Dr. Chris Busby, ECRR, versus Dr. Jack Valentin , ICRP, 2(2) from Radio Active on Vimeo.
CB: We're not talking about uncertainty but about the impossibility of using absorbed dose for internal nuclides.
JV: ICRP's position is that it's possible to use it albeit with large uncertainties.
CB: How large is large?
VI 内部被曝の危険性を無視するICRP
JV: Two orders is a very large uncertainty.
VI 内部被曝の危険性を無視するICRP
ICRP Ignoring Internal Exposure Risk
This is rather
too basic to mention but radioactive materials are toxic materials. It is a matter for granted that toxic
materials behave differently when they are outside of the body or inside of the
body. This is so obvious that even
elementary school kids would understand.
Nobody would dare to take poison inside their body. Nobody would dare to say poison inside one’s body and outside one’s body behave in the same
ところが、エートス計画が科学的根拠とするICRPでは、この外部被ばくと内部被曝が変わらないという驚くべき報告を最近も出しています。ICRPが福島事故を受け、2012年に発表した「日本における原発事故での問題点と放射線防護システムを改善するための勧告」と題する作業部会84の報告書では、「ICRP considers that for a given radiation dose the same radiation
risk should be expected, whether irradiaiton is from outside or inside the body.」と、線量が同じであれば、外部被ばくも内部被曝もリスクは変わらないとしています。
However, ICPP on which ETHOS project relies on released a shocking report recently. According to the Summary Report of ICRP Task
Group 84, titled as Issues Identified from the NPP Accident in Japan and
Recommendations to Improve the System of Radiological Protection, it states, “ICRP considers that for a given
radiation dose the same radiation risk should be expected, whether irradiation
is from outside or inside the body.”
this seems to be theoretically fraud.
First of all, even if we only focuses on physical aspect of radiation,
radiation effects is inversely proportional to the square of the distance from
the radiation source. Surely the
distance of the radiation source and bodily cells are smaller in internal
radiation compared to the external one, so this theory alone can prove the
obvious mistake made by ICRP theory.
Moreover, it should be theoretically impossible where radioactive
particles are settled in individual bodies, so evaluating the health risk alone
should be impossible for each person in exact manner.
In 2000
at Columbia University, it was proven that even a single alpha emitter could
cause genetic alternation that can lead to cancer. Hence, it is not theoretical to argue about
individual risk by radiation citing a low percentage cancer incidence based on
studies in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. For
those who developed cancer, their organs are their only ones, and their lives
are their only lives.
there are as many as 560 radionuclides whose half life Is more than 1 hour and
2400 with half life of less than 1 hour, but their chemical, metal, and
radiological toxicities (including alpha, beta, and gamma rays and their
synergetic toxic effects are widely unknown.
Of course biological toxicities are not known either especially when
these substances are organically bound in the environment and living bodies.
recent findings for knowing low-level radiation effects, such as Petkau effect,
by-standar effect, binominal effect, genome instability etc are intentionally
downplayed and/or ignored by ICRP.
Petkau effect in which all sorts of diseases could be caused by free
radicals under low dose, by-standar effects that causes damages surrounding
cells around the target cells, bi-nominal effects in which genome recovery
signal cannot be generated, all of these gives the explanation why low dose
internal radiation could be harmful to human beings.
as for genome instability, it harms not only the target individual, but also
its off-springs are affected, which contradicts the theory, “radiation genetic effects have
not been proven among human beings though it has been proven by animal
experiments,” insisted by various radiation protection
agencies. This is solely a
non-scientific and in-human theory.
実際、UNSCEARの2012年に出ましたBiological Mechanisms of Radiation Actions at Low Dosesを見ますと、上記のかなりのメカニズムについて言及され、まだわからないことが多いとされる中、さらなる研究が望まれています。低線量の被曝が与える影響がまだわからない中、わからないからと言って無視することは、汚染地帯の住民、特に子供たちや未来世代に対して、無責任極まりない行為です。
In fact,
if you take a look at Biological Mechanisms of Radiation Actions at Low Doses
by UNSCEAR 2012, most of the mechanisms above are explained and further studies
are encouraged since the causality association is not well established yet. However, ignoring these mechanism under low
dose radiation is totally irresponsible deeds considering for residents
especially the young who are left to live in the contaminated areas.
第4に、ベクレルからシーベルトへの換算は非常に不確かで、信頼できる数値であるとは言えません。前述したエートスの報告書(ETHOS Belarus report in Hiroshima in 2000 http://www.irpa.net/irpa10/pdf/E11.pdf. )でも、ICRPの計算にのっとり、50Bq/日という彼らの掲げた基準値で、50Bq/日の食物の摂取が年間2万ベクレルの蓄積に相当し、そして0.2mSV/yrに当たると言いますが、そもそもこのシーベルトへの換算も信頼性がないことは、冒頭のECRRのバズビー博士とICRPのジャック・バレンタイン博士の討論でも明らかです。
Forth, the
fomula that converts Bq to Sv cannot be a definite one and thus the figures
calculated cannot be relied upon. For
example, according to Belarus ETHOS report, which relies on ICRP conversion
formula, it states that 50Bq/day corresponds to 20,000 Bq/year or 0.2mSv/yr.
However, the Sv calculated based on Bq cannot be reliable, as was shown in the debate between Dr. Chris Busby from ECRR and Dr. Jack Valentine from ICRP.
However, the Sv calculated based on Bq cannot be reliable, as was shown in the debate between Dr. Chris Busby from ECRR and Dr. Jack Valentine from ICRP.
Dr. Jack Valentine who had been the scientific secretary at ICRP for 20
years stated that radiation effects from internal dose could be different from
external does in the magnitude of 2 digits!
Dr. Valentine’s statement is quite a shocking one, which is supposed to be a top news in the world.
In fact, Dr. Bandazhevsky who has been conducting research in contaminated area including pathological autopsy, saids, "ICRP says 1 mSv (equivalent to 600~700Bq/kg bodily cesium concentration) is harmless, but there are health impacts under much lower levels."
Bandazhevsky博士と夫人は、セシウムの体内濃度10Bq/kg から子供の心電図異常が現れることを発見しています。これも世界に知れ渡るべき研究であり、東京大学の一部の医師は、それを知って自分のブログにも書いているのに、JAMAへのWBCの論文では敢えてそれを無視して安全宣言をしているのです。
Dr. Bandazhevsky and his wife found that children's electro cardiogram starts to show abnormality with only 10Bq/kg.
As a mater of fact, a doctor in Tokyo University WBC team knows Dr. Bandazhevsky's research but ignores it when he wrote JAMA researh, declaring safety in Fukushima!
Dr. Valentine’s statement is quite a shocking one, which is supposed to be a top news in the world.
In fact, Dr. Bandazhevsky who has been conducting research in contaminated area including pathological autopsy, saids, "ICRP says 1 mSv (equivalent to 600~700Bq/kg bodily cesium concentration) is harmless, but there are health impacts under much lower levels."
Bandazhevsky博士と夫人は、セシウムの体内濃度10Bq/kg から子供の心電図異常が現れることを発見しています。これも世界に知れ渡るべき研究であり、東京大学の一部の医師は、それを知って自分のブログにも書いているのに、JAMAへのWBCの論文では敢えてそれを無視して安全宣言をしているのです。
Dr. Bandazhevsky and his wife found that children's electro cardiogram starts to show abnormality with only 10Bq/kg.
As a mater of fact, a doctor in Tokyo University WBC team knows Dr. Bandazhevsky's research but ignores it when he wrote JAMA researh, declaring safety in Fukushima!
Fifth, genetic
effects of radiation is totally ignored.
In Hiroshima, there were countless witnesses of midwives who claimed
that the congenital deformation was extraordinary often seen after A-bomb
explosion. In addition, Nagasaki Medical
University Professor Ichiro Hayashi (former member of UNIT 731) who conducted
autopsy on thousands of fetus and babies reported that the congenital
abnormality rate among radiation exposed parents were 22.3% while it was 8.7%
from non-exposed parents in 1949 to 1950.
For some unknown reason, this figure is not discussed today. Also, in Chernobyl, there are countless
reports on genetic effects not only in former Soviet Union but also various
countries in Europe according to Health Effects of Radiation by IPPNW Germany.
In spite of these
evidence, international radiation protection agencies such as ICRP or UNSCEAR claims
that there is no evidence of genetic effects on human being though it is a
proven fact among animals. This seems to
be quite a political, not scientific way of thinking to say that only
human-beings, even human eggs and sperms can avert radiation genetic
In fact, in literatures of National Institute for
Radiological Science, it clearly states that due to miscarriage, infant cancer
rate is less among fetus compared to infants under the same dose. In another word, death of embryos or fetus
are not even counted under the science of radiology. These scientists are taking advantage of
those who can never raise their voice. I
would call this as a “scientific
Obviously, the rate of infertile women is on the increase among Japanese
women. As a mother of an infant, I have
strong resentment against the inhumane attitude of today’s radiology and radiation protection science.
Post Script
Tokyo University scholors and doctors are always on the side of ICRP and has been criticizing conscience independent scholars such as ECRR or Dr. Bandazhevsky.
For example in below, Associate Professor Keiichi Nakagawa, Tokyo University Hospital has been criticizing the leader of ECRR, Dr. Chris Busby in the above video. In a comic book titled "Love Curie", Dr. Busby is selling expensive suppliment to Japanese people to make money (which is a fabricated story) and he was surrendered by the comic book hero by being poked at his sensitive part! Dr. Nakagawa is the advisor of the contents of this comic book! Shame on Tokyo University!
*Tokyo University is supposed to be the top university in Japan. You will see how corrupt and low level Japanese academic society is...
Post Script
Tokyo University scholors and doctors are always on the side of ICRP and has been criticizing conscience independent scholars such as ECRR or Dr. Bandazhevsky.
For example in below, Associate Professor Keiichi Nakagawa, Tokyo University Hospital has been criticizing the leader of ECRR, Dr. Chris Busby in the above video. In a comic book titled "Love Curie", Dr. Busby is selling expensive suppliment to Japanese people to make money (which is a fabricated story) and he was surrendered by the comic book hero by being poked at his sensitive part! Dr. Nakagawa is the advisor of the contents of this comic book! Shame on Tokyo University!
*Tokyo University is supposed to be the top university in Japan. You will see how corrupt and low level Japanese academic society is...
Dr. Busby-like man laughing through making easy money by selling suppliments
in a comic book titled, "Love Curie"