ppmで、これは1000kgの土壌に2gのウランが含まれることに相当します。つまり、一般的な10m×40mの庭の土の上1mには、約2kgのウラン(ウラン同位体の崩壊だけで約50,000,000Bqの放射能に相当し、子孫の崩壊に伴うかなりの放射能は無視される。花崗岩中のウラン濃度は、2ppmから20ppmの範囲である。より高濃度のウラン(土壌1kgあたり50~1000mg)は、リン酸塩鉱床に関連する土壌で見つけることができます。空気中では、ウランは塵として存在します。空気中のウランは、非常に小さな塵のような粒子で、地表水、植物の表面、土壌に沈着する。これらのウランの粒子は、最終的に土壌や湖、川、池の底に戻り、そこに存在する天然ウランと混ざり合います。空気中のウランの典型的な放射能濃度は、1立方メートルあたり2μBq程度です。(unscear 2000)。
水中のウランのほとんどは、岩石や土壌から溶け出したウランで、大気中のウランダストが沈殿したものはごく一部です。飲料水中のU-238とU-234の放射能濃度は、1リットルあたり数十分の1mBqから数百mBqsであるが、フィンランドでは1リットルあたり150Bqという高い放射能濃度が測定された(UNSCEAR 2000)。U-235の放射能濃度は、一般に20倍以上低い。
植物中のウランは、土壌から根や他の植物の部分に吸収された結果である。野菜に含まれるウラン同位体の典型的な放射能濃度は、飲料水に含まれる放射能濃度よりわずかに高い。穀物野菜と葉物野菜で測定されたU-238の放射能濃度の範囲は、それぞれ1mBq/kgから400mBq/kg、6mBq/kgから2200mBq/kgであり、U-235の放射能濃度は20倍低くなっています。根菜類の放射能濃度は一般に低い(UNSCEAR 2000)。
牧草や土壌の摂取により家畜に移行したウランは、尿や糞便を通じて速やかに排出される。世界中の牛乳と肉製品で測定されたU-238の放射能濃度は、それぞれ0.1mBq/kg〜17mBq/kg、1mBq/kg〜20mBq/kgの範囲であり、U-235の放射能濃度は20倍以上低い(UNSCEAR 2000)。

3. What is Depleted Uranium (DU)?

In order to produce fuel for certain types of nuclear reactors and nuclear weapons, uranium has to be "enriched" in the U-235 isotope, which is responsible for nuclear fission. During the enrichment process the fraction of U-235 is increased from its natural level (0.72% by mass) to between 2% and 94% by mass. The by-product uranium mixture (after the enriched uranium is removed) has reduced concentrations of U-235 and U-234. This by-product of the enrichment process is known as depleted uranium (DU). The official definition of depleted uranium given by the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is uranium in which the percentage fraction by weight of U-235 is less than 0.711%. Typically, the percentage concentration by weight of the uranium isotopes in DU used for military purposes is: U-238: 99.8%; U-235: 0.2%; and U-234: 0.001%.
The table below compares percentages of uranium isotopes by weight and activity in natural and depleted uranium.
3. 劣化ウラン(DU)とは?
ある種の原子炉や核兵器の燃料を製造するためには、ウランを核分裂に関与するU-235同位体で「濃縮」する必要があります。濃縮の過程で、U-235の割合は自然のレベル(0.72質量%)から2%~94質量%に増加する。濃縮ウランを取り除いた後の副生ウラン混合物は、U-235とU-234の濃度が低下しています。この濃縮プロセスの副産物は、劣化ウラン(DU)として知られています。米国原子力規制委員会(NRC)による劣化ウランの公式定義は、U-235の重量パーセントが0.711%未満のウランである。通常、軍事目的に使用されるDU中のウラン同位体の重量パーセント濃度は、以下の通りです: U-238: 99.8%、U-235:0.2%、U-234:0.001%です。

Relative isotopic abundance

By weight
By activity
By weight
By activity

4. Is DU more or less radioactive than natural uranium?

DU is considerably less radioactive than natural uranium because not only does it have less U-234 and U-235 per unit mass than does natural uranium, but in addition, essentially all traces of decay products beyond U-234 and Th-231 have been removed during extraction and chemical processing of the uranium prior to enrichment. The specific activity of uranium alone in DU is 14.8 Bq per mg compared with 25.4 Bq per mg for natural uranium. It takes a long time for the uranium decay products to reach (radioactive) equilibrium with the uranium isotopes. For example it takes almost 1 million years for Th-230 to reach equilibrium with U-234. 
4. DUは天然ウランより放射性物質が多いのですか、少ないのですか?

5. Are people naturally exposed to uranium?

Small amounts of natural uranium are ingested and inhaled by everyone every day. It has been estimated (UNSCEAR 2000) that the average person ingests 1.3 µg (1 µg = 1 microgram = 0.000001g) (0.033 Bq) of uranium per day, corresponding to an annual intake of 11.6 Bq. . It has also been estimated that the average person inhales 0.6 µg (15 mBq) every year. Typically, the average person will receive a dose of less than 1 µSv per year from ingestion and inhalation of uranium. In addition, an average individual will receive a dose of about 120 µSv per year from ingestion and inhalation of decay products of uranium, such as Ra-226 and its progeny in water, Rn-222 in homes and Po-210 in cigarette smoke.
Because of the differences in diet, there is a wide variation in consumption levels of uranium around the world, but, primarily, intake depends on the amount of uranium in the water people drink. In some parts of the world, the concentration of uranium in water is very high, and this results in much higher intakes of uranium from drinking water than from food. For example, consumption of uranium in parts of Finland can be tens of micrograms per day.
For information on levels of natural uranium in the human body, see:
  • ICRP Publication 23: International Commission on Radiological Protection, Reference Man: Anatomical Physiological and Metabolic Characteristics. ICRP Publication 23, Pergamon Press, Oxford (1975)
  • RAND Report: Author(s): Harley N. H, Foulkes E. C., Hilborne L. H, Hudson A., Anthony C., R., A Review of the Scientific Literature as It Pertains to Gulf War Illnesses. Vol. 7, Depleted Uranium. RAND Report MR-1018/7-OSD (1999)
For information on average human doses, see:
  • UNSCEAR Reports: UNITED NATIONS, Sources and effects of Ionizing Radiation, Report to the General Assembly with Scientific Annexes, United Nations Scientific Committee On The Effects Of Atomic Radiation, (UNSCEAR), UN, New York (1988, 1993, 1996, 2000).
Internet Links:
  • ICRP: http://www.icrp.org or or http://www.elsevier.nl/inca/publications/store/1/3/3/9/5/ for ICRP Publication 23.
  • RAND: http://www.rand.org or http://www.rand.org/publications (no particular link to report on DU).
    UNSCEAR: http://www.unscear.org/.
  • 5. 人は自然にウランを浴びているのでしょうか?
    少量の天然ウランは、誰もが毎日摂取・吸入しています。平均的な人は1日に1.3μg(1μg = 1マイクログラム = 0.000001g)(0.033 Bq)のウランを摂取すると推定されており(UNSCEAR 2000)、これは年間11.6Bqの摂取に相当します。また、平均的な人は毎年0.6μg(15mBq)を吸入していると推定されています。一般的に、平均的な人がウランの摂取と吸入によって受ける線量は年間1μSv未満となります。さらに、水中のRa-226とその子孫、家庭内のRn-222、タバコの煙中のPo-210など、ウランの崩壊生成物の摂取と吸入により、平均的な個人は年間約120μSvの線量を受けることになります。

        ICRP Publication 23: International Commission on Radiological Protection, Reference Man: 解剖学的、生理学的、代謝学的特徴。ICRP Publication 23, Pergamon Press, Oxford (1975)
        ランド・レポート 著者:Harley N. H, Foulkes E. C., Hilborne L. H, Hudson A., Anthony C., R., A Review of Scientific Literature as It Pertains to Gulf War Illnesses. 第7巻、枯渇ウラン。ランドレポートMR-1018/7-OSD (1999)


        UNSCEAR報告書: 国連、電離放射線の発生源と影響、科学的付録を含む総会への報告、国連原子放射線の影響に関する科学委員会、(UNSCEAR)、国連、ニューヨーク(1988、1993、1996、2000)。


        ICRP: http://www.icrp.org または http://www.elsevier.nl/inca/publications/store/1/3/3/9/5/ ICRP Publication 23.
        RAND: http://www.rand.org または http://www.rand.org/publications (DUに関する報告書へのリンクは特になし).
        UNSCEAR: http://www.unscear.org/.

6. What are the military uses of depleted uranium?

Uranium's physical and chemical properties make it very suitable for military uses. DU is used in the manufacturing of ammunitions used to pierce armour plating, such as those found on tanks, in missile nose cones and as a component of tank armour. Armour made of depleted uranium is much more resistant to penetration by conventional anti-armour ammunitions than conventional hard rolled steel armour plate.
Armour piercing ammunitions are generally referred to as "kinetic energy penetrators". DU is preferred to other metals, because of its high density, its pyrophoric nature (DU self-ignites when exposed to temperatures of 600° to 700° and high pressures), and its property of becoming sharper, through adiabatic shearing, as it penetrates armour plating . On impact with targets, DU penetrators ignite, breaking up in fragments, and forming an aerosol of particles ("DU dust") whose size depends on the angle of the impact, the velocity of the penetrator, and the temperature. These fine dust particles, can catch fire spontaneously in air. Small pieces may ignite in a fire and burn, but tests have shown that large pieces, like the penetrators used in anti-tank weapons, or in aircraft balance weights, will not normally ignite in a fire.
For more information on the military uses of depleted uranium see: http://www.gulflink.osd.mil or http://www.nato.int
6. 劣化ウランの軍事利用はどのようなものですか?
装甲貫通弾は一般に「運動エネルギー貫通弾」と呼ばれる。DU は、その高密度、発火性(600°~700°の温度と高圧にさらされると自己発火する)、および装甲板を貫通すると断熱剪断によって鋭利になる特性から、他の金属よりも好まれる。ターゲットに衝突すると、DU 貫通弾は発火して破片となり、衝突の角度、貫通弾の速度、温度によって大きさが変わる粒子のエアロゾル(「DU ダスト」)を形成する。この微細な塵は、空気中で自然に発火することがあります。小さな破片は火災で発火して燃えることがありますが、対戦車兵器や航空機のバランスウエイトに使用されるペネトレーターのような大きな破片は、通常、火災で発火することはないことが実験で示されています。
劣化ウランの軍事利用についての詳細は、http://www.gulflink.osd.mil または http://www.nato.int をご覧ください。

7. There are reports of impurities in DU. What are they?

The vast majority of depleted uranium used by the US Department of Defense comes from the enrichment of natural uranium and is provided by the US Department of Energy. However, between the 1950s and 1970s, the US Department of Energy enriched some reprocessed uranium extracted from spent reactor fuel in order to reclaim the U-235 that did not fission. Unlike natural uranium, the reprocessed uranium contained anthropogenic (man-made) radionuclides including the uranium isotope U-236, small amounts of transuranics (elements heavier than uranium, such as neptunium, plutonium and americium) and fission products such as technetium-99. As a result, the depleted uranium by-product from the enrichment of reprocessed uranium also contained these anthropogenic radionuclides, albeit at very low levels. During the enrichment of reprocessed uranium, the inside surfaces of the equipment also became coated with these anthropogenic radionuclides and as this same equipment was used for the enrichment of natural uranium, these radionuclides later contaminated the DU produced from the enrichment of natural uranium as well. The exact amount is not known. Radiochemical analysis of depleted uranium samples indicate that these trace impurities are in the parts per billion level and result in less than a one percent increase in the radiation dose from the depleted uranium. The US Nuclear Regulatory Commission was aware of the existence of these trace contaminants in DU and determined them to be safe. The presence of U-236 and Pu-239/240 in depleted uranium has been confirmed by analyses of penetrators collected during the UNEP-led mission to Kosovo in November 2000. The activity concentration of U-236 in the penetrators was of the order of 60000 Bq per kg, while the activity concentration of plutonium varied from 0.8 to 12.87 Bq per kg.
Further information on this can be found at:

7. DUに不純物が混入しているとの報告があります。それらは何ですか?
米国国防総省が使用する劣化ウランの大部分は天然ウランを濃縮したもので、米国エネルギー省から提供されています。しかし、1950年代から1970年代にかけて、米エネルギー省は使用済み原子炉燃料から抽出した一部の再処理ウランを濃縮し、核分裂しなかったU-235を再生させた。天然ウランとは異なり、再処理ウランには、ウラン同位体U-236、少量の超ウラン元素(ネプツニウム、プルトニウム、アメリシウムなどウランより重い元素)、テクネチウム-99などの核分裂生成物を含む人工放射性核種(man made)が含まれていました。その結果、再処理ウランを濃縮して得られる副産物である劣化ウランにも、これらの人為起源放射性核種がごく微量ではありますが含まれていました。また、再処理ウランを濃縮する際に、装置の内部にもこれらの人工放射性核種が付着し、同じ装置を天然ウランの濃縮にも使用したため、天然ウランを濃縮して得られたDUもこれらの放射性核種に汚染された。その正確な量は不明である。劣化ウランサンプルの放射化学分析によると、これらの微量不純物は10億分の1レベルであり、劣化ウランからの放射線量の増加は1%未満であることが示されています。米国原子力規制委員会は、劣化ウランにこれらの微量汚染物質が存在することを認識し、安全であると判断していた。劣化ウラン中のU-236とPu-239/240の存在は、2000年11月のUNEP主導のコソボ・ミッションで採取されたペネトレーターの分析によって確認されている。ペネトレーターのU-236の放射能濃度は1kgあたり60000Bqのオーダーであり、プルトニウムの放射能濃度は1kgあたり0.8から12.87Bqの範囲で変動している。

    http://www.gulflink.osd.mil/du_ii/du_ii_s03.htm#2 および
    http://www.gulflink.osd.mil/du_ii/du_ii_s03.htm#TAB C - DUの特性・特徴。

8. What studies have been done on people exposed to Uranium or DU?

Since the advent of the nuclear age, there has been widespread use of uranium involving the mining of uranium ore, enrichment, and nuclear fuel fabrication. These industries have employed large numbers of people, and studies of the health of working populations have been carried out. The main risk to miners, and not just those involved in uranium mining, comes from exposures to radon (mainly Rn-222) gas and its decay products. A study of miners who worked in poorly ventilated mines at a time when the hazards of radon were not known and thushad been exposed to high levels of radon, demonstrated that this group had an excess of lung cancers and that the risk of cancer increased with increasing exposure to radon gas. Studies of workers exposed to uranium in the nuclear fuel cycle have also been carried out. There are some reported excesses of cancers but, unlike the miners, no correlation with exposure can be seen. The main finding of these studies has been that the health of workers is better than the average population. This "healthy worker effect" is thought to be due to the selection process inherent in employment and to the overall benefits of employment.
Regarding exposures to DU, there have been studies of the health of military personnel who saw action in the Gulf War (1990-1991) and during the Balkan conflicts (1994-99). A small number of Gulf war veterans have inoperable fragments of DU embedded in their bodies. They have been the subject of intense study and the results have been published. These veterans show elevated excretion levels of DU in urine but, so far, there have been no observable health effects due to DU in this group. There have also been epidemiological studies of the health of military personnel who saw action in conflicts where DU was used, comparing them with the health of personnel who were not in the war zones. The results of these studies have been published and the main conclusion is that the war veterans do show a small (i.e., not statistically significant) increase in mortality rates, but this excess is due to accidents rather than disease. This cannot be linked to any exposures to DU.
For information on doses and risks to miners, see:
  • Lubin J., Boice J.D., Edling C. et al., Radon and lung cancer risk: A joint analyses of 11 underground miners studies, US Department of Health and Human Services, NIH Publication 94-3644, Washington D.C. (1994).
For information on the health of people working with uranium, see:
  • McGeoghegan D. and Binks K., J Radiol Prot 20 11-137 (2000).
For information on studies of military personnel exposed or potentially exposed to DU see:
  • M A McDiarmid et alia, Environ. Res. A 82 168-180 (2000), G J Macfarlane et alia, The Lancet 356 17-21 (2000).
  • 8. ウランや劣化ウランにさらされた人について、どのような研究がなされているのですか?

        Lubin J., Boice J.D., Edling C. et al., Radon and lung cancer risk: 11の地下鉱山労働者の研究の共同分析、米国保健社会福祉省、NIH出版物94-3644、ワシントンD.C. (1994)。


        McGeoghegan D. and Binks K., J Radiol Prot 20 11-137 (2000).


        M A McDiarmid et alia, Environ. Res. A 82 168-180 (2000), G J Macfarlane et alia, The Lancet 356 17-21 (2000). 

9. What is the behaviour of uranium in the body?

Uranium is introduced into the body mainly through ingestion of food and water and inhalation of air.
When inhaled, uranium is attached to particles of different sizes. The size of the uranium aerosols and the solubility of the uranium compounds in the lungs and gut influence the transport of uranium inside the body. Coarse particles are caught in the upper part of the respiratory system (nose, sinuses, and upper part of the lungs) from where they are exhaled or transferred to the throat and then swallowed. Fine particles reach the lower part of the lungs (alveolar region). If the uranium compounds are not easily soluble, the uranium aerosols will tend to remain in the lungs for a longer period of time (up to 16 years), and deliver most of the radiation dose to the lungs. They will gradually dissolve and be transported into the blood stream. For more soluble compounds, uranium is absorbed more quickly from the lungs into the blood stream. About 10% of it will initially concentrate in the kidneys.
Most of the uranium ingested is excreted in feces within a few days and never reaches the blood stream. The remaining fraction will be transferred into the blood stream. Most of the uranium in the blood stream is excreted through urine in a few days, but a small fraction remains in the kidneys and bones and other soft tissue. 
9. ウランの体内での挙動は?

10. How could uranium and DU be harmful to people? Has DU or uranium been definitely linked to human cancer?

In sufficient amounts, uranium that is ingested or inhaled can be harmful because of its chemical toxicity. Like mercury, cadmium, and other heavy-metal ions, excess uranyl ions depress renal function (i.e., affect the kidneys). High concentrations in the kidney can cause damage and, in extreme cases, renal failure. The general medical and scientific consensus is that in cases of high intake, uranium is likely to become a chemical toxicology problem before it is a radiological problem. Since uranium is mildly radioactive, once inside the body it also irradiates the organs, but the primary health effect is associated with its chemical action on body functions.
In many countries, current occupational exposure limits for soluble uranium compounds are related to a maximum concentration of 3 µg uranium per gram of kidney tissue. Any effects caused by exposure of the kidneys at these levels are considered to be minor and transient. Current practices, based on these limits, appear to protect workers in the uranium industry adequately. In order to ensure that this kidney concentration is not exceeded, legislation restricts long term (8 hour) workplace air concentrations of soluble uranium to 0.2 mg per cubic metre and short term (15 minute) to 0.6 mg per cubic metre.
Like any radioactive material, there is a risk of developing cancer from exposure to radiation emitted by natural and depleted uranium. This risk is assumed to be proportional to the dose received. Limits for radiation exposure are recommended by the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) and have been adopted in the IAEA's Basic Safety Standards. The annual dose limit for a member of the public is 1 mSv, while the corresponding limit for a radiation worker is 20 mSv. The additional risk of fatal cancer associated with a dose of 1 mSv is assumed to be about 1 in 20,000. This small increase in lifetime risk should be considered in light of the risk of 1 in 5 that everyone has of developing a fatal cancer . It must also be noted that cancer may not become apparent until many years after exposure to a radioactive material.
It is possible to estimate how much DU an individual could be exposed to before the above chemical and radiological limits are exceeded. The table below shows how much depleted uranium would have to be inhaled or ingested to lead to a kidney concentration of 3µg per gram of kidney (chemical toxicity limit) or to a dose of 1 mSv (radiation dose limit). These values have been calculated with the biokinetic models currently recommended by the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP). The values have been calculated for two types of uranium compounds: 'moderately soluble' compounds, such as UO3 and U3O8 and 'insoluble' compounds, such as UO2
10. ウランやDUはどうして人に害を及ぼすのでしょうか?DUやウランが人のがんに確実に関係しているのでしょうか?
oute of intake
Intake leading to a kidney concentration of 3 µg per gram
Intake leading to a dose of 1 mSv




Inhalation of reference 'moderately soluble' DU aerosol
Inhalation of a reference 'insoluble' DU aerosol
Ingestion of a reference 'moderately soluble' DU compound
Ingestion of a reference 'insoluble' DU compound
It should be borne in mind that the amounts required to give a kidney concentration of 3 µm per gram would be larger if the intake was given over a longer period of time, since it would give the kidneys more time to excrete the DU. The table shows that, for ingestion of DU, the chemical toxicity limit of 3 µg per gram of kidney tissue needs a smaller intake than the radiological limit (for a member of the public) of 1 mSv. For inhalation of a DU aerosol, the reverse is the case.
In addition to the radiological hazard from uranium isotopes, there is also a potential risk associated with other radionuclides that are formed from the radioactive decay of uranium isotopes and that can be found in the food ingested or in the air inhaled. The values in the table above were calculated taking into account the build up of these radionuclides inside the body, but do not include the contribution of these radionuclides in the food ingested or in the air inhaled.
Another potential harmful effect is due to external exposure to the radiation emitted by uranium isotopes. The main radiation emitted by isotopes of uranium is alpha particles (helium nuclei). The range of these alpha particles in air is of the order of one centimetre, while in the case of tissue, they can barely penetrate the external dead layer of the skin. For comparison, beta-particles (electrons) are capable of penetrating about a centimetre of tissue, while gamma-radiation (high energy photons) can pass through the body. Therefore, the potential risk from external exposure to uranium isotopes is exceedingly low, unless the uranium is introduced directly into the body (e.g. through a wound). Moreover, as alpha particles cannot travel very far from the source, an individual can only be exposed by coming in direct contact with uranium isotopes. This is not the case however with natural uranium, where people are also exposed to the more penetrating beta and gamma radiation emitted by the decay products of uranium that are normally found in equilibrium with the uranium isotopes. In the case of DU, the only beta emitting decay products present are Th-234, Pa-234m andTh-231, all of which emit low intensity gamma-radiation, and, thus the risk from external exposure to DU is considerably lower than for exposure to natural uranium.
There have been a number of studies of workers exposed to uranium (see question 8) and, despite some workers being exposed to large amounts of uranium, there is no evidence that either natural uranium or DU is carcinogenic. This lack of evidence is seen even for lung cancer following inhalation of uranium. As a precaution for risk assessment and to set dose limits, DU is assumed to be potentially carcinogenic, but the lack of evidence for a definite cancer risk in studies over many decades is significant and should put the results of assessments in perspective. 

11. How can uranium affect children?

Like adults, children are exposed to small amounts of uranium in air, food, and drinking water. However, no cases have been reported where exposure to uranium is known to have caused health effects in children. It is not known whether children differ from adults in their susceptibility to health effects from uranium exposure. In experiments, very young animals have been found to absorb more uranium into their blood than adult animals when they are fed uranium.
lt is not known if exposure to uranium has effects on the development of the human fetus. There have been reports of birth defects and an increase in fetal deaths in animals fed with very high doses of uranium in drinking water. In an experiment with pregnant animals, only a very small amount (0.03%) of the injected uranium reached the fetus. Even less uranium is likely to reach the fetus in mothers exposed to uranium through inhalation and ingestion. There are no available data of measurements of uranium in breast milk. Because of its chemical properties, it is unlikely that uranium would concentrate in breast milk.
The effect of exposure to uranium on the reproductive system is not known. Very high doses of uranium have caused a reduction in sperm counts in some experiments with laboratory animals, but the majority of studies have shown no effects. 
11. ウランは子どもにどのような影響を与えるのでしょうか?

12. What are the potential routes of exposure from depleted uranium ammunitions?

The main potential hazard associated with depleted uranium ammunitions is the inhalation of the aerosols created when DU ammunitions hit an armoured target. The size, distribution, and chemical composition of the particles released on impact will be highly variable, but the fraction of the aerosols that can enter the lung can be as high as 96%. A typical composition of these aerosols is about 60% U3O8, 20% UO2, and about 20% other amorphous oxides (Schripsick et al., 1984). Both U3O8 and UO2 are insoluble compounds. The individuals most likely to receive the highest doses from DU ammunitions are, therefore, those near a target at the time of impact or those who examine a target (or enter a tank) in the aftermath of the impact.
A potential exposure pathway for those visiting or living in DU affected areas after the aerosols have settled is the inhalation of DU particles in the soil that have been re-suspended through the action of wind or human activities. The risk will be lower because the re-suspended uranium particles combine with other material and increase in size and, therefore, a smaller fraction of the uranium inhaled will reach the deep part of the lungs. Another possible route of exposure is the inadvertent or deliberate ingestion of soil. For example, farmers working in a field where DU ammunitions were fired could inadvertently ingest small quantities of soil, while children sometimes deliberately eat soil.
In the long term, the exposure pathways that become more important are ingestion of DU incorporated in drinking water and the food chain through migration from the soil or direct deposition on vegetation. The risk from ingestion of food and water is generally low, because uranium is not effectively transported in the food chain.
It has also been estimated that a large fraction of DU ammunitions fired from an aircraft probably miss their intended target. The majority of these projectiles will be buried at various depths under the surface of the ground and even in buildings. Some of them could be lying around on the ground surface in the vicinity of the target. The physical state of these ammunitions will be very variable, depending on the characteristics of the ground, ranging from small fragments to whole intact penetrators.
Individuals, who might find and handle these ammunitions could be exposed to external radiation emitted by DU. For example, a farmer ploughing a field may dig up an intact projectile some time afterwards. Because of the type of radiation emitted by DU, the dose received would be significant only if the person exposed was in contact with DU projectiles. In addition, people could, through handling the penetrators, inadvertently ingest some of the loose friable uranium oxides formed through weathering of the surface of the penetrators.
With time, chemical weathering will cause the metallic DU of penetrators in the ground to corrode and disperse in the soil. The DU in the soil will be in an oxidized, soluble chemical form and migrate to surface and groundwater from where it will eventually be incorporated into the food chain, which then can be consumed. It is difficult to predict how long it would take for individuals to be exposed to DU through this pathway, but it is reasonable to assume that it would take several years before enhanced levels of DU could be measured in water and food.
For information on properties of airborne uranium, see:
  • Scripsick, R.C., Crist, K.C, Tillery, M.I., Soderholm, S.C., Differences in in vitro dissolution properties of settled and airborne uranium material, Report presented at Conference on occupational radiation safety in mining, Toronto, Ontario (Canada) 15-18 Oct 1984, Los Alamos National Lab, NM (USA) (1984).
  • 12. 劣化ウラン弾による潜在的な被爆経路は何か。

        Scripsick, R.C., Crist, K.C., Tillery, M.I., Soderholm, S.C., Differences in vitro dissolution properties of settled and airborne uranium material, Report presented at Conference on occupational radiation safety in mining, Toronto, Ontario (Canada) 15-18 Oct 1984, Los Alamos National Lab, NM (USA) (1984). 

13. What are the possible radiation hazards from handling DU projectiles?

The contact dose rate from a DU penetrator is about 2 mSv per hour, primarily from beta particle decay from DU progeny. At this dose rate it is unlikely that prolonged contact with a DU penetrator would lead to skin burns (erythema) or any other acute radiation effect. Nevertheless, the dose that could be delivered from handling of DU ammunitions is such that the exposure and handling time should be kept to a minimum and protective apparel (gloves should be worn A public information campaign may, therefore, be required to ensure that people avoid handling the projectiles. This should form part of any risk assessment and such precautions should depend on the scope and number of ammunitions used in an area. 
13. DU弾の取り扱いによる放射線障害はどのようなものが考えられるか。
DU弾の接触線量率は1時間当たり約2mSvで、主にDU弾の子孫からのベータ粒子崩壊によるものです。この線量率では、DU弾に長時間接触しても、皮膚の火傷(紅斑)やその他の急性放射線影響に至ることは考えられません。しかし、DU 弾薬の取り扱いによってもたらされる可能性のある線量は、曝露および取り扱い時間を最 小限にとどめ、保護服(手袋)を着用する必要がある。 したがって、人々が弾薬の取り扱いを避けるようにするための広報キャンペーンが必要で あるかもしれない。このような予防措置は、リスクアセスメントの一部となるべきであり、その地域で使用される弾薬の範囲と数によって異なる。

14. What is the likely impact of DU on the environment?

The environmental impact of depleted uranium depends on the specific situation where DU ammunitions are used and the physical, chemical, and geological characteristics of the environment affected.
However, some general conclusions can still be made. Studies carried out at test ranges show that most of the DU aerosols created by the impact of penetrators against an armoured target settle within a short time (minutes) of the impact and in close proximity to the target site, although smaller particles may be carried to a distance of several hundred metres by the wind.
Once the DU aerosols settle on the ground, the depleted uranium particles combine with other material and increase in size, becoming less of an inhalation hazard. The potential risk from inhalation will be associated with material that is re-suspended from the ground by the action of the wind or by human activities, such as ploughing. With time, the concentrations of depleted uranium on the ground surface will decrease due to wind and precipitation that will transport the depleted uranium away or wash it into the soil. Any risk associated with inhalation of re-suspended material will thus decrease with time.
Depleted uranium present in the soil can migrate to surface and groundwater and flow into water streams. Plants will also uptake DU present in soil and in water. A very small fraction of DU in vegetation and water is the result of direct deposition onto water surfaces. The chemical and physical composition of the soil will determine the solubility and transportability of the DU particles. The DU in water and vegetation will be transferred to livestock through ingestion of grass, soil, and water. Studies have shown that bio-accumulation of uranium in plants and animals is not very high and, therefore, uranium is not effectively transported in the food chain.
Depleted uranium in the soil will be in an oxidized, soluble chemical form and migrate to surface and groundwater and be incorporated into the food chain. It is difficult to predict how long it would take for this to occur. As a result of chemical weathering, DU projectiles lying on the ground or buried under the surface will corrode with time, slowly converting the metallic uranium of the DU penetrators into uranium oxides. The specific soil characteristics will determine the rate and chemical form of the oxidation and the rate of migration and solubility of the depleted uranium. This environmental pathway may result in the long term (in the order of several years) in enhanced levels of depleted uranium being dissolved in ground water and drinking water.
Consumption of water and food is a potential long term route of intake of DU. Given this, monitoring of water sources may be a useful means to assess the potential for intake via ingestion. If the levels were considered unacceptable, some form of filtration/ion exchange system could be implemented to reduce levels of DU. 
14. 劣化ウラン弾の環境への影響はどのようなものが考えられますか?