言葉もありません。。。I am speechless.
On June 22, I had a bit of concern and searched on journalist Yasushi Onuma on twitter, then I found the following!
was a bit concerned, since Mr. Onuma previously tweeted that his health
condition was not good and he had been financially in trouble.)
Anti-nuclear journalist Yasushi Onuma Passed Away: A very unfortunate news. Yasushi Onuma, who fought for true journalism inspite of persistant electromagnetic wave attacks, passed away at 10:30 this morning. We lost a very important person, and we should never make his death wasted. Thank you very much for those who joined for his rescue activities.
I (Takenouchi) feel great appreciation for Mr. Onuma. Since I was criminally accused for a single tweet of anti-radiation, though a lot of people were flocking around me from in and out of Japan after Fukushima accident, I was totally isolated and my news never came out in Japanese-except in Mr. Onuma's book!
Mr. Onuma wrote the following books (Fukushima in World News) volume 1~7, and he introduced Takenouchi's activities in an excelled long passage. I am coping the part of it at the bottom of this page. Thank you very much, Mr. Onuma, for your outstanding activities of true journalism!!!

This past spring, I saw the following article on his blog, and I had donated a small amount of money into his account. I was worried about his condition along with his wife's condition. (His wife continues his twitter 大沼安史@BOOgandhi...she seems under the attack of radioactive waves as well!)
大沼安史さんのブログより http://onuma.cocolog-nifty.com/
「世界が見た福島原発災害」著者より 「おねがいです。避難資金をお恵みください。いくらでも結構です」 七十七銀行(しちじゅうしち)旭ケ丘支店(店コード、280) 名義人 オオヌマ ヤスシ (大沼安史) 口座番号 5146135 onuma.cocolog-nifty.com/blog1/2020/04/
Mr. Onuma was one of the very few who sent me a direct mail asking me "How are you? Are you OK?" after my father's death while I was totally being isolated. He was a true journalist and had a real heart...
I am very very appreciative of Mr. Onuma. I cannot believe he passed away in this manner!
Please rest in peace...
第7章 フクシマ・ファシズム
P261 より
このツイートをしたA子さんとは、翻訳や 通訳をしながら、ツイッターのほかブログでも「反原発」の啓発活動を続ける竹野内真理さんである。
警察が送検して検察が起訴すれば、竹野内さんは裁判で刑事罰を受ける可能性が出てくる。弁護士を雇う費用もままならぬ竹野内さんを支えようと、救援活動は国境を越えて広がり、世界規模でオンライン署名によるネット請願運動を進める「AVAAZ」のサイトでは同年2月12日、 アメリカ人女性の呼び掛けで、福島地検いわき支部あて「竹野内真理と放射線防護をサポートSupport Mari Takenouchi and Radiation Protection」する署名運動(英文)を開始。
パリに本部を置く「国境なき記者団(Reporters Without Boarders)」も、報道・情報の自由、ジャーナリストの権利を守る国際組織としてすばやく反応し、3月11日付で竹野内真理さんに対する刑事告訴を批判し、フクイチ核惨事をめぐる、日本での検閲、自己検閲規制の蔓延を遺憾とする声明を発表した。 声明の中でベンジャミン・イズマエル・アジア太平洋デスク長はこう指摘した。https://rsf.org/en/news/japanese-prosecutor-suspends-contempt-proceedings-against-journalist
そうした中で福島の警察と検察官たちは、マリ・タケノウチという47歳のシングルマザーに目を付けた。 原子力のロビイストを批判した1通のツイートを彼女が書いたことがその理由である。タケノウチはそれで刑務所行きとなるかも知れない。
『Vice』の記事はさらに、立教大学社会学部の服部孝彰教授(メディア論)の「もし、原子力をめぐる議論が刑事犯罪捜査の根拠となるなら、言論の自由(freedom of speech)は消滅する。県警が送検したこと自体、憂慮すべきことだ」とするコメントを紹介し、危機に立つ日本の言論の自由について警鐘を鳴らした。
「3・11」 を仙台で迎え、都合3週間も日夜鼻自我流れ続ける経験をした私もヒバクシャの一人です。ほかにもいろいろなことがあって、なんどか死を覚悟しました。
そうなると私としても、死ぬまでどう生きるか、ということを考えざるを得ませんでした。 そのなかで私は、すでに世に知られた有名な句に遅れて出会い、励まされたのです。大津波に襲われた岩手県釜石市在住の俳人、照井翠さんの句でした。
2022年追記 5Gの危険性についての記事
by: Ethan Huff
(Natural News) The National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) has published a new study warning about the dangers of 5G technology, including how it directly contributes to the symptoms commonly associated with the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19).
For the study, Beverly Rubik and Robert R. Brown referenced an earlier paper published in May 2020 that showed a “statistically significant correlation between the intensity of radio-frequency radiation and mortality from SARS-CoV-2 in 31 countries throughout the world.”
They also highlighted a U.S.-based study showing that areas of the country with 5G infrastructure already in place and operating showed significantly higher rates of serious illness and death attributed to covid, all independent of population density, air quality and latitude.
Only 5G matched three different causal analyses used in the study. Population density, air quality and latitude, meanwhile, only matched one or two analyses each, meaning 5G was the verified culprit in negative covid outcomes.
Rubik and Brown used these findings to draw a comparison between the bioeffects of WCR (wireless communications radiation), including 5G, and the symptoms commonly attributed to covid, which they then used to create a list of overlapping physical effects.
“Symptoms from both WCR and COVID-19 included blood changes such as short-term rouleaux (blood ‘clumping’), and long-term reduced hemoglobin (in severe COVID-19 cases); oxidative stress and injury in tissues and organs; immune system disruption, including suppression of T-lymphocytes and elevated inflammatory biomarkers; increased intracellular calcium, which facilitates virus entry and replication; and arrhythmias (heart beat irregularities),” reported LifeSiteNews.
Wireless radiation exposure reduces levels of “master antioxidant” glutathione
One particularly disturbing finding in Rubik and Brown’s study is the observable decrease in glutathione, the body’s “master antioxidant,” upon exposure to 5G and really all wireless radiation. (RELATED: Donald Trump funneled billions of American taxpayer dollars into subsidizing a more rapid 5G rollout.)
At least two other study have found that WCR exposure correlates to greatly diminished glutathione levels, the symptoms of which just so happen to match those of the Fauci Flu.
Rubik and Brown made specific notes in their paper about how “the finding of low glutathione levels” in Chinese Virus patients “further supports oxidative stress as a component” of covid infection.
WCR is already widely recognized as a “physiological stressor” that causes detrimental health effects ranging from increased cancer risk and DNA damage to learning and memory problems.
Sure, correlation does not always mean causation, but in this case it is more than probable that WCR – and particularly the early activation in 5G in Wuhan, the epicenter of the plandemic – is directly contributing to the spread and severity of the Wuhan Virus.
“The evidence for the connection between COVID and 5G, as well as other forms of wireless communications radiation (WCR), consisted of two main findings: the statistical correlation between COVID-19 symptoms / mortality and area-specific WCR intensity, including that of 5G; and the overlap between WCR effects on the body, and COVID-19 symptoms,” LifeSiteNews further reported.
One reader commented that 5G radiation apparently “stirs up” the graphene hydroxide found in the injections, causing bleeding and clotting.
“Graphene hydroxide is a metal and is affected by 5G,” this person added. “Graphene hydroxide never leaves your system and accumulates with every shot or booster.”
Another wrote that while taking NAC (N-Acetyl L-Cysteine) is powerful, as mentioned in the article, vitamin D plays a much bigger role in protecting against covid and other respiratory ailments.
“If you are already low in vitamin D as a great many are, as soon as your body is attacked by a virus, those reserves get depleted further which then puts you in a very dangerous area,” this person added.